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Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
? Facebook Watch har haft et hårdt første år
Ads that run in the middle of videos have alienated many users, according to Facebook’s own metrics, one current and two former Facebook employees said. Some media partners have chosen not to renew their deals with Facebook, current and former employees told The Information.
? Facebook eksperimenterer med AR-annoncer
AR = Augmented Reality, hvor man (ved for eksempel at se omverden igennem sin telefons kamera) lægger ekstra lag, grafik eller informationer ovenpå.
Already used as part of a Michael Kors ad campaign that allowed users to “try on” and then purchase sunglasses, the AR ads will be tested by a variety of brands in the fashion accessory, cosmetics, furniture, gaming and entertainment markets. The AR element of the ads uses camera effects so that users can virtually try out different aspects of a product, and then take an action via the ad.
? Facebooks ansigtsgenkendelse kan være privatlivskrænkende
Yet Facebook is taking a huge reputational risk in aggressively pushing the technology at a time when its data-mining practices are under heightened scrutiny in the United States and Europe. Already, more than a dozen privacy and consumer groups, and at least a few officials, argue that the company’s use of facial recognition has violated people’s privacy by not obtaining appropriate user consent.
? Facebooks system blokerer de forkerte (ikke)politiske annoncer
Ads with words like ‘Bush’ and ‘Clinton’ are being taken down because they have been tagged as political ads from non-verified advertisers.
? Q&A: Sådan tjekker Facebook for hate speech
CHRIS COX HAS long been the chief product officer for Facebook. He has also recently been promoted to run product at WhatsApp, Messenger, and Instagram, which means he is effectively in charge of product for four of the six largest social media platforms in the world. He recently sat down with WIRED editor in chief Nicholas Thompson at the Aspen Ideas Festival to talk about the responsibilities and plans of the platforms he helps run.
? Sådan blev NY Times-CEO Facebook-kritiker
As publishers have increasingly found their voice in criticizing Facebook out loud, few have been more vocal than Thompson, who carries a lot of weight as the leader of a storied journalistic institution. In June, Thompson gave a speech in which he described Facebook’s policy of labeling news as political ads as “a threat to democracy.” A few days later, he sparred with Facebook’s head of global news, Campbell Brown, during a panel discussion over the same issue, accusing Facebook of playing into the hands of enemies of high-quality journalism.
? Doctorow: Facebook har et korruptionsproblem
Cory Doctorow har skrevet om Mark Zuckerbergs ‘Empire of Oily Rags’. Her slutter han af med ordene:
Facebook doesn’t have a mind-control problem, it has a corruption problem. Cambridge Analytica didn’t convince decent people to become racists; they convinced racists to become voters.
? Facebook giver forskere dataadgang via tredjepart
Starting today, researchers from around the world can apply for funding and data access that Social Science One will approve—not Facebook. If researchers want to search for something in the platform’s data that could make it look bad—or if they actually find something—Facebook won’t be able to pump the brakes.
? Første Cambridge Analytica-bøde til Facebook
Cambridge Analytica-skandalen rammer for første gang Facebook på pengepungen, efter britisk myndighed har udstedt en bøde til selskabet.
Bødens størrelse er 4,2 millioner kroner, som er det maksimale beløbsstørrelse i den britiske lov. Ifølge The Guardian svarer det til Facebooks omsætning på fem minutter. Loftet på bødestørrelsen blev fastsat i 1998. Under de nye GDPR-regler kunne bøden løbe op på noget, der ligner et milliard-beløb.
? MeWe: Er det besværet værd at bygge et Facebook-alternativ?
Despite all of the above, there are still companies hoping to make their mark in the social networking realm with “Facebook alternatives.” One of those is MeWe, a “next-generation” social network that positions itself as the anti-Facebook: “Your private life is not for sale. No ads. No Spyware. No BS,” its website proclaims.
? Kan man bygge et Facebook-alternativ efter BBC-metoden?
I stedet for at bruge tid og kræfter på kun at tænke i at regulere tech-giganter som Google og Facebook, bør der bygges alternativer efter public service-tanken, mener tidligere næstformand i BBC Trust.
? Misinformation: Facebook og WhatsApp går til akademikere
The messaging platform has opened up an application portal for individuals with established experience studying online interaction and information technologies, as well as from persons seeking to expand their existing research into these areas.
? YouTube poster 25 millioner dollars i tiltag indenfor nyheder
Det svarer til knapt 160 millioner kroner.
YouTube announced it would spend $25 million on news, part of the Google News Initiative that pledged $300 million in March to help the news industry. The money is being used to hire more specialists to support publishers; help publishers build their own video operations; and create a working group with news organizations to come up with new video product features and improve news on YouTube.
? Twitter blokerer mere end 1.000.000 konti om dagen
Twitter’s growing campaign against bots and trolls — coming despite the risk to the company’s user growth — is part of the continuing fallout from Russia’s disinformation offensive during the 2016 presidential campaign, when a St. Petersburg-based troll factory was able to use some of America’s most prominent technology platforms to deceive voters on a mass scale to exacerbate social and political tensions.
? Partnerskaber: Snapchat vil gå videre end de klassiske udgivere
Snap approached Fanbytes after seeing the viewership and engagement it was getting with its publishing channels and its success with sponsored lenses it created for advertisers such as Warner Bros., Sony Music and Deezer. Fanbytes has consistently been able to sell AR lenses, trending on Snapchat’s trending lenses section, Armoo said. Lenses for Warner Music and Deezer each netted more than 1 million views and a branded story Fanbytes created for Sony Music did 1.1 million views with a 92 percent completion rate, Armoo said, citing Snapchat data.
? Vi drukner i falske profiler
To get a sense of the scale of the problem, The New York Times commissioned an analysis to tally the number of impersonators across social media for the 10 most followed people on Instagram, including Beyoncé and Taylor Swift. The analysis, conducted by Social Impostor, a firm that protects celebrities’ names online, found nearly 9,000 accounts across Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pretending to be those 10 people.
Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang eller ny teknologi, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
? Rapportering via chat-apps: Pros & cons
News organizations’ audiences are increasingly moving from public social media to closed or semi-closed platforms like WhatsApp, Discord, and Facebook Groups. But there are still opportunities for good reporting on the communities we cover.
? Udgivere er lunkne overfor korte videoer
[…] Digiday surveyed 111 publishers at Digiday Video Summits in Scottsdale and Amsterdam last month to gauge their optimism around short-form video. Their responses can be described as lukewarm at best, with just 24 percent of publisher respondents saying they are extremely or very optimistic, and 26 percent saying they aren’t.
? Mural: Open source-værktøj til visuelle longform-fortællinger
Compelling pieces such as The New York Times’s “Snowfall” or the Guardian’s “Firestorm” set the trend several years ago, and since then a grammar of visual storytelling, sometimes referred to as “scrollytelling”, has developed. However, creating pieces in this style can require a lot of coding and can prove to be rather expensive.
This is where Mural comes in. Using this tool, you can overlay text on top of video loops or still images, rearrange the sequence of items, add background sounds to still images and export the final product as a ZIP file which can be easily published.
? 4 grunde til, at print stadig er her
- People like engaging with print materials
- Print stimulates more senses
- Different print channels have their own benefits
- Print can truly captivate readers
? Netflix overgår traditionelt tv i USA
Streamingtjenesten Netflix har bidt sig godt fast i de amerikanske seere og ændret tv-vanerne, skriver Politiken.
Ifølge en undersøgelse fra investeringsselskabet Cowen & Co. blandt 2500 amerikanerne er Netflix nu den mest brugte tv-platform i USA.
⬇️ …og lancerer “smart downloads”
[…] the problem with the feature as it stood was that you had to manually download each episode in a series. Not a great deal of friction, to be sure, but it was evidently enough that Netflix has developed a way to automate the process. With “smart downloads,” Netflix will automatically delete an episode when a user finishes watching it and then download the next one.
? Er podcasting ved at nå sit “Netflix-øjeblik”?
If you want see where streaming audio is headed, the current state of streaming video is a good place to start. The business models, content trends, and user features on video platforms such as Netflix and Amazon Prime Video are increasingly making their way to podcast platforms like CastBox and Stitcher.
⛓️ Kan Blockchain redde journalistikken?
Interview med en af grundlæggerne af ‘Civil’:
“It basically creates a game where people will be able to vote for who gets to publish their news on the platform,” she added. “If somebody wants to come in, and it’s ‘fake news’ or whatever we want to call it, they can vote them off the registry. It’s creating a list, essentially, of people who’ve been vetted, who’ve been verified, who are adhering to a code of ethics, and that is the Civil constitution, essentially.”
✋ Amerikansk lovforslag mod drone-journalistik
Imagine if a news photographer at a football game had to get permission from every single person in the stadium before taking a single shot — or else face hundreds of civil lawsuits. That’s what new model legislation wants to bring to public airspace.
Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
? 7 tips til dig, der vil have Google-penge
Louis Dumoulin, head of UK office at CosaVostra, shares his experiences applying for Google’s Digital News Initiative fund (DNI)
? Mere end 11.000 betaler for nyhedsbreve på Substack-platformen
Godt nyt til dem, der vil tjene penge på nyhedsbreve. Det kan lade sig gøre 🙂
On average, they’re paying just under $80 per year. About 40 or so indie publishers with paid offerings are making what Substack calls “meaningful money.”
? 14 millioner abonnerer på The New York Times’ nyhedsbreve
The Times’s newsletter subscribers, whether they’re looking for a concierge, a friend, a guide to the Trump administration or a lighthearted essay to wake up with, total more than 14 million. The 55 newsletters they currently subscribe to strike topics including the day’s biggest news, commentary on social issues, cooking and much more. Newsletters can be a way to streamline news coverage and separate what’s consequential from what’s trending.
? Sådan nåede The Times 500.000 abonnenter
The Times has introduced relevant articles based on reading history into half of the content served in its daily email, The Best of The Times, which registered-access users are automatically subscribed to when they sign up. Over the next year, it plans to make personalization more automated.
? The Washington Post vil finde de perfekte steder til annoncer i podcasts
AdExchanger reports that the company’s Research, Experimentation, and Development (RED) team has put together a “dynamic ad insertion” tool, called Rhapsocord, that “identifies places to put in ads, automatically inserts them and then sends the file to different podcast platforms.”
? Sådan arbejder The Telegraph med succeskriterier for native annoncer
If post-campaign research shows the content hasn’t lived up to those expectations, then the client gets the media value as a percentage back. Rather than charging extra, this is included in the service price.
? Smarte højttalere spås stor fremgang mod 2020
According to Canalys, the number of smart speakers in use will come close to 100 million by the end of 2018, up from under 50 million at the end of 2017. Canalys predicts the market will more than double again to hit 225 million units by 2020.
Og Apple lander på en fjern tredjeplads, ser det ud til.
? Amazons indtog på annoncemarkedet skaber bekymring
Google knows what consumers are interested in, and Facebook knows who you are. But Amazon has what many in the advertising industry regard as the most important piece of the puzzle: what people buy. And the e-commerce giant is starting to capitalize on that data in a big way.
“Amazon as a business doesn’t like the middleman,” Colburn said. “And agencies are the middleman.”
? The New York Times vil undgå bureauerne
The newspaper started moving its media buying in house more than a year ago, and accelerated the process with the hire of Janis Huang as managing director, marketing and media strategy in July 2017. Huang, whose resume includes DigitasLBi, Mindshare, Hall & Partners and Draftfcb, oversees the Times’ in-house 20-person media team, with a focus on growing digital subscriptions and increasing the Times’ awareness with new audiences. In that time, the Times has scaled back its use of agencies from more than 10. It’s almost doubled the amount of media it manages and now buys nearly 90 percent of its media itself.
? Annonce-targeting i vækst – til trods for GDPR
Six weeks after the arrival of the General Data Protection Regulation, spending on retargeting is rising, according to several advertising executives. In the case of three of those executives, who all spoke to Digiday on condition of anonymity, brands cut spend on prospecting campaigns but continued to retarget ads in the wake of the regulation being enforced.
? Målret annoncerne med Google-AI
The tools were unveiled at a Google Marketing Live event. In a blog post, Google exec Jerry Dischler explained that the growing complexity of platforms, particularly mobile, were far outstripping the ability of marketers to design ad campaigns.
Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
? “Glad UX”: Lær af legendarisk spildesigner
Eventually, those UX elements stack into explosive sensory overload, but during the design process, it starts as simply as possible. Miz’s team pares the interactions down to see if they’re even just a little enjoyable before designing them into a game, scrubbing them of color or animated flourish. If so, that’s when the design team layers on the audio-visual sprinkles–the satisfying glimmers, sparkles, or explosions–to see how far they can increase the fun factor via UX.
? 18 mio. dollars til AI, der automatiserer marketing-kampagner
It’s against this backdrop that Albert Technologies is setting out to disrupt the digital marketing sphere with an AI platform that automatically generates campaigns for brands around the world. This week, Albert announced that it has raised a fresh $18 million in funding from institutional investors that include Schroder Investment Management, Hargreave Hale, and Old Mutual Global Investors. The round adds to an initial $42 million the company raised at its 2015 London IPO, back when it was known as Adgorithms.
⚡ Sådan laver du et “performance audit” i Firefox
Dette er i den mere tekniske afdeling. Hvis du arbejder med websites performance, er det selvsagt vigtigt at kunne måle, hvordan et givent website performer. De klart bedste værktøjer til det formål sidder pt. i Googles Chrome-browser – og det skyldes blandt andet, at det er dem, der bliver talt og skrevet mest om.
Her er en guide til, hvordan du gør i Firefox Developer Tools.
? Nvidia renser fotografier med AI
Nvidia (der producerer grafikkort) lever i øvrigt fantastisk godt af det faktum, at meget kunstig intelligens bruger den GPU-chip, der sidder på firmaets kort.
Researchers from Nvidia, MIT, and Aalto University are using artificial intelligence to reduce noise in photos. The team used 50,000 images from the ImageNet dataset to train its AI system for reconstructing photos, and the system is able to remove noise from an image even though it has never seen the image without noise.
? VR: Magic Leap One lanceres til sommer
Following four years of development, Magic Leap announced today that it will begin shipping the Magic Leap One Creator Edition to developers this summer — a window that began on June 21, 2018 and will end on September 22, 2018.
Foto: / Pexels