Overblik: Digital Ugerevy for uge 29, 2018

Mit navn er Lars, og jeg arbejder som leder af produktudvikling hos Infomedia.

Hver uge deler jeg en opsamling på noget af det mest interessante, jeg er faldet over indenfor digital udvikling og forretning i og omkring mediebranchen.

Det betyder, at du sparer tid: Du behøver ikke læse en masse artiker og nyhedsbreve for at holde dig opdateret.

Tak fordi, du læser med.



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Du får kun én mail om ugen – det lover jeg.





Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.


? Facebook blokerer endnu et analysefirma

As part of its ongoing mission to close the barn doors after the cows have got out, Facebook has suspended the accounts of British data analytics firm Crimson Hexagon over concerns that it may be improperly handling user data.



? Zuckerberg om Facebooks vildeste år hidtil

Recodes Kara Swisher (der er svær at undgå, hvis du interesserer dig for journalistikkens og mediernes udvikling) har taget en snak med Mark Zuckerberg og skrevet en længere sag om det:

Zuckerberg: The Recode interview


? Mange kender ikke til Facebook-algoritmen

Det er langt fra almen viden, hvordan nyhedshistorierne, der dukker op i Facebook-brugernes nyheds-feed, udvælges. Det viser den danske del af undersøgelsen Reuters Digital News Report 2018, skriver Jyllands-Posten.



? Vores nyhedslæsning præges af Fake News – og algoritmeændringer


Debatten om “fake news” har bidraget til, at færre danskere læser nyheder på sociale medier, mener forsker.

[…] ”Den anden grund er, at Facebook har lavet nogle justeringer i udvælgelsen af nyheder. Den gør, at der kommer færre nyheder i vores “news feed,” siger han.



✔️ Titusindevis af folk tager brugerundersøgelser på Facebook hver uge


In a blog post explaining ways in which it collects user feedback, Facebook says that tens of thousands of its users opt in to take the company’s user research surveys every week on the platform. The responses to surveys are among the feedback methods that inform company decisions around product updates and ranking algorithms.

Marketing Land



? Procedurer forsinker Messenger-chatbots


Any delays in launching apps in Messenger could affect the timing of brands’ marketing campaigns. The process to approve an application used to take just a few days, said Mr. Beckman and other developers. Mr. Beckman’s company has created 25 chatbots in the past year, he estimated, for clients including the NBA, StubHub and Sports Illustrated. The new process took more than a month in total, including a review of both the app and the business itself, leading the company to launch the app after the start of the World Cup.

The Information



? Facebook sætter fart på AI-forskning


Facebook will dramatically accelerate its research into artificial intelligence, its chief AI scientist said Tuesday, in hopes of ensuring the social network doesn’t fall behind with the technology it will need to contend with Internet rivals and police its gargantuan audience.

The Washington Post


? Facebook beklager, at stødende indhold ikke blev fjernet


Facebook has responded to allegations that emerged over the weekend claiming the company turns a blind eye to controversial Pages if they have a lot of followers — because they generate a lot of revenue.



The Verge skriver: Undercover Facebook moderator was instructed not to remove fringe groups or hate speech


? Ny Facebook Ads Manager gør det lettere at lave annoncer til mobilen


When creating an ad on a mobile device, brands can now include text overlays, stickers, logos or color filters. There is also an image cropper and a text policy checker that will alert the advertiser if the amount of copy in the ad exceeds Facebook’s advertising guidelines.



?️ Facebook måler dit åndedræt

Det er angiveligt for at verificere, at du er et menneske, og ikke en robot – men det er stadig lidt creepy:

hen you sign up for Facebook on your phone, the app isn’t just giving you the latest updates and photos from your friends and family. In the background, it’s utilizing the phone’s gyroscope to detect subtle movements that come from breathing. It’s measuring how quickly you tap on the screen, and even looking at what angle the phone is being held.



?? Cambridge Analytica-data blev tilgået fra Rusland


Damian Collins, the Conservative MP leading a British parliamentary investigation into online disinformation, told CNN that a British investigation found evidence that the data, collected by Professor Aleksandr Kogan on behalf of Cambridge Analytica, had been accessed from Russia and other countries. The discovery was made by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), Britain’s data protection authority, Collins said.



⏸️ Twitter sætter brugerverificering på pause


Twitter’s head of product says his team is pausing work on the Bluecheck/Verification process to focus on the health of the app ahead of elections.

Marketing Land


? Partnerskaber: Snapchat vil have indholdet ud over sin egen platform


Snapchat is partnering with Storyful, NewsWhip, SAM Desk and Tagboard — all news-focused platforms used by journalists and media organizations — to open up news-related content for wider distribution.

Marketing Land


? Sådan når The Telegraph teenagere via Snapchat Discover


One year after launching its presence on Snapchat, the publisher attracts one million daily viewers aged 13 to 24. And yes, they read news



⏪ Influencer-markedet ligner annoncemarkedet anno 2012


The influencer marketing landscape increasingly looks like the ad network landscape circa 2012 when countless companies claimed to sell ads across a lot of the same sites. […] an executive at a social marketing company that sells influencer marketing to advertisers said that influencer networks, ad agencies and talent management firms often claim to represent the same talent, which can hurt the influencers’ reputation with advertisers.


Også fra Digiday: Wary of fake followers, agencies change how they charge for influencer ad campaigns




Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang eller ny teknologi, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.


? Den lange hale: Sådan bruger The Conversation sine arkiver

Solution Set, der kigger på, hvordan forskellige personer og organisationer i mediebranchen konkret løser problemer og udfordringer er nærmest altid værd at læse. Og denne om brug af arkiver (en udfordring mange medier står med) er ingen undtagelse:

“We have both a commitment to surfacing evergreen content and a commitment to surfacing archival material,” he said. “Evergreen in part on our own social media and archival both for ourselves and for our republisher network. Over two-thirds of our traffic is from other sites republishing our content.”

Solution Set


? Kan konstruktiv journalistik give mere engagerede læsere?


Overlapping with solutions journalism, constructive journalism aims to focus on more positive aspects of the stories being covered. Far from meaning journalists should gloss over issues in favour of fluff, this practice aims to present a fuller, more accurate picture by also highlighting solutions to the problems highlighted by the news agenda.



? The Washington Post starter en kanal på Twitch


The Post had been watching Twitch for a while because it has a big, untapped video audience. Per the platform, it has 15 million daily active users and it reportedly has 1 million views at any given time. (Twitch is also owned by Amazon, which happens to share an owner with The Washington Post.) Its decision to launch a channel was validated when it broadcast Mark Zuckerberg’s hearings on Capitol Hill in April and got 380,000 viewers the first day and 1.5 million views in all on its top clip that day.



Nieman Lab har også skrevet om WaPo på Twitch.


? Google News-algoritmen fejlede under Helsinki topmødet


The fact that Google News thinks the four most important stories about the summit all come from or are based on Fox News is just stunning. Especially considering that the fallout from the press conference included criticism of Trump from conservative voices like Bob CorkerLindsey Graham and John McCain.

Nieman Lab


? Netflix misser sit eget mål


[…] Reed Hastings and company missed their second-quarter numbers by delivering 5.2 million new subscribers instead of the 6.2 million they had forecast.

Wall Street reacted by pushing shares down 14 percent, wiping out more than $25 billion in market cap. Netflix investors are used to big price swings, but still. That’s a big price swing.



Det er dog kun “a blip as epic battle with HBO looms”, skriver VentureBeat.


Digiday skriver, at Netflix nu kigger på international vækst.





Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.


? BuzzFeed skiller de “rigtige” nyheder ud på sit eget site


[…] it’s always been confusing to readers, where the boundary of “cat listicles” BuzzFeed ends and BuzzFeed News begins; BuzzFeed says its own internal research backs this up.

Nieman Lab


Fast Company kalder det nye design “sofistikeret”.


? …og dropper ‘native’-annoncer


BuzzFeed has been on a mission to diversify away from direct-sold advertising. And nowhere is that more evident than on its new BuzzFeed News site.



? Gør dine læsere mere engagerede: Tips til en strategi for nyhedsbreve


From RSS to curation to social media it became easy to overlook the humble newsletter, but doing so means doing yourself a severe disservice.

At newsrewired, we gathered a panel with representatives from organisations known for their high quality and popular newsletters, chaired by Federica Cherubini, international head of knowledge sharing at Condé Nast International.

The article is a compilation of the various strategies, approaches, experiences and tips from the panel.



? Mediestøtte kan presse branchemedier


Der skal stilles større krav til bredden i indholdet hos de medier, der fremover skal gøre sig fortjent til statens mediestøtte. Det er ét af de elementer, der indgår i medieforliget, der blev forhandlet på plads af de tre regeringspartier og Dansk Folkeparti i slutningen af juni.



✋ Annoncer: Amazon går direkte til virksomheder, udenom bureauer


But working directly with big brands for bigger media buys, without agencies in the process, is a new phenomenon for Amazon. The company is increasingly sending its burgeoning sales team to directly meet with marketers and chief marketing officers, according to people familiar with the matter.





Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.


? Kæmpe Android-bøde fra EU til Google

Den lyder på 5 milliarder dollars (~32 milliarder kroner).

Antitrust regulators ruled that Google had inappropriately used Android to force handset makers to include the search giant’s own apps, giving it an unfair advantage over competitors in an attempt to extend its search engine dominance from desktop to mobile.



“Don’t Expect Big Changes From Europe’s Record Google Fine”, skriver Wired.


The Verge skriver, at bøden er “too little, too late”.


The Verge skriver også, at Google vil appellere bøden, som de mener presser forretningsmodellen for Android, som måske ikke vil forblive gratis.



?️ Adobe på vej med fuld Photoshop til iPad


The software developer is planning to unveil the new app at its annual MAX creative conference in October, according to people with knowledge of the plan. The app is slated to hit the market in 2019, said the people, who asked not to be identified discussing private product plans. Engineering delays could still alter that timeline.

Fast Company


? Link-baren: En oplagt ledsager til hamburger-menuen?


Recent AB tests we’ve done suggest that many ecommerce sites could see an increase in mobile conversion rate by adding a “bar” of navigation links at the top of their mobile homepage, instead of relying solely on the hamburger menu.

Growth Rock


Foto: Digital Buggu  / Pexels


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