Overblik: Digital Ugerevy for uge 30, 2018

Mit navn er Lars, og jeg arbejder som leder af produktudvikling hos Infomedia.

Hver uge deler jeg en opsamling på noget af det mest interessante, jeg er faldet over indenfor digital udvikling og forretning i og omkring mediebranchen.

Det betyder, at du sparer tid: Du behøver ikke læse en masse artiker og nyhedsbreve for at holde dig opdateret.

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? Ugerevyen går på ferie

Dette er den sidste opsamling inden ferien. Planen er, at Digital Ugerevy vender tilbage i uge 34. Vi ses der ✌️





Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.


? Virkeligheden rammer Facebook-aktien

Hvis man (som nogle investorer) gik og troede, at Facebook tjener så mange penge, at de mange nye tiltag for at holde platformen fri for had, racisme og andet ikke ville påvirke firmaet, har man taget fejl.

In announcing results for the second quarter, Facebook said that not only will it cost much more to harden the platform than Wall Street was expecting, but also that it expects revenue growth to slow through at least the end of 2019. Translation: Facebook will be a much less profitable company for the next several years.



And no wonder. The company’s financial results, and especially its glimpse into a more pessimistic financial future, were utter disaster for investors. If what the company predicts comes to pass, the internet’s best combination of fast revenue growth and plump profit margins is dead. All at once, it seemed, reality finally caught up to Facebook.



CNN opsummerer det i én sætning: Facebook ‘puts privacy first’ and stock plunges 20%


annoncørerne er dog stadig ombord, skriver MarTech Today.

Is Facebook invincible? Apparently not! skriver Recode.


? Twitter er også ramt


 Twitter stock performed its own high dive on Friday, following Facebook earlier this week, by falling 20% despite a second quarter result that was mostly better than expected.

The Information


? Twitter og Facebook gør det rigtige 

Det er den rigtige strategi, at prioritere platformene over Wall Street, mener VentureBeat:

Facebook and Twitter experienced double-digit stock declines this week after reporting earnings that Wall Street didn’t like. Here’s a headline that summarizes what’s happening with both companies: “Facebook/Twitter prioritize fixing platform over user growth, shares plunge.”



? Robot-faktatjek på vej på Facebook


Facebook har netop annonceret, at man vil bruge machine-learning til at stoppe spredningen af falske informationer på det sociale medie op til valg. Teknologien bliver implementeret i år.



? Facebook lancerer social video-visning i grupper


The tool lets multiple users watch and comment on the same video in Facebook Groups simultaneously

Marketing Land


? Lukkede Facebook-grupper: Går journalister glip af noget?

In a talk at Journalism.co.uk’s newsrewired event, he outlined his findings about closed Facebook Groups, WhatsApp groups, Discord and Reddit. Listen to highlights from his research in this week’s podcast.

Lyt hos Journalism.co.uk


? Indenfor i Facebooks “marketer advisory”-grupper


Today, it has four separate marketer councils — one for clients and media buyers, one for creatives, one for measurement and one for small businesses. Discussions these days tend to be about brand safety, the U.S. presidential election, and third-party data, a far cry from Facebook needing to prove that it’s a worthwhile place to spend media dollars.



? Fake News-medie lever videre på Facebook


YourNewsWire is one of the most popular fake news publishers in the world. The website, run by two men in Los Angeles, regularly pumps out hoaxes and conspiracy theories. It has promoted the Pizzagate conspiracy theory and has been the subject of a glossy profile by The Hollywood Reporter.

And despite being debunked at least 80 times, and having its posts fact-checked as false through Facebook’s fact-checking partnership at least 45 times, YourNewsWire is still publishing on the platform — amassing hundreds of thousands of engagements each month.



⌛ YouTube tilføjer “time well spent”-funktioner

En af de hotte emner lige nu er, at den tid, vi bruger på sociale medier skal være brugt ordentlig i stedet for bare at være rigtig, rigtig meget af vores liv. YouTube er nu med på den, skriver Marketing Land:

The YouTube app is getting a time well spent feature that was first launched on its Kids app, as well as two new options designed to limit distracting notifications. The latest updates aim to build on Google’s support of digital well being. Questions remain whether these increasingly popular options to give users more insight and control into their daily habits on mobile devices and the apps will impact marketers.

Marketing Land


Sådan bruger The Economist Instagram


Ria Jones, digital and social media picture editor, The Economist, explains the key factors that helped the publisher grow its Instagram community



? Og derfor er Politiken og Berlingske på Instagram


Flere af de danske medier lægger kræfter i det sociale medie Instagram, selvom en undersøgelse viser, at brugerne sjældent får deres nyheder ad den vej. Ifølge to store dagblade er det ikke antallet af klik, der afgør deres Instagram-tilstedeværelse.



? 177%: Der er gang i annonce-salget på Instagram


Ad spend on Instagram grew four times that of Facebook year over year, while YouTube advertisers spent nearly triple what they did last year

Marketing Land


?️ Twitter strammer API’et


Twitter is following through on its commitment to improve the health of its platform. Tuesday, the company announced that all new requests to access the company’s API platform will be required to apply for a developer account. It is also restricting the default number of apps registered to a single account to 10 and limiting app-level rate limits for Tweets, Likes, Follows and Direct Messages.



VentureBeat skriver, at Twitter har fjernet 143.000 apps de seneste tre måneder.


? Læs om TV 2 Østjyllands arbejde med Snapchat


Siden sommeren 2016 har TV 2 Østjylland leveret nyheder til de helt unge via Snapchat. Ifølge lokalkanalens leder for sociale medier har kanalen et ansvar som public service-medie, når det kommer til at give nyheder til de unge.



? Snapchat lukker Snapcash


Snapchat is shuttering Snapcash, the feature that makes it possible for payments to be sent between users via the app. While it was focused on user-to-user payments, many in the industry speculated that it would be the jump-off point for Snapchat to build out a broader e-commerce platform for brands.

Marketing Land


?️ LinkedIn opdaterer Campaign Manager til store kampagner


LinkedIn has overhauled its Campaign Manager, giving it a redesigned interface and building out its back end to load data faster. The refreshed tool, announced Thursday, is designed to offer a more intuitive experience for marketers running multiple campaigns on the platform, with one-click breakdowns of campaign data and personalization options around what reports they see.

Marketing Land




Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang eller ny teknologi, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.


? Så er der uddelt Google-penge!

Det er altid en stor begivenhed i mediebranchen, når Google uddeler penge fra deres Digital News Initiative. I denne omgang er der kun en dansk modtager:

Et nyt projekt under Mediehuset Ingeniøren, der skal udvikle personaliseret push af indhold, har fået støtte fra Google Digital News Initiative. Samlet er mere end 21 mio. euro fordelt på 98 europæiske medieprojekter.


Ifølge MediaWatch modtager Ingeniøren 150.000 euro (ca. 1,2 millioner kroner). I alt blev der uddelt 21 millioner euro (ca. 156,6 millioner kroner), og du kan læse lidt mere om det hos Journalism.co.uk.


Du kan se den fulde liste af modtagere, og du kan læse lidt mere om Ingeniørens projekt:

The project aims to use individual feedback loops between users’ interaction with content and user curation of data to create an automated, personalised push of high quality journalism and relevant career opportunities.


? Sådan arbejder BBC med prototyper i jagten på nye fortælleformater

Det her må nærmest være pligtlæsning, hvis du arbejder med digital udvikling i mediebranchen:

A highlight in an article that reveals context when it’s clicked. A video with a scrollable transcript that speeds up or reverses the video, too. A movie trailer–like intro, drawing readers into the setup of the story. Which ones worked?

Nieman Lab


? Googles AMP Stories er nu i version 1.0


Following on the introduction of AMP Stories for publishers in February, the AMP team has announced several updates to AMP Stories, including monetization capabilities. Version 1.0 of AMP Stories is now available to all developers, no whitelisting needed.

Marketing Land




Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.


? Medier gør ikke meget for at markedsføre deres egne produkter

Nok ikke den store overraskelse…


Only 16 percent of publishers dedicate more than a quarter of their marketing budget to promoting their own products.

Forty-seven percent of publishers don’t spend anything to advertise their products.



? Coalition for Better Ads har fået sløj start i Europa


Advancements have been hampered by lack of resource. The coalition has 51 members and 81 affiliate trade association members globally, but sources say those working on behalf of the organization number between five and 10 across different trade bodies or member groups, which might not dedicate all their time to it. […] Although Stu Ingis, partner at law firm Venable who coordinates the CBA, said adding resources in Europe is a natural part of the coalition’s evolution as it aims to broaden engagement with its mission to improve the online ad experience.



? Sådan fik Minneapolis Star Tribune 55.000 digital abonnenter


Over the past year, the newspaper known locally as the Strib has grown its digital subscriber base 30 percent to 55,000; a basic digital sub costs $3.79 per week. It’s gotten there by targeting different kinds of readers on Facebook, giving registered readers a lighter ad experience and increasing its service journalism.



? Jagt på flere abonnenter: The Economist redesigner Big Mac-indexet


“We had a feeling The Big Mac Index was being used in academia to explain [purchasing-power parity] to economics pupils, we want to engage with students and help explain complex issues to those who don’t yet have an account,” said Alex Selby-Boothroyd, The Economist’s head of data journalism.



? Ads.cert: Nyt tiltag, der skal sikre tillid i handlen med digitale annoncer

Måske kender du allerede ‘Ads.txt’-tiltaget, hvor medier lægger en tekstfil på deres server, der lister de virksomheder, der må sælge mediets annonceplaceringer. Nu kommer der endnu en foranstaltning:

“The most fundamental loophole in ads.txt, beside the lack of support for mobile app inventory, is the need to trust, not that others are validating [against publishers’ ads.txt files] but that they’re not complicit in the fraud,” said Curt Larson, chief product officer at ad tech firm Sharethrough and member of the IAB Tech Lab’s OpenRTB working group.



Samtidig ser det godt ud for ads.txt. Der er opnået kritisk masse, skriver Digiday.


? Bloomberg forsøger at gentænke display-annoncen


Bloomberg Media is the latest publisher to try to breathe new life into the display ad with a new ad format it calls Ad.apt that takes an advertiser’s basic assets like a video and headline and turns them into one of four ad variations, showcasing video, data or related Bloomberg news articles. It also tailors the ad to viewers based on their browsing history.





Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.


? 10 måneder senere: Ny Android er på 10%

Det går ikke ligefrem ekstremt hurtigt med udbredelsen af nye Android-versioner til Android-telefonerne i markedet:

Like its predecessor Android Nougat, Android Oreo took 10 months to hit double digits, five months after breaking the 1 percent barrier. In other words, the latest Android version is not being adopted much faster than previous versions.



?️ Læs om Legos Amazon-stemme-strategi


Lego has already launched two Alexa Skills within the last eight months. The second debuted in May as an interactive storytelling service for children aged 2 to 5. While it’s too soon to share feedback, the toymaker is already thinking about how similar services might look as podcasts or audiobooks on Alexa and beyond.



? Smarte højttalere er hot stuff hos nyhedsmedier


Home voice assistants or smart speakers are still in their infancy as a consumer and revenue proposition, but publishers are stepping up their efforts to hire and create content for them anyway, seeing the rapid adoption rate of Amazon Echo, Google Home and their kin and the the fact that people are using them more over time.



Og lidt mere om den tendens:

Report: Smart speaker ownership driving voice adoption on smartphones
But 38% also said they bought a smart speaker ‘to reduce screen time’

Marketing Land


? Hør Steve Jobs tale om lanceringen af App Store

In the summer of 2008, I got an unusual invitation: Steve Jobs, then Apple’s chief executive officer, wanted me, then a Wall Street Journal reporter, to come to Apple headquarters to hear how well a fledgling online service for the iPhone—the App Store—did in its first month in business. Even more unusual, he allowed me to record our meeting.

The Information


Foto:  Ian Espinosa / Unsplash


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