Digital Ugerevy: Uge 41, 2018

Mit navn er Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder som leder af produktudvikling hos Infomedia.

Hver uge deler jeg en opsamling på noget af det mest interessante, jeg er faldet over indenfor digital udvikling og forretning i og omkring mediebranchen.

Det betyder, at du sparer tid: Du behøver ikke læse en masse artikler og nyhedsbreve for at holde dig opdateret.

Tak fordi, du læser med.


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Du får kun én mail om ugen – det lover jeg.




↓ Here we go ↓



Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.


? Google lukker Google+ efter datalæk


Google opdagede sikkerhedsbrud, der påvirker mindst 500.000 personer, sidste forår, men holdte oplysningerne skjult af frygt for sammenligninger med Facebook, skriver The Wall Street Journal.

Version2 →


Læs også:

Oplysningerne om flere hundrede tusinde brugere på Googles sociale netværk Google+ har været tilgængelige for uvedkommende i flere år. Google har ikke oplyst sine brugere om fejlen

MediaWatch →

Google is going to shut down the consumer version of Google+ over the next 10 months, the company writes in a blog post today. The decision follows the revelation of a previously undisclosed security flaw that exposed users’ profile data that was remedied in March 2018.

The Verge →

But crucially, there’s no evidence that it actually was used to see private data, and given the thin user base, it’s not clear how much non-public data there really was to see. The API was theoretically accessible to anyone who asked, but only 432 people actually applied for access (again, it’s Google+), so it’s plausible that none of them ever thought of using it this way.

The Verge →


? Rapport: Medier foretrækker stadig Facebook


Although many news organisations are frustrated by Facebook’s algorithm changes and limited direct monetisation opportunities, they still concentrate their resources on the platform for social media distribution and audience engagement, the latest study from The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism has found. →


❓ Kan Facebooks ‘Today in’ hjælpe medierne?


“Today In” aggregates articles from local publishers, as well as what it calls “less-formal” sources of information such as local page posts, events, current discussions, school announcements and interest groups. Users can opt into a digest that appears in their news feeds, or access the section through the app’s main menu.

Marketing Land →


? Tre nye lanceringer fra Facebook


I seneste udgave af Helt Digitals nyhedsbrev (jeg kan desværre ikke finde et link til det pågældende nyhedsbrev, men jeg vil anbefale dig at abonnere), kan du læse om tre nye lanceringer fra Facebook:


  1. Facebook Creative Compass: Verktøy som forutser effekten av ulike Facebook-annonser før de publiseres. Kun tilgjengelig for Facebooks markedspartnere.

  2. Facebook Marketing Consultants: Muligheten for enkeltpersoner (ikke bare bedrifter) å bli markedspartnere. Første runde kommer fra USA, Storbritannia, Frankrike og Tyskland.

  3. Facebook Pro: Nytt program som retter seg mot mindre byrå for å inkludere dem Facebook Marketing Partners.



? 11 Facebook-opdateringer, du skal kende inden 2019


Og det er “opdateringer” som i produktopdateringer ikke statusopdateringer ?

The fine folks at Facebook have released some great updates we should look forward to in the coming months – updates we should keep in mind when planning our 2019 strategies. To help keep you up to date, here are eleven new Facebook updates that you need to know about for 2019.

Social Media Today →


? Facebook lancerer ‘Platform’ – en skærm til dit hjem


As Facebook works to contain the fallout from its biggest-ever data breach, the company is introducing a product that will bring a camera and microphone into your living room. Facebook Portal, and the larger Portal Plus, are smart displays that are laser-focused on video chatting.

The Verge →

Læs også:

Marketers are on the sidelines, for now. As with most news around voice, marketers see opportunity — even if they don’t quite know what that is yet.

Marketing Land →


? Instagram jagter mobning med Machine Learning


Fra et blogindlæg af den nye Instagram-boss, Adam Mosseri:

While the majority of photos shared on Instagram are positive and bring people joy, occasionally a photo is shared that is unkind or unwelcome. We are now using machine learning technology to proactively detect bullying in photos and their captions and send them to our Community Operations team to review.

Instagram Info Center →


? Instagram Analytics: 5 målinger, du skal kende har begået en artikel om Instagram Analytics, hvor du lærer om fem målestørrelser, du bør kende:

  1. Follower growth
  2. Audience demographics
  3. Website clicks
  4. Reach
  5. Engagement rate


? YouTube slår ned på kopiindhold


YouTube quietly announced in its help forums that it has begun cracking down on YouTube channels that take already-produced videos and reuploading them to their channels. YouTube said it has seen a serious issue with some channels producing “duplicative content” and is thus removed these types of channels, allowing them to reapply in 30 days if they want to rejoin the video platform.

Marketing Land →


? Bruger journalister for meget tid på Twitter?


We hypothesize that Twitter affects journalists’ news judgment, impacting coverage decisions. To test this, we conducted an online survey experiment on working US journalists (N = 212). We find that journalists who use Twitter less in their work discount news they see on the platform, potentially causing them to dismiss information that many of their colleagues identify as newsworthy.

SAGE journals →


? Snapchat satser på originalt indhold med ‘Originals’


Snap Originals will encompass Snapchat’s existing original shows, like political news series “Good Luck America,” as well as a new slate of scripted and documentary series that will begin to premiere on Snapchat on Oct. 10 and mark the platform’s entry into TV-like programming.

Digiday →


? Hvad er CEO’ens rolle på sociale medier?


According to a recent study by Sprout Social, when it comes to a CEO’s social media activity, people most value being shown the reasoning behind decisions. They are also interested in industry thought leadership and behind the scene glimpses of how an organization works.

Social Media Today →



Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang eller ny teknologi, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.


? Overblik over fyringerne i DR


Egentlig ligger nedskæringerne i Danmarks Radio udenfor denne opsamlings område (nye medier og teknologi), men det kommer formentlig til at have stor betydning for hele branchen.

Derfor får du her nogle artikler, der kan give dig overblikket:


? Altinget lancerer dataprojekt betalt af Google-penge


“Kend dit Folketing” er navnet på et nyt værktøj, som bl.a. Altinget står bag. Det skal give brugere overblik over Folketingets arbejde, skriver Altinget.

MediaWatch →


? Nyt nichemedie fra Ingeniøren


Mindre end en måned efter seneste udvidelse, sender mediehuset Ingeniøren endnu et nichemedie i markedet. Denne gang om fremtidens industriløsninger under titlen Industrytech. Det skriver Ingeniøren.

MediaWatch →


? Kan man stole på Apples podcast-lister?


Several people expressed suspicions of a dramatic increase in chart manipulation campaigns. They were talking about those scams in which unscrupulous characters use or pay (via marketplaces like Fiverr) for automated scripts that rapidly trigger Apple Podcast platform interactions in order to artificially vault their shows up the charts.

Nieman Lab →

Ifølge Apple Insider er Apple angiveligt bekendt med manipulation af podcast-listerne.


? Journalister er afhængige af Microsoft Word


Et fantastisk emne at tage op:

Journalism is just one of the many industries debating its continuing relationship with Word. But unlike most industries, we let this debate play out within our work. Writers have been calling for an end to Word for more than a decade now, from Virginia Heffernan in the New York Times to Tom Scocca here in Slate.

Slate →


▶️ Viaplay er med i dansk Google Home


Nordic Entertainment Groups streamingtjeneste har indgået et samarbejde med Google, der betyder, at brugerne kan styre Viaplay via Googles intelligente højtaler, der lanceres i Danmark senere på måneden.

MediaWatch →


? 43% af alle video-apps bliver forladt efter en måned


Media consumers are increasingly turning to their mobile devices for video content, but new research from the mobile marketing and engagement platform CleverTap suggests there is still work to be done when it comes to churn and user retention.

MediaPost →


? Rygte: Apple vil give originalt videoindhold væk


Seven years ago, Walter Isaacson wrote that Apple founder Steve Jobs told him he’d “cracked” the code on bringing television into the digital age.

Seven years later, the world is still waiting. But Apple’s not giving up, even if it isn’t revolutionizing the industry.




Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.


? Abonnementer: Sådan bruger The New York Times T-shirts og ture


A year ago, the Times relaunched The New York Times Store with a focus on Times branded- and Times-inspired items like T-shirts, framed historic front pages and a personalized Times cookbook. Subscribers get 15 percent off their purchases.

Digiday →

Læs også: “The Time Will Come When This Is a Digital-Only News Organization”: A.G. Sulzberger, Sam Dolnick, and David Perpich Open Up About Succession, Trump, and the Eventual End of Print [Vanity Fair]


? Sådan balancerer The Washington Post annoncører og abonnenter


As part of its big subscription push, The Washington Post is trying to make sure people don’t run into anything that might keep them from subscribing — including their ads.

The key weapon in this battle is The Post’s User Lab. The lab is an entity of vp Beth Diaz’ audience development and analytics team. For years it mostly focused on testing editorial and product features with users.

Digiday →




Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.


?? Conde Nast-chef: EU bør satse på oversættelser


“You can’t reach more than 20 percent of the EU’s population in any one of these languages, if you want to reach people in their native language. Even in English, as the most common second language, you can’t reach more than 50 percent of the EU. The one thing we are missing is translation. I suggested the EU makes the fast development of neural machine translation one of their flagship technology projects.”

Digiday →


? Vigtigste nyt fra Googles hardware-præsentation


Months of leaks were finally confirmed at the Pixel 3 event today in New York City where Google just unveiled its newest flagship Android phone and a few new devices, including the Pixel Slate and Google Home Hub. Unlike a typical Google event, the company announced its new lineup at the top of the hour and made the products immediately available for preorder before the event even concluded. Here’s all the biggest news that was announced today.

The Verge →

Læs også: Google Pixel Event Highlights: Pixel 3, Home Hub, Pixel Slate, Chromecast [Wired]


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