Digital Ugerevy: Uge 48, 2018

Mit navn er Lars K Jensen, og hver uge deler jeg en opsamling på noget af det mest interessante, jeg er faldet over indenfor digital udvikling og forretning i og omkring mediebranchen.

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Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.


? Facebook lancerer sin lokale nyhedstjeneste i US


Facebook has a new area of its app it will have to police for fake news and biased sensationalism. Facebook is launching“Today In”, its local news aggregator itbegan testingin January, in 400 small to medium-sized US cities. It’s also now testing it in its first overseas spot in Australia.

TechCrunch →


? Er antallet af unge på Facebook toppet?


Flere års konstant vækst i andelen af unge, der bruger Facebook, er toppet og afløst af et mindre fald. Det viser en analyse om danskernes brug af sociale medier, som Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen har udarbejdet som en del af afrapporteringen om mediernes udvikling i Danmark.

MediaWatch →


? Facebook målretter videoplatformen til ældre


As Facebook struggles to find an audience for its YouTube competitor, Watch, the company has been talking to some media companies about focusing its efforts on audiences 30 years and older instead of teens and younger millennials.


Mere om Facebook Watch:

Facebook launches Watch Party for all, tests Live PiP commentating [TechCrunch]

Facebook extends Watch Party to Pages and personal profiles, adds features [Marketing Land]

Facebook adds free TV shows Buffy, Angel, Firefly to redefine Watch [TechCrunch]


? 9 lande grillede Zuckerbergs stand-in


[Zuckerberg] skipped the session, which was organized by a British committee investigating Facebook and the spread of misinformation. In Mr. Zuckerberg’s absence, officials spent more than three hours grilling a Facebook executive who stood in for him, criticizing the company’s influence on democracy, its distribution of false news and its use of personal user data.

The New York Times →

Googles topchef deltager i høring i Repræsentanternes Hus

MediaWatch →


?? Facebook overvejede at sælge brugerdata


Internal emails show Facebook Inc. considered charging companies for continued access to user data several years ago, a step that would have marked a dramatic shift away from the social-media giant’s policy of not selling that information, according to an unredacted court document viewed by The Wall Street Journal.

The Wall Street Journal →

Og vi tager endnu en Facebook-afsløring:

While Facebook maintains that Sandberg was not directly involved in a public relations firm’s opposition research on Soros, it now acknowledges that she did in fact request research on the billionaire.

BuzzFeed →


Sheryl Sandberg Asked for Soros Research, Facebook Acknowledges

The New York Times →


?? Skrappere krav til politiske Facebook-annoncer i UK


Hvis man i Storbritannien vil bruge Facebook som platform for politiske annoncer, skal der fremover fremlægges bevis for, at annoncøren er bosiddende i landet.

MediaWatch →


? Instagram lader dig dele stories med kun tætte kontakter


Today after 17 months of testing, Instagram is globally launchingClose Friends on iOS and Android over the next two days. It lets you build a single private list of your best buddies on Instagram through suggestions or search, and then share Stories just to them.

TechCrunch →


? Ny rapport: Best practices på Instagram


[…] in order to get a better understanding of what’s working on Instagram now, Quintly analyzed 44,432 Instagram profiles, and over 8.9 million cumulative posts,between January 1 and September 30, 2018, to see what’s generating the most engagement, how profiles are growing, and to provide some indication of what you can expect.

Social Media Today →


? Instagram tester nye profilvisninger


Over the next several weeks, you may see features re-arranged at the top of your profile including changes to icons, buttons and the way you navigate between tabs, which we hope will make profiles easier and cleaner to use. The photos and videos you’ve shared on your grid won’t change.

Instagram Info Center →

Læs mere hos Social Media Today →


? Hjælp til svagtseende på Instagram


The accessibility-focused update rolling out today offers two options to give visually impaired users alternative text descriptions of what’s happening in posts. One leverages user text input while the other uses Facebook’s object recognition tech to do the heavy lifting.

TechCrunch →


? Parlamentet i UK beslaglægger Facebook-dokumenter


The cache of documents is alleged to contain significant revelations about Facebook decisions on data and privacy controls that led to the Cambridge Analytica scandal. It is claimed they include confidential emails between senior executives, and correspondence with Zuckerberg.

The Guardian →


? LinkedIn brugte ikke-brugeres mailadresser i annoncering


In short: in a bid to get more people to sign up to the service, LinkedIn admitted that it was using people’s email addresses — some 18 million in all — in a way that was not transparent. LinkedIn has since ceased the practice as a result of the investigation.

TechCrunch →


? Annoncefirmaer holder øje med TikTok


“TikTok is becoming more and more interesting. I am starting to see more Vine-style type content. I think TikTok is great in terms of promoting record labels, artists, their albums as well as creating brand-awareness campaigns. TikTok has a ways to go, but I do think they are headed in the right direction,” said Chris Strong, account director at influencer marketing agency Viral Nation.

Digiday →


? 12 forudsigelser for sociale medier i 2019


We asked 23 experts for their predictions for the next year, including upcoming trends, shifts and other digital marketing-related insights to help you with your future planning.

Social Media Today / Talkwalker →




Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang eller ny teknologi, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.


? Medier skal straffes hårdere end sociale medier for injurier


Et flertal i Folketinget ønsker at straffe injurier i massemedier op til dobbelt så hårdt som injurier på sociale medier – selv om de færreste injurier fremsættes i medierne. ”Hvis journalisterne ikke bryder reglerne, kan de jo være ligeglade,” siger Trine Bramsen (S). ”Det virker helt skørt,” siger Lars Werge

Journalisten →


? 24syv lancerer ny podcast-platform


Det nye podcastselskab, der har Berlingske Media som hovedejer, har netop sendt sin nye podcastplatform “24syv – live og podcast” på markedet, hvor den kommercielle tjeneste overtager pladsen fra Radio24syvs tidligere radioapp. Flere medier er med om bord, mens reklamer og sponsorater skal knyttes på hen ad vejen.

MediaWatch →


? BBCs erfaringer fra 35 prototyper på mobile fortællinger


In the BBC’s final two experimental rounds, the R&D team focused on 1) tweaking the stories based on each reader’s information needs and 2) breaking down the news into more digestible bits.

Nieman Lab →


? The Washington Post lancerer daglig eftermiddags-podcast


On Dec. 3, the Post is launching “Post Reports,” a new 20-minute daily news podcast that will publish every weekday at 5 p.m. The podcast is unique for The Post in that it’s the outlet’s first multi-part daily podcast.

Digiday →


? Millennial-mediet Mic fyrer folk og vil sælges


After Facebook tweaked the algorithm that decides what shows up in its News Feed, Mic and other digital publishers struggled to find a viable business.

NBC News →

Millennial news startup Mic is a victim of Facebook’s ‘experiment’ with Watch, and it probably won’t be the last
Business Insider →

Pivoting to nowhere: How Mic ran out of radical makeovers
Digiday →

Mic lays off almost everyone and goes for a last-ditch sale to Bustle
Nieman Lab →


? Nyt initiativ skal bekæmpe “Fake News” i Nigeria


CrossCheck Nigeria will ask the Nigerian public to send rumors related to the national elections to a CrossCheck WhatsApp account; the CrossCheck account will share correct information back, and encourage the people who sent it originally to share it with their groups.

Nieman Lab →




Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.


?️ Sådan markedsførte Schibsted virksomhedsabonnementer på Aftonposten


To meet these new expectations in the market, Schibsted created a new division with unique solutions only for the corporate market. Aftenposten Bedrift (“Aftenposten Business”) became both a new product and a new department. Through a sales force, marketer, and product developer, it would both sell and retain old subscribers, generating new business subscribers and create new B2B solutions.



? Sådan bruger FT “game mechanics” til at holde på abonnenterne


Each article has the number of points it’s worth at the top, and at the end, readers will see a progress bar on how their knowledge has grown, plus article recommendations on how to increase their knowledge of some 1,000 topics the FT currently covers.

Digiday →


? Kan Amazon tage danske annoncepence fra duopolet?


Amazon kan komme til at udfordre spillere som Google og Facebook om annoncemarkedets kroner, når internetgiganten gør sin entre i Danmark, vurderer to mediebureauer.

MediaWatch →


? JP/Politikens Hus overtager hele


Efter snart 10 år som medejer sætter JP/Politikens Hus sig på det fulde ejerskab af internetboghandlen for et trecifret millionbeløb. Direktør overtager de latinamerikanske aktiviteter som led i handlen.

MediaWatch →

Flere historier om handlen fra MediaWatch:


? De største YouTube-producenter får nu Stories


Det startede på Snapchat, og nu vil alle de sociale platforme have dem. Stories. Og nu kommer de også til YouTube – men kun til dem, der har mere end 10.000 følgere.

Marketing Land →


? YouTube lancerer Music og Premium


Next week, YouTube is launching YouTube Music — a revamped version of its existing music service that is functionally the same, but comes with extra bells and whistles like personalized playlists based on your YouTube history and other usage patterns. […]

Now YouTube intends to charge $2 more for the other parts of YouTube Red, which will be renamed YouTube Premium — but will require you to also pay for YouTube Music.

Recode →

Mere YouTube:

In a shift in strategy, the Google-owned video platform said that starting next year it will move to make all of its new original programming available for free for anyone to watch. With the change, YouTube is moving toward more mainstream celebrity-driven and creator-based reality fare, while it will continue to greenlight scripted productions.

Variety →



Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.


? GDPR har favoriseret Google og Facebook


[…] six months after coming online, research suggests the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has also dampened investment in startups on the EU tech scene. Big companies like Google and Facebook are more dominant than ever in their markets, and no Silicon Valley giant has yet felt the sting of eye-watering financial penalties linked to the rules as regulators struggle to keep up with an increased workload.

Politico →


⚡ Google offentliggør AMP-komite


Udover Google sidder også Microsoft, Twitter, Pinterest og Pantheon med ved bordet.

We have endeavored to ensure that these committees consist of people who bring a wide variety of perspectives, with representatives from different AMP constituencies,” [AMP Project Lead, Malte] Ubl said in a blog post.

VentureBeat →


? Anmeldelse af Googles tablet


But even though the Pixel Slate checks boxes that the iPad Pro does not, it’s not better. In every place where the iPad is restricted but elegant, the Pixel Slate is open but slapdash.

The Verge →


? Udsalgsdage slog igennem på mobilen


More mobile traffic and sales. Salesforce reported that on Thanksgiving Day, mobile devices generated 68 percent of retail site traffic. More significantly the company said that, for the first time, 54 percent of orders were placed on smartphones.

Marketing Land →


?️ Mozillas Virtual Reality-browser kan 7 nye sprog


By way of a brief recap, Mozilla first unveiled Firefox Reality in April, pitching it as an easier way for manufacturers not only to integrate a browser into their headsets, but adapt it to suit their needs. At launch Firefox Reality supported the HTC Vive Focus and HTC Vive Wave platforms, but was later offered as a download for HTC Viveport, Oculus Go, and Daydream.

VentureBeat →


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