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? Generelt / tendenser
# Wikipedia-stifter vil bekæmpe ‘Fake News’
Wikipedia er kendt for den høje troværdighed til trods for at helt almindelige mennesker har adgang til at redigere. Det vil stifteren Jimmy Wales nu bruge i kampen mod et af tidens helt hotte topics, ‘Fake News’ – eller på dansk; løgn.
The Guardian skriver:
Jimmy Wales, the co-founder of Wikipedia, is launching a new online publication which will aim to fight fake news by pairing professional journalists with an army of volunteer community contributors.
→ Wikipedia founder to fight fake news with new Wikitribune site
Reuters har også en artikel om tiltaget:
Jimmy Wales said the new platform, Wikitribune, would be free to read and carry no advertising, instead relying on supporters to fund it, while the accuracy of its articles would be easily verifiable as source material would be published.
→ Wikipedia founder aims to ‘fix the news’ with crowd-funded website
Du kan besøge Wikitribune på wikitribune.com.
# Bots: Sådan gør NYTimes og WaPo
Vi tager lige to om bots hos to af store spillere – begge er fra Nieman Lab:
- These are the bots powering Jeff Bezos’ Washington Post efforts to build a modern digital newspaper
- This is how The New York Times is using bots to create more one-to-one experiences with readers
# Google vil bekæmpe ‘Fake News’ med algoritmeændring
The most high profile of these issues is the phenomenon of “fake news,” where content on the web has contributed to the spread of blatantly misleading, low quality, offensive or downright false information. While this problem is different from issues in the past, our goal remains the same—to provide people with access to relevant information from the most reliable sources available. And while we may not always get it right, we’re making good progress in tackling the problem. But in order to have long-term and impactful changes, more structural changes in Search are needed.
→ Our latest quality improvements for Search [Google / The Keyword]
# Facebook tester nye måder at opdage indhold på
Fra The Information:
Facebook is testing to see whether new ways to discover content can create value for users and publishers. Facebook’s VP of News Feed discussed the new ideas as well as how the company views video and its relationships with publishers in an interview.
# The New York Times laver briefing på Snapchat Discover
The Times is aiming for a bit of a “morning briefing,” commute-friendly feel with its Discover edition, and it sees a separate mission there from the Snapchat Stories it’s been publishing for the past two years or so.
# Nieman Lab leder efter medieinnovation udenfor USA
Have ideas for things we should cover? Want to help us cover them? Want to help us translate stories so that they reach more people? Join our new Slack community!
# Hvorfor står det sløjt til med Virutal Reality-nyheder?
For news organizations, the promise of VR has been marred by a handful of challenges that have so far made it difficult to justify wholesale investment in the technology.
That’s clear from a new report from the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism that takes an in-depth look at the state of VR news in 2017.
→ What’s holding back virtual reality news? Slow tech adoption, monetization, and yes, dull content [Nieman Lab]
# Huffington Post (nu HuffPost) redesigner
The Huffington Post of the post-Arianna era, helmed by former New York Times editor Lydia Polgreen, is rebranding itself by the commonly used nickname HuffPost. (Not the less commonly used HuffPo.) It’s also redesigning its site to fully embrace these punny splashes across social platforms and to better accommodate the habits and desires of its readership, which Polgreen is hoping to make more loyal and engaged.
→ In a redesign, The Huffington Post (now just HuffPost) doubles down on its “equalizing tabloid” roots [Nieman Lab]
# Uklart hvad Google gør med Analytics-data
Det danske IT-medie Version2 har i nogle artikler sat fokus på datasikkerheden ved brug af Googles gratis analyseværktøj, ‘Analytics’. Baggrunden er en kandidatafhandling fra CBS, hvor konklusionen er, at ingen ved, hvad der sker med dataene i Google Analytics.
- Offentlige hjemmesider deler følsomme data om danskernes netbrug
- Sorø droppede Google Analytics: Vi ved ikke, hvad de gør med data
- Norge og Tyskland begrænser offentlig tracking. Danmark: Tjaa…
- Styrelse om Google Analytics: Vi ved godt, der er etiske problemstillinger
# Stor dansk satsning på kunstig intelligens
To tunge danske it-profiler står bag et nyt it-selskab, der satser på det brandvarme marked for kunstig intelligens. Tidligere it-topchef i Saxo Bank står i spidsen for virksomheden, der allerede har en række store kunder og samarbejdspartnere på plads.
→ Læs mere om det hos Computerworld
? Mobil
# The Guardian trækker sig fra Instant Articles og Apple News
I tidligere opsamlinger har du kunnet læse om, at britiske The Guardian har trukket annoncer fra Google, og at det ikke går så godt med Facebooks Instant Articles’ popularitet blandt medier. Nu krydser de to tendenser spor, for Digiday skriver nemlig, at The Guardian trækker sig fra Instant Articles – og også Apple News:
“We have run extensive trials on Facebook Instant Articles and Apple News to assess how they fit with our editorial and commercial objectives. Having evaluated these trials, we have decided to stop publishing in those formats on both platforms. Our primary objective is to bring audiences to the trusted environment of the Guardian to support building deeper relationships with our readers, and growing membership and contributions to fund our world-class journalism.”
# …men Facebook kan stadig redde Instant Articles
Publishers including The New York Times and The Guardian have pulled out of the fast-loading mobile articles feature. Its critics say that Facebook has to do a better job of helping them monetize and connect directly to their readers. But Facebook can save IA by improving its subscription products, giving publishers more control over their inventory and providing more user data.
# USA: Halvdelen af digital annoncering er nu på mobilen
Det er fra USA, men trends fra det marked har det jo med at bevæge sig vores vej:
For the first time, mobile advertising represented more than half of the spending that marketers funneled into digital advertising overall in the U.S. in 2016. According to a new report conducted by PwC US for the Interactive Advertising Bureau, mobile ad spending accounted for 51% of the record $72.5 billion in total U.S. digital ad spending last year.
→ More Than Half of Digital Advertising Is Mobile [The Wall Street Journal]
# The Washington Post lover annonce-load på 2 sekunder
Dét her må andre online-medier meget gerne arbejde på at gøre efter:
The Washington Post wants to make the web faster. In September, the publisher started testing a proprietary tech product called Zeus that speeds up load time and cuts down data-heavy ads on mobile. Buoyed by initial successful results, Zeus is now powering all of the Post’s desktop, mobile and app advertising, claiming that each ad served will load in two seconds or less.
→ The Washington Post Guarantees That All of Its Online Ads Will Load in Under 2 Seconds[Adweek]
En kollega, Morten Kragh-Sørensen er faldet over en artikel hos Digiday om, hvordan The Washington Post har grebet den kommercielle performance an:
“We go to our partners and say, ‘This is how fast things need to be executed; if you don’t hit this threshold, we can’t put you on the site,’” said Jarrod Dicker, the Post’s head of ad product and technology. “We found that vendors we do use are ones that went back to their engineering teams and found out how to expedite their loads. … The vendors that haven’t been able to come to the table with faster solutions, we no longer integrate with.”
→ The Washington Post cuts off ad tech vendors slowing its site
? Forretning
# Historien om den første bannerannonce
I opsamlingen fra uge 16 kunne du læse, at Google muligvis er på vej med adblocking (eller, blokering af nogle annoncer) i Chrome-browseren. I dag er de online bannerannoncer alle vegne, men i 1994 var de noget helt nyt. Den første var en reklame for AT&T og den klarede sig vanvittigt godt, skriver The Atlantic:
About 44 percent of the people who saw it actually clicked on it.
Det er et tal, annoncører og medier kun kan drømme om den dag i dag:
Today’s display ads fare even worse, with a clickthrough rate of about .05 percent, according to the marketing research firm SmartInsights.
? Organisation / Proces
# Hvad er fremtiden for designtænkning i virksomheden?
Businesses are making great strides by implementing design thinking approach to move beyond analysis and embrace synthesis. However, the conventional approach of design thinking is not an elixir that can transform companies into creative powerhouses.
→ The Future of Design Thinking in Enterprises [LinkedIn / Rajesh Kumar]
# IT-udvikling handler om mod
Ambitioner med it kræver, at man indtager et modigt mind-set, der ikke handler om at forsøge at forudsige fremtiden i forkromede it-projekter. I stedet skal man dyrke små eksperimenter, hvor det at fejle er en succes, fordi det forhindrer dårlige investeringer i fremtiden. Det mener Thomas Kastrup, som er Lead Enterprise Architect hos DONG Energy og alumne fra Master i it-ledelse på IT-Universitetet.
→ Derfor skal it-innovation være et laboratorium [IT-Universitetet]
# Hvordan opgraderer man motoren i en browser med hyppige releases?
Ars Technica skriver om, hvordan Mozilla og Microsoft er gået i gang med at skrive de bankende hjertere i deres browsere om:
Mozilla, Microsoft rebuilding their browsers’ foundations without anyone noticing
Denne pointe synes jeg er interessant, både som browser-bruger og som ansat i en afdeling, der arbejder med (og udgiver) software:
One of the common questions I see about the rapid release schedules for the browsers (every six weeks or so for Chrome and Firefox) and even Windows-as-a-Service (Edge has a major update every six months) is, “how can the developers make large-scale, high impact changes if they break everything up into small chunks? […]
Project Quantum is, obviously, a huge undertaking; much more than can be done in one six-week cycle. So Mozilla has broken it up into smaller, distinct pieces that are developed and tested in the beta channel before being pushed into the stable channel. Even in the beta channel, users are randomized, with some using the new code, some sticking with the old code, so that stability and performance can be measured and compared.
✏ UX / Design / Teknik
# Informationsarkitektur for designere
In a nutshell, information architecture (IA) is a science of structuring content of the websites, web and mobile applications, and social media software. IA study aims at organizing content so that users would easily adjust to the functionality of the product and could find everything they need without big effort. Nowadays, when the user-centered approach in design is a top trend, many designers learn the principles of information architecture science which are believed to be a foundation of the powerful design.
→ Information Architecture: Effective Techniques For Designers. [Tubik Studio]
# Hvornår skal du bruge modale dialoger?
Definition: A modal dialog is a dialog that appears on top of the main content and moves the system into a special mode requiring user interaction. This dialog disables the main content until the user explicitly interacts with the modal dialog.
→ Læs mere hos Nielsen Norman Group
Artiklen giver dig 7 enkle tips i forbindelse med brugen af modale og “non-modale” dialog-bokse.
# 10 gode Instagram-profiler om UI og UX
Every day designers look for Inspiration, therefore Today we have Top 10 Must follow UI/UX Instagram Accounts for inspiration. Most of them show very inspiring work, work process, and their teamwork culture. Follow them to get inspiration and motivation. Also please suggest your favorite Instagram account to follow in blog Comment section.
→ Top 10 Must Follow UI/UX Design Instagram Accounts for Top Notch Design Inspiration [FreebiesMall]
# Nyt API fra Apple: Embed ‘Live Photos’
Hvis du har en iPhone 6S eller nyere, kender du formentlig til ‘Live Photos’, hvor dine billeder bliver til en kort animation. Et nyt API gør det muligt at indlejre billederne på dit website ved hjælp af JavaScript.
‘iPhone Live Photos: Now Apple opens it up to the web to boost sharing’, skriver ZDNet. Apple selv har lavet en side, hvor du kan se to billeder animere – på en computer gør du det ved at placere din musemarkør over ‘Live’-ikonet i øverste højre hjørne.
# Få overblikket: JavaScript-testing
This short guide is intended to catch you up with the most important reasoning, terms, tools, and approaches to JavaScript testing. It combines many great recently written articles about some aspects discussed here and adds a little more from our experience.
→ An Overview of JavaScript Testing in 2017 [Powtoon Engineering]
# Kommentarer i kode – hvad fungerer?
Bedøm selv:
This code sucks, you know it and I know it.
Move on and call me an idiot later.
→ Se flere eksempler [freeCodeCamp]
Denne opsamling blev oprindeligt udgivet på ebudvikling.dk