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Mit navn er Lars, og jeg arbejder som leder af produktudvikling hos Infomedia.
Hver uge deler jeg en opsamling på noget af det mest interessante, jeg er faldet over indenfor digital udvikling og forretning i og omkring mediebranchen.
Det betyder, at du sparer tid: Du behøver ikke læse en masse artiker og nyhedsbreve for at holde dig opdateret.
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Du får kun én mail om ugen – det lover jeg.
Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
● Facebook kommer administratorer til GDPR-undsætning
Det var et af de helt store samtaleemner i sidste uge. Nu er der nyt fra Facebook selv:
Facebook vil opdatere deres vilkår og politik for ‘Facebook Pages’ oven på skelsættende EU-dom, der fastslår, at virksomheder, organisationer og myndigheder på platformen deler ansvaret for Facebook’s databehandling og -indsamling.
→ Version2
● Endnu et data-ups fra Facebook
Facebook’s data security issues have turned into a nonstop game of whack-a-mole. After having to alert 14 million users that their privacy settings had been switched to public because of a bug earlier this month, Facebook confirms it sent app analytics reports to people outside of the intended app development companies.
● DR Nyheder er nu på Snapchat
’Det er en særligt vigtig opgave for DR at nå unge med relevante nyheder. Derfor har vi sat en række initiativer i gang både for at nå ud til dem, men også for at høste erfaringer. Snapchat er en af de mest populære platforme for de unge og åbner samtidig for nye måder at fortælle historier på. Derfor er det for mig naturligt, at vi også prøver kræfter med appen på nyhedsfronten,’ siger Thomas Falbe, der er nyhedschef i DR Nyheder.
● Instagram klar med stand-alone-app til lange vertikale videoer
Instagram today announced IGTV, a standalone app for watching long-form vertical video that will also have a tab inside the flagship app. When you log in to IGTV, it will automatically begin playing vertical videos from people you follow, along with personalized recommendations from elsewhere in Instagram. The app is now available on iOS and Android.
● Kritik af influencer-tilgangen
En af de mest populære metoder, virksomheder bruger til at markedsføre sig via de sociale medier er ved at bruge “influencers”. Det er toneangivende personer på de forskellige sociale medier, som virksomhederne betaler for at nævne eller bruge deres produkt.
Men nu får tilgangen kritik på dette års Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity (læs mere om festivalen på Wikipedia).
Speaking at The Economist’s “Wake Up with The Economist” session on Monday morning at the Cannes Lions Beach, eBay CMO Godert van Dedem said he will try “shift his influencer spend” toward eBay sellers — who he said are a bigger priority and more authentic for the eBay brand. “What I want us to do is give our sellers a voice, rather than influencers who happen to have a following that we use and pay for a post,” he said.
● The New York Times: Facebook er besværlige
The Times’ relationship with Facebook however is more fractious, as he has previously called out, and which he reiterated at Cannes. “Facebook we have found to be very difficult,” said Thompson. The latest bone to pick: the social platform’s issue-ads policy which lumps news articles in with political and advocacy ads. The Financial Times and New York Media suspended their paid promotion on Facebook due to their concerns. Facebook now has an archive for ads with political content. This is not satisfying Thompson, however.
→ Digiday
Værd at læse fra sidste uges opsamling: Google is using Facebook fatigue to woo publishers [Digiday]
● Facebook vil have flere på videoplatformen Watch
The company announced at an event for Facebook video creators on Tuesday it would allow more content to be eligible for its Watch program. By doing so, it opens up the doors for both the company and social media stars to earn more advertising revenue. Facebook also announced Brand Collabs Manager, a platform that will connect video creators with sponsorship opportunities.
Mere hos Marketing Land » Facebook opens up Watch to creators & adds video features to take on YouTube
● Video-annoncer i Messenger
Det kan godt blive upopulært…
Facebook found a new place to sell video ads: Inside Messenger, where some users will start to see autoplay video ads appear in their inbox right next to messages from friends and family.
→ Recode
● Facebook tester abonnementsgrupper
Facebook is starting to let Group admins charge $4.99 to $29.99 per month for access to special sub-Groups full of exclusive posts. A hand-picked array of parenting, cooking and “organize my home” Groups will be the first to get the chance to spawn a subscription Group open to their members.
● The Onion er gået i krig med Zuckerberg
Why? The Onion’s editor-in-chief Chad Nackers told Business Insider that the comedy onslaught is because Zuckerberg has “repeatedly betrayed the trust of billions of people,” and because Facebook is choking off traffic to The Onion’s website.
“We have 6,572,949 followers on Facebook who receive an ever-decreasing amount of the content we publish on the network,” Nackers said in a statement, calling Facebook an “unwanted interloper” between the publisher and its audience.
● Kan Facebooks videoplatform gøre lokalnyheder nationale?
Erfaringerne er godt nok fra USA, men det kan jo være, at der er nogle lokalmedier herhjemme, der kan lade sig inspirere:
Alabama Media Group, part of Advance Local, is home to three local papers in the state, AL.com, and Reckon, its “social/video-driven brand that offers a mix of audience-centric, accountability journalism” centered around an engaging, video-centric Facebook page. (AMG also maintains social brands “This is Alabama” and “It’s a Southern Thing”, the latter of which has its own three-month-old Facebook Watch sketch comedy show with an average of 19 million views per episode.) It’s the only local publisher announced in the latest bunch of Facebook Watch partners receiving a boo$t from the platform to populate a new Watch section focused on news.
● VM tester copyright-værktøjerne
A day and half into this year’s tournament, pirated highlights are already appearing online. A search for “Russia Saudi Arabia” on Twitter returned a number of video highlights of goals, posted by regular users, from yesterday’s opening match. On Facebook, you could see entire highlight reels from Russia’s 5-0 victory from Pages like “God55Sports” and another called “Away Goal.”
→ Recode
● Google+ tiltrækker den yderste højrefløj
Nazi and other extremist groups are congregating on Google Plus following a crack down by other social media platforms like Facebookand Twitter.
Google acknowledged the issue by saying it had “more to do” in order to properly address it and had put dedicated teams in place to do so.
● Frygt over WhatsApps Fake News-rolle i Indien, Brasilien, Kenya – og UK
In Brazil, WhatsApp has been blamed for a yellow fever outbreak after being used to spread anti-vaccine videos and audio messages. In Kenya, WhatsAppgroup admins have been described as a major source of politically motivated fake news during recent elections. And there are signs that the messaging service is being used as a conduit for misinformation in the UK.
Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang eller ny teknologi, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
● Større generationskløft i danskernes medieforbrug
Det er jo egentlig ikke overraskende – men det er interessant at se, hvordan podcast nu er med i snakken:
“Flere og flere danskere får øjnene op for nye måder at lytte til lydindhold på. I 2016 var det 9 pct., som lyttede til podcast ugentligt. Denne andel var i 2017 steget til 16 pct. Udviklingen tyder altså nu på, at podcast etablerer sig i flere og flere af danskernes medievaner,” lyder det i rapporten.
● Sådan blev Zetland til et lyttemedie
Hvis du er en af Zetlands medlemmer er det sandsynligt, at du bruger den første formulering. Når Zetlands medlemmer indtager Zetlands journalistik, foregår mere end 60 procent nemlig med ørerne. Og eftersom der ikke var så meget som en decibel lyd, da Zetland blev relanceret for to år siden, er der tale om en transformation, der er tæt på at rime på revolution.
● Fald i dansk adblocking
Færre danskere benytter sig af en adblocker. Det viser en analyse fra analyseselskabet Audienceproject.
Analysen, som baserer sig på 14.000 personers svar på spørgeskemaer, viser, at 24 pct. af danskerne svarer, at de bruger en adblocker. For to år siden var andelen 29 pct. Det er særligt mænd og unge mennesker, der benytter sig af muligheden for at filtrere reklamer væk, når de færdes online.
● Datavisualisering: 5 gratis værktøjer til nybegynderen
Denne guide fra Journalism.co.uk introducerer dig til de følgende værktøjer:
- Datawrapper
- info.gram
- Visme
- Piktochart
- Canva
● 5 grafer om medieforbrug og VM
Hvor følger folk kampene, hvad laver de imens, hvilke fodboldspillere skaber flest reaktioner på sociale medier? Det og mere kan du se hos Digiday.
● Erfaringer med undervisning i datajournalistik
Det handler blandt andet om de fordomme, der er omkring faget:
Data journalism, then, starts at a disadvantage: its biggest names — the likes of Philip Meyer (see video below), Adrian Holovaty and Nate Silver— are not names most students would recognise. And big data stories such as the Wikileaks revelations, Panama Papers, and the MPs’ expenses scandal in the UK seem impenetrable and unreachable for the average 19- or 21-year-old; something for ‘later’.
● Reuters-rapport: Podcast-“revolutionen” fortsætter
Publishers are getting excited about podcasts and for good reason, argues Nic Newman, lead author of the Reuters Institute Digital News Report
● Fondenes rolle i US-journalistik
A study co-published by the Shorenstein Center and Northeastern University (and funded by a couple of foundations itself) zooms in on the role played by foundations in the journalism world. Researchers Matthew Nisbet, John Wihbey, Silje Kristiansen, and Aleszu Bajak analyzed more than 30,000 grants (totaling $1.8 billion) from more than 6,500 foundations between 2010 and 2015.
Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
● Europæiske udgivere vil konkurrere med Facebook og Google via alliancer
Despite previous setbacks, European publishers remain committed to alliances to help them compete with Facebook and Google for ad revenue. The Guardian, News UK and The Telegraph unwrapped another this week during the festival, the latest publisher alliance from the U.K. in the past six months.
→ Digiday
● Digital strategi: Aller lancerer spilportal
I alliance med en svensk spiludbyder går Aller Media i luften med ny portal, der kombinerer klassisk hjernegymnastik med pengespil. Det sker som en del af den digitale udviklingsstrategi, siger direktør.
● Microbetalinger fungerer i Canada
A year after introducing its micropayment system, the Winnipeg Free Press has 35,000 subscribers to its digital content. It was the first Canadian newspaper to monetise its content via micropayments with impressive results.
In a live Webinar for INMA members, Christian Panson, vice president/digital and technology at Winnipeg Free Press, presented on the company’s journey into a micropayment model.
● Reddit har kig på annoncer
Jen Wong er nyudnævnt Chief Operating Officer hos Reddit:
“Ads will be a big business for us because all things they want, we have — authentic word of mouth, mind hive for people deep in their categories,” Wong said on the Cannes edition of the Digiday Podcast. “To ignore it from an advertising and insights perspective doesn’t make sense.”
→ Digiday
● Mere datakontrol i Googles annonce-værktøjer
Facing growing questions about how personal data is used to target advertising, Google today announced a series of updates to its advertising tools designed to help users better understand why they see certain ads and help them control the experience.
Læs også:
Marketers struggle to track audiences after Facebook and Google scale back data for GDPR [Digiday]
● Apple i samarbejde med Oprah
Apple didn’t offer any other details about what Winfrey would make and whether she would star in the stuff she makes for them, though it’s a very reasonable bet that she will. She’ll continue to work on other projects, like her Oprah Winfrey Network and CBS’s “60 Minutes.”
→ Recode
Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
● Google lancerer podcast-app – til Android
Google, in theory, offers an alternative to this reality. The supposed argument is a diplomatic one: this wouldn’t be a case of Google eating Apple’s lunch, but rather a move to unlock the previously underserved Android market, which would give podcast publishers a path to building meaningful relationships with the other half of U.S. smartphone owners and the vast majority of smartphone owners in the world.
Android owners had previously been served by a collection of third-party apps — Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, Podcast Addict, Overcast, and so on — all of which were able to claim their own relatively modest fiefdoms within the expansive Android universe. It was a fragmented state, and so the opportunity here would be a push for unification… or consolidation (likely at the expense of these third-party solutions, but that’s another matter.)
Du kan også læse om det hos VentureBeat.
Wired skriver, at Googles nye app kan “turbocharge the industry”.
● Reddit tester News-faneblad
To determine what’s newsworthy, Reddit says it first figured out which subreddits were engaging with news the most. It did this by looking at the most-clicked posts by domain in the subreddits. The company came up with a list of around 1,000 domains from media publishers focused on news. This list was used to help it surface those communities where news was regularly discussed.
● Nyt videoredigerings-tool fra Adobe med fokus på mobil
On Android and iOS, kicking off an edit in Project Rush begins with selecting video clips from the app’s Locations screen or from Adobe Stock, a paid library of photos, vectors, illustrations, videos, templates, and 3D assets. Creative Cloud and Dropbox users can import footage and audio from their respective cloud storage lockers.
● Ny Nvidia-AI kan gøre alle videoer til slow motion
Most high-end DSLRs and smartphones can shoot in slow motion, but not all. That’s because doing so is quite data-intensive […]
Nvidia’s novel algorithm, which will be presented at the 2018 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition in Salt Lake City this week, can slow down footage after the fact. But unlike the jittery slow motion filters that fill gaps in footage with time-stretched frames, the research team’s solution uses machine learning to hallucinate new frames.
● Google implementerer neurale netværk i Translate
Google’s online translations have been powered by neural machine translation (NMT) since 2016, and today the company is rolling out its neural net-driven approach to more accurate, natural-sounding translations for Google Translate iOS and Android app users to carry out translations offline in 59 languages.
● Hvad er der galt med brainstorming?
Jeg har skrevet et blogindlæg hos Journalisten:
De fleste brainstorms går galt. Hvis en brainstorm skal fungere, kræver det ordentlig forberedelse og fokus i stedet for frihed, skriver Lars K. Jensen
● Podcast-anbefaling: Beartalk
Hvis du er interesseret i iværksætteri, sociale medier, strategi, personlig udvikling og succes, så bør du tjekke Beartalk Podcast ud. Pt. er der 20 episoder, og der er en del prominente gæster imellem.
Bag podcasten står Bjørn Barfoed, som jeg arbejdede sammen med, da jeg var på Ekstra Bladet. Her arbejder han med forretningsudvikling.