Opsamling: Medier og teknologi / Uge 27, 2017

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? Generelt / tendenser

? Læs om TV 2’s ‘Hack Days’

Det her er spændende:

For andet i år træk samlede vi en stor del af TV 2’s udviklingsteams til to dages intensivt og innovativt design- og udviklingsarbejde.

Eventet kalder vi for Hack Days, og det kan bedst betegnes som et corporate hackathon, hvor formålet var at bringe en række digitale projekter fra ide til (halv)færdige løsninger i løbet af halvandet døgn — allerhelst som fungerende prototyper.

Læs mere hos TV 2 Labs på Medium

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?? Dansk robotjournalistik

Journalisten har besøgt Lasso News, der “har fået afslag på mediestøtte, men overvejer at tilmelde sig Pressenævnet. Journalisten har besøgt det lille netmedie, hvor journalisterne Mimi og Jason er robotter. ‘Vores mål er ikke at tage jobs fra journalister,’ lover daglig redaktør Tea Sylvest”.

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? 27 eksempler: Datajournalistik på tv/video

The best-known examples of data journalism tend to be based around text and visuals — but it’s harder to find data journalism in video and audio. Ahead of the launch of my new MA in Data Journalism I thought I would share my list of the examples of video data journalism that I use with students in exploring data storytelling across multiple platforms.

Læs mere hos Paul Bradshaw på Medium

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? Axel Springers mix af unge, WhatsApp og politik

Dette risikerer lidt at ende som endnu et forsøg, hvor medier vil mase sig ind der, hvor der er mange mennesker – uanset om platform egner sig til det, medier tilbyder eller ej. Men det lyder spændende:

Germany is less than three months away from a national election, and publishers there are pushing for new ways to engage first-time voters in the run-up. That’s why Axel Springer’s in-house journalism school’s latest project was to figure out what new editorial formats engage 18- to 22-year-olds in politics, specifically via WhatsApp.

Og så lyder det rent faktisk til, at der er lagt noget reelt research i det:

Those asked said they dislike being bombarded with alerts and prefer consuming news in short bursts. They dislike products that feel automated, like chatbots.

Læs mere hos Digiday

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⏩ Sådan har The Economists sociale medier-team udviklet sig

When we expanded the social media team in the summer of 2015, our short-term goal was to post more, catch up with rivals and remind the world that we exist. However, we ended up devoting too much time to churning tweets that few people read.

So we focused instead on producing high-quality social-media content, such as “vimages”, shareable video and other new formats, as well as resurfacing evergreens and coordinating across departments to give important events a big push.

Læs mere på Medium / Severe Content

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?️ Nu kan du smide links i Snapchat

Hvis du eller dit medie lever af trafik (klik), så er den nye Snapchat-feature nok noget, du bliver glad for:

Snapchat has a new way to link out to websites, a feature that could give brands, media companies and everyday users a chance to drive traffic from the app to their mobile pages.

Læs mere hos Adweek

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? Algoritme-ændring: Facebook vs. clickbaits

Facebook ændrer igen algoritmen bag det sociale medies nyhedsrulle, så enkelte personer, der står bag et højt antal delinger af lokkende historier og falsk information, ikke kommer så bredt ud.

Læs mere hos MediaWatch

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? Rapport om algoritmer i valgdækning

Over the course of the project, we published a total of 21,928 news articles in English and German. This process was completely automated, from collecting and aggregating the forecasting data; to sending the data to AX Semantics, which generated the texts and sent them back to us; to publishing the content at pollyvote.com. The first steps in developing the algorithms are easy, particularly if the goal is to create texts based on a single row in the dataset. That said, adding additional insights tends to increase complexity and, thus, the likelihood of errors. Therefore, it is important to keep things simple and to establish processes for quality control and troubleshooting.

Læs en kortere udgave (og hele rapporten) hos The Tow Center for Digital Journalism

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? Sådan bekæmper NATO ‘Fake News’

Gennem de seneste år har militæralliancen Nato i stigende grad beskæftiget sig med at imødegå falske nyheder. I et interview med MediaWatch fortæller Nato om den digitale kamp om sandheden. […]

“Der er en massiv informationsindsats, som er kombineret med en bestemt udsendelse af tropper, og den er vokset kraftigt over det seneste års tid. Her (i hovedkvarteret i Bruxelles, red.) har vi også fået flere medarbejdere, og det er en af de få steder i hovedkvarteret, som faktisk vokser, fordi vi har lagt så meget mere vægt på information,” fortæller Piers Cazalet, der er chef for presse og medier hos Nato, til MediaWatch.

Læs mere hos MediaWatch

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? Mobil

? Steve Jobs opfandt ikke iPhone

The narrative is clear: Steve Jobs gave us the iPhone, which, at over 1.2 billion units sold, has become the single best selling product of all time. But that narrative also happens to be rather flawed, even misleading. And that’s well worth noting, all these years after the iPhone was set upon its trajectory for world domination—because Steve Jobs did not invent the iPhone.

Læs mere hos Brian Merchant på LinkedIn

…og han har trods alt skrevet en bog om iPhone.

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? Her er teknologien bag Snapchats ‘Snap Map’

Snap Map is Snapchat’s plan to tie together its online content with ways to augment your offline reality, and it’s got the patent to back it up. Augmented reality location startup Drop tells TechCrunch that Snap Inc. acquired its intellectual property in 2015, including its “Location-based messaging” patent.

Læs mere hos TechCrunch

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? Google præsenterer nye mobile annonceformater

Google’s introducing three new ad formats for AdSense, its ad placement service that serves millions of advertisers globally. The new formats are “native” ad formats, meaning they are highly customizable to match the look and feel of a publishers’ content, and are very mobile-friendly.

Læs mere hos Axios

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? Bøger

? Håndbog i datajournalistik

The Data Journalism Handbook, published in 2011, is the guidebook for telling stories with data. To ensure that journalists are up to speed on the latest data journalism practices, the Google News Lab is partnering with the the European Journalism Centre to launch a new version of the Data Journalism Handbook, which will be published in four languages next year.

Læs mere hos Googles Simon Rogers på Medium

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? Forretning

? Video redder ikke medierne

Newsweek har en rimelig skrap artikel, som ikke desto mindre dog har en pointe:

I didn’t make this decision. My employer says the video has to be there, because video advertising is central to this company’s revenue model, along with every other digital media company’s revenue model. Banner ads don’t work anymore, and the solution, handed down by frantic media executives, is video. More video. Lots of video. A chicken in every pot and a video in every tab. […]

In other industries, like retail, the cliché is that “the customer is always right.” But in digital journalism, the customer (that’s you) is regarded as being demonstrably wrong, because the customer is seldom willing to pay to read internet journalism, and certainly not cultural criticism.

Læs artiklen hos Newsweek

Hos The Ringer har de også skrevet om emnet:

Why this is happening is simple: The web has a surplus of copy versus advertising. Companies have decided that sticking an ad at the front of a video makes it less ignorable than putting a similar ad next to an article. It doesn’t matter what the video is. I often get a paragraph or two into a Sports Illustrated story only to find Madelyn Burke in the lower right-hand corner of the screen, giving me a summary of the sentences I’m already reading.

→ Læs: What “Pivoting to Video” Really Means

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? Nyhedsmedier og algoritmer

En ny rapport viser, at folk i højere grad vil have algoritmer til at prioritere nyhederne i stedet for mennesker. Men der er forskel på den slags algoritmer, folk kender, og den type algoritmer, nogle udgivere forsøger sig med. Jeg har skrevet om det: ‘Brugerne vil have algoritmer – men ikke nødvendigvis vores algoritmer’ [Medieblogger]

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?️ The Economist hjælper annoncører med at finde læserne andre steder

The publisher is tapping into its subscriptions data to sell acutely-targeted digital ad campaigns not only on its own platforms but also across an audience-extension network. Now, the publisher’s conversations with advertisers are pivoting toward how to use its subscriber and registration data to inform a brand’s campaign-targeting objectives whether across The Economist’s properties or not.

Læs mere hos Digiday

En… interessant pointe i denne sammenhæng er, at medier kan blive nødt til at lave disse tilbud til annoncørerne, ellers gør annoncørerne eller tech-firmaerne det selv udenom dem. Walt Mossberg har skrevet artiklen ‘Lousy ads are ruining the online experience’ [The Verge], hvor han deler denne historie:

About a week after our launch, I was seated at a dinner next to a major advertising executive. He complimented me on our new site’s quality and on that of a predecessor site we had created and run, AllThingsD.com. I asked him if that meant he’d be placing ads on our fledgling site. He said yes, he’d do that for a little while. And then, after the cookies he placed on Recode helped him to track our desirable audience around the web, his agency would begin removing the ads and placing them on cheaper sites our readers also happened to visit. In other words, our quality journalism was, to him, nothing more than a lead generator for target-rich readers, and would ultimately benefit sites that might care less about quality.

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? Apple News overvejer at lade medierne styre annoncerne

I betragtning af, hvor besat Apple er af at have kontrol over økosystem og brugeroplevelse, er dette ret interessant. Måske det skyldes lav efterspørgsel..?

Apple News will let top media partners use their own technology to fill the ad space in their content, becoming more of an extension of the publishers’ own websites than the walled-off island it is now, the people said.

Læs mere hos Ad Age

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? Facebooks annoncer bliver lidt mere creepy

While I’m someone who actually appreciates targeted advertising, there’s no denying that Facebook’s ads can be a little… uncanny. For better or for worse, they’re about to get a whole lot smarter.

The company today announced that marketers can now target entire households instead of single persons. The idea is that the relationship between household members provides useful information on purchasing decisions, and an additional angle for businesses to reach their audiences.

Læs mere hos The Next Web

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? 3 mio. kr. til Politikens nye nichemedie

Politiken Skoleliv er blevet tildelt det største beløb fra statens innovationspulje. Millionerne skal ikke bruges på redaktionelle tiltag, men skal i stedet mindske røde tal i dyre opstartsår, siger chefredaktør.

Læs mere hos MediaWatch

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? …og 2 mio. kr. til nyt Kommunikationsforum-medie

Iværksætteri er i centrum for nyt medie, der går i luften sidst på året med 2 mio. kr. fra Innovationspuljen i ryggen.

Læs mere hos MediaWatch

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?️ Catalansk avis vil lade abonnenterne printe avisen derhjemme

Det papirløse samfund har fået en udfordrer:

Would you consider printing your favourite newspaper at home, every evening, if you had the chance?

Catalan title VilaWeb, which launched as an online-only publication in 1995, is now giving its subscribers the option to do just that, with a new product called VilaWeb Paper.

Det skal dog lige tilføjes, at man også kan læse udgivelsen på mobilen eller tablet’en.

Læs mere hos Journalism.co.uk

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? Svenske medier har tabt hver tredje annonce-krone

I opsamlingen fra uge 26 kunne du læse om, at svenskerne skal lære at elske annoncer. Og det tyder på, at forholdet mellem de svenske medier og annoncerne også er kompliceret. Det er dog ikke alt sammen dårligt:

Mens de traditionelle annonceindtægter altså daler, vokser indtægterne fra native kraftigt. Ifølge undersøgelsen stod nativeannoncering i 2014 for en omsætning på 65 mio. svenske kr. (50 mio. kr.). I 2016 var det tal vokset til 200 mio. svenske kr. (153,7 mio. kr.)

Læs mere hos MediaWatch

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? Organisation / Proces

? Når Design Sprints ikke er Design Sprints

In 2016 a design partner from Google Ventures (GV), Jake Knapp, released a book called Sprint. The book introduced the idea of Design Sprints, a concept that had existed within Google for several years and was a mainstay in the toolset employed by GV with their portfolio of companies.

The beauty of Jake’s book is that it is very specific, there is even a 15-page checklist for when you are running your own Design Sprints. This however did not stop a swathe of folks from appropriating the name, but not the core ideas. What this in turn meant is that acts were being committed under the name of Design Sprint but were not even remotely close to what Jake describes in Sprint.

Læs mere og hør Podcast-episoden [True North]

…du kan også læse mere om episoden hos SitePoint.

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✏ UX / Design / Teknik

? Sådan afholder du en god design-workshop

A design studio is a type of UX workshop that combines divergent and convergent thinking: it allows UX professionals to explore a wide set of ideas and also create a shared vision to move forward within a short amount of time. It incorporates brainstorming, critique, and prioritization into one condensed session.

Læs mere hos Nielsen Norman Group

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? Derfor skal navigationen være i bunden af mobilskærmen

Further research has found that most users use their phones with one hand. When they hold their phone, they’ll use either their right or left thumb to interact with the screen. The thumb is like the user’s mouse but with limitations.

Læs mere hos UX Movement

…dette er i øvrigt også tendensen hos blandt andet Google, se for eksempel dette tweet fra Luke Wroblewski.

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Foto (i toppen): Pixabay / Pexels

Denne opsamling blev oprindeligt udgivet på ebudvikling.dk

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