Overblik: Digital Ugerevy for uge 27, 2018

Mit navn er Lars, og jeg arbejder som leder af produktudvikling hos Infomedia.

Hver uge deler jeg en opsamling på noget af det mest interessante, jeg er faldet over indenfor digital udvikling og forretning i og omkring mediebranchen.

Det betyder, at du sparer tid: Du behøver ikke læse en masse artiker og nyhedsbreve for at holde dig opdateret.

Tak fordi, du læser med.



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Du får kun én mail om ugen – det lover jeg.





Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.


? TV 2 Østjylland deler erfaringer med Facebook-grupper

Det er altid, altid, altid fedt, når nogle vil dele ud af deres erfaringer.

Under overskriften “Vores første (og bestemt ikke sidste) erfaringer med Facebook-grupper” fortæller TV 2 Østjylland om deres erfaringer med at skabe mindre, mere aktive communities.


? Facebook hyrer Spiegel-chef: Skal styrke relationer med udgivere/medier


That lack of communication with news publishers is one of the areas Doub’s team will focus on, according to people close to the situation. Doub will also aim to be more of a bridge to the U.S., ensuring Facebook’s local European teams are apprised of all forthcoming product and algorithm changes that will affect news publishers, giving publishers more notice and context around why changes are being made, and informing publishers how they can make the most of tools and updates.



? Facebook-advokater: Vi er udgivere

Det her er der sikkert en hel del, der har glædet sig til at høre:

Facebook has long had the same public response when questioned about its disruption of the news industry: it is a tech platform, not a publisher or a media company.

But in a small courtroom in California’s Redwood City on Monday, attorneys for the social media company presented a different message from the one executives have made to Congress, in interviews and in speeches: Facebook, they repeatedly argued, is a publisher, and a company that makes editorial decisions, which are protected by the first amendment.

The Guardian


? Facebook har delt brugerdata med store virksomheder


I dokumentet, som er på over 700 sider, kommer det blandt andet frem, at Facebook gennem partnerskaber delte brugerdata med 52 teknologiselskaber, deriblandt en række store aktører som Apple, Microsoft og Amazon, i tillæg til asiatiske selskaber som Huawei, Lenovo og Samsung.



? Cambridge Analytica-undersøgelsen udvides

Five anonymous sources told the Post that the FBI, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) have joined the Department of Justice in the investigation.

Marketing Land


? Og Facebook vil undersøge sig selv

Efter massiv kritik af Facebooks håndtering af det amerikanske valg vil selskabet nu nedsætte et akademisk udvalg, som skal undersøge sociale mediers indflydelse på demokratiske processer.



? Hvordan Facebook kom til Myanmar – og skabte kaos

But Facebook’s sprawling bureaucracy and its excitement over the potential of the the Myanmar market appeared to override concerns about the proliferation of hate speech. At the time, the company had just one Burmese speaker based in Dublin, Ireland, to review Burmese language content flagged as problematic, Callan was told.


To critics of the social media company, the early response to the Mandalay riots were harbingers of the difficulties it would face in Myanmar in the coming years—difficulties that persist to this day: A slow response time to posts violating Facebook’s standards, a barebones staff without the capacity to handle hate speech or understand Myanmar’s cultural nuances, an over-reliance on a small collection of local civil society groups to alert the company to possibly dangerous posts spreading on the platform. All of these reflect a decidedly ad-hoc approach for a multi-billion-dollar tech giant that controls so much of popular discourse in the country and across the world.



? Ups: Facebook-blokering deaktiveret for 800.000 brugere


Facebook blames the unblocking glitch on a bug that lasted from May 29 to June 5. This is the second bug confirmed by Facebook in less than a month.

Marketing Land


? NameTests sætter millioner af brugeres data over styr


En udvikler af de udbredte Facebook-app’s ‘NameTests’ har sat personlige informationer om op mod 120 millioner Facebookbrugere over styr med elendig datasikkerhed.



? Snapchat opdaterer værktøj til annoncører


Today, we’re excited to introduce some major updates to our self-serve platform that’ll provide performance-focused marketers with the full-suite of tools needed to optimize and measure their Snapchat campaigns.

Snapchat For Business


? The Guardians erfaringer med video på Instagram

Two months ago the Guardian started tracking and analyzing its Instagram audience data on a more granular basis, to test what formats and topics it should develop and evolve and what should be scrapped. The upshot: video drives more new followers than static posts, but time and resources spent on creating polished Instagram videos, specifically for Stories, simply aren’t worth the pay-off.



? Få musik på din Instagram-story


Instagram Stories are about to get even busier, with the addition of licensed music. Starting today, users will be able to add background music to their posts on their Stories, with thousands of songs offered directly in the app (including actually popular music by artists like Bruno Mars, Demi Lovato, and Maroon 5). Instagram says new songs will be added daily.

The Verge


? Se, hvem der betaler for Twitter-annoncer

Først gjorde Facebook det, og nu gør Twitter det også. Øger transparensen omkring annoncer på platformen.

Anyone — whether they are a registered Twitter user or not — will be able to see all of the campaigns that an advertiser has run within the past 7 days by searching for that advertiser’s Twitter handle. A Twitter spokesperson told VentureBeat in an email that “given this is our first iteration of this, you can imagine we will look into this and see if we need to adapt [the length of time] in the future.”


Men tiltagene er dog ikke helt nok, skriver VentureBeat også.


? Twitter-konto fortæller dig, når danske partier kører Facebook-annoncer

I forlængelse af Twitter-nyheden ovenfor. Følg @dkpolads:

Denne Twitter-konto overvåger annonceaktiviteten hos danske partier og politikere. Når en ny annonce opdages, tweetes der!

Bag den står Søren Pedersen, bedre kendt som @systemaddict.


?‍? Sådan fungerer Twitter og Facebooks nye annonce-transparens

“Goodbye, dark posts” skriver Digiday:

The transparency centers are part of the companies’ efforts to appease the world (read: government regulators) following Russian trolls using Facebook, Twitter and other online platforms to manipulate U.S. voters during the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Both Facebook and Twitter launched new policies for political advertisers, such as registering to run political ads, in May. Here’s what marketers need to know about this step.


?‍? TweetDeck-guide til journalister


Whether you’re a seasoned journalist or just fresh out of uni, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the amount of information you can find through this platform. When I first used Tweetdeck, I knew what I wanted to find but could not make sense of all of those individual search columns.



↔️ Algoritmen bestemmer, derfor lavere YouTube’ere længere videoer


YouTube has frustrated digital video creators for not always displaying their videos to the people who subscribe to their channels and for sometimes pulling ads from their videos that people do see. So YouTube stars are increasingly responding by extending the lengths of their videos in order to curry favor with YouTube’s watch-time-minded recommendation algorithm and to be able to feature more ads per video.




Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang eller ny teknologi, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.


? The Economist sætter fokus på Netflix

…og det gør de både med en lederartikel og en special report.


? The Information laver dokumentar om journalistikkens fremtid

Det her lyder som “one to watch”: Online tech-magasinet The Information har lavet en dokumentar i fem afsnit om fem forskellige journalistiske entreprenører. Det handler om journalistikkens fremtid og om at leve af det.

Du læse mere og se traileren hos The Information.

Underoverskriften på dokumentaren er “Free news is worth exactly what you pay for it”.


? TV 2 Nord vil udfase nyheder uden levende billeder

MediaWatch har talt med Mikael Justesen, direktør for TV 2 Nord i forbindelse med deres artikelserie, ‘Sommer 7’eren’. Her siger han blandt andet:

Vi skal have knækket koden for, hvordan en tv-station med de allerbedste kompetencer inden for det område skifter karakter og bliver en indholdsproducerende enhed med leverancer til alle platforme. […] Vi vil blandt andet i løbet af kort tid udfase rene tekstnyheder på vores hjemmeside og i stedet fokusere 100 pct. på historier, der også er levende billeder til. Det er ikke nogen let øvelse – men vi gør det nu alligevel for at fokusere entydigt på det, vi er bedst til: indhold baseret på levende billeder.



? Halvdelen af Telemundos digitale VM-seere følger med på mobilen

The NBCUniversal broadcaster, which has Spanish-language rights to air every World Cup game in the U.S., said between 48 and 51 percent of its live digital viewers consistently watch the games on their smartphones. The other half flips between connected TV and desktop streaming, said Peter Blacker, evp of digital media and emerging business for NBCUniversal Telemundo Enterprises. The most popular screen for streaming live video — including sports — remains the connected TV, according to recent FreeWheel data.



? Podcast-firmaer skal lære af meditations-apps


Calm and Headspace are, in purpose and presentation, meditation apps. But strip them down to their technical components and you’ll see that they’re effectively on-demand audio platforms built on strong subscription-first business models. I’d argue they’re the most successful on-demand audio apps in the marketplace right now.

Nieman Lab


? 4 podcasting-tips til nybegyndere

Det er gode tips, der dog ikke er rocket science. “Slow the heck down” er dog altid værd at huske ?



? Copyright-direktiv: Wikipedia lukker i 3 lande

Wikipedia’s Italian and Spanish [and Polish] language versions have temporarily shut off access to their respective versions of the free online encyclopedia in Europe to protest against controversial components of a copyright reform package ahead of a key vote in the EU parliament tomorrow.


…det blev i øvrigt ikke vedtaget i Europaparlamentet.


? Virtual Reality er tilbage i populærkulturen – som advarsel


So now, more than 20 years later, VR is coming back to screens. It’s still a symbol of the future, and it’s still the realm of fantasy. But in two new shows, VR’s treatment suggests that society may not have the same appetite for those things as it once did.




Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.


? Blendle og andre har svært ved at holde europæiske medier ombord


When kiosks such as Blendle first came out on the scene, there were cries that they would be “the saviour of journalism“, but since then things haven’t gone as great. To understand why kiosks are struggling to keep European publishers on board, we’ve taken a deep dive into the world of kiosks.



? Vil Facebook og Google virkelig hjælpe med at skaffe abonnenter?


These initiatives are long in coming, but it’s too soon to pop the Champagne just yet. Both are limited to a handful of publishers — Subscribe with Google rolled out in Aprilwith 17 publishers, while Facebook has been testing its subscription tool with a dozen publishers. Neither has given a time frame for when those tools will be available to all publishers.



? Hårde tider forude for den traditionelle mediebranche

Det her burde ikke overraske:

Nedturen i den traditionelle mediebranche ser ud til at fortsætte, og de gamle dagblade og tv-koncerner må jagte nye forretninger, hvis de skal formå at skabe vækst. Det skriver Finans på baggrund af en international analyse fra revisions- og konsulentvirksomheden PwC.



? Google Ads erstatter DoubleClick og AdWords


Google executives said its fees are not changing, and no services are merging. The company will retain the AdSense and AdMob brands for ad sales technologies that are aimed at small websites and mobile app developers, respectively.



? Nyt forlag vil bruge crowdfunding

Metoden (hvor man beder folk donere penge hver især) kendes allerede fra steder som Kickstarter.

Tidligere redaktør for Bonniers mest læste magasiner står bag nyt forlag, der vil udgive fagbøger på engelsk finansieret med crowdfundingkampagner. Første projekt er i støbeskeen.



?? Bonnier i Sverige: Køber nichemedier og bygger betalingsmur


Tre svenske nichemedier med fokus på mediebranchen får fælles ejer, efter Bonnier Business Media har været på opkøb.



Det svenske mediehus tager første skridt mod mere brugerbetaling online og indfører digitalt abonnement på magasinet “Vi Föräldrar”.



? Wired lancerer video-streaming-kanal


Launched on July 1, Wired’s streaming channel is available on Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV and Android TV. The service will also launch on Roku in the next week, the publisher said. Wired’s channel will be the first of several streaming video channels planned by parent Condé Nast, which announced at its NewFronts earlier this year that it will create channels for Wired and, in 2019, GQ and Bon Appétit.




Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.


? Status på mobildesign anno 2018

Her taler vi ikke om design af mobiltelefoner men om, hvordan du kan designe dine produkter og interfaces, så de fungerer bedst muligt på mobiltelefoner.

Hvis du er inde i det, behøver Luke Wroblewski (der er Product Director hos Google) ingen nærmere introduktion.

I denne YouTube-video giver han et øjebliksbillede på brugeroplevelse og design til mobile enheder og vil besvare spørgsmålet “hvordan ser mobil brug ud, så man kan designe effektivt til det?”:

Tip: Følg @LukeW på Twitter.


? Hvordan kan vi redde internettet?

Internettet skulle gøre verden mindre centraliseret, men det modsatte er sket. I en ‘special report’ sætter The Economist fokus på internettet og dets problemer.

Report’en består af seks artikler:

  1. How to fix what has gone wrong with the internet
  2. The story of the internet is all about layers
  3. Blockchain technology may offer a way to re-decentralise the internet
  4. China has the world’s most centralised internet system
  5. How regulators can prevent excessive concentration online
  6. There is no single solution to making the internet more decentralised

Hvis vi vil forstå, hvad der er galt med internettet, skal vi kigge på Ebay, skriver The New York Times.


?? Efter GDPR: Nogle US-medier blokerer stadig EU-brugere

Los Angeles Times fik en del…opmærksomhed, da deres website efter implementeringen af persondataforordningen ikke længere var tilgængeligt for EU-brugere. Det er det stadig ikke:

Major U.S. news sites including the Los Angeles Times and the Chicago Tribune are still blocking European visitors more than a month after the enforcement of the General Data Protection Regulation.


I øvrigt ser fremtiden ikke alt for lys ud for Los Angeles Times, skriver Nieman Lab.


? Har Californien fået sin egen GDPR?


California has passed a digital privacy law granting consumers more control over and insight into the spread of their personal information online, creating one of the most significant regulations overseeing the data-collection practices of technology companies in the United States.

The New York Times


Foto: rawpixel.com / Pexels


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