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Hver fredag udgiver jeg en opsamling med noget af det bedste indhold, jeg er faldet over i ugens løb indenfor medier, teknologi og mennesker – de emner, jeg skriver om her.
? Følg med på mail: Tilmeld dig nyhedsbrevet, så sender jeg dig en fin mail, håndskrevet til lejligheden, når der er nyt at læse her på siden:
Bemærk: Du får ikke en mail, så snart, jeg har udgivet nyt – i stedet samler jeg op og sender hyppigst en gang om ugen. Hvis du vil følge med og vide det, så snart, der er nyt skal du følge med via RSS-feed’et.
? Medier
? Russiske trolls købte Facebook-annoncer for $100.000
To Facebook’s dismay, Russia is trending. On the heels of a report that revealed Facebook overestimated its reach, the company admitted on Wednesday that a Russian “troll farm” spent $100,000 on ads on its platform between June 2015 and May 2017 to influence U.S. politics.
Mere om sagen ?
- Facebook says ‘likely’ Russian operation spent money on ads with divisive political messages [CNBC]
- Russia’s Facebook Fake News Could Have Reached 70 Million Americans [The Daily Beast]
- A source close to Russia’s ‘troll factory’ says Facebook has deleted 80 percent of its groups [Meduza]
- Why it’s so hard to trust Facebook [CNN]
? Journalisten skriver om de links, Google fjerner
Det her er spændende journalistik om et emne, der flyver under radaren for mange:
Google har fjernet 9.000 danske søgeresultater efter klager. Et ukendt antal er artikler fra danske medier. Ekstra Bladets chefredaktør forstår ikke, at Google har fjernet en artikel om Scientology, mens Politiken undrer sig over, at en artikel om stormskader skulle fjerne
? Det koster at satse på brugeroplevelsen
Jeg har længe argumenteret for, at medier bør gå mere op i brugeroplevelsen – også selvom det betyder at tage fat på det sted, der påvirker brugeroplevelsen mest; annoncerne, hvor pengene kommer fra:
After years of cramming their sites with ads that flash and obscure editorial content, digital publishers are taking a newfound interest in improving user experience. With readers revolting against intrusive ads and tech giants like Google and Apple cracking down on ads that slow down page speed, they must.
But there’s a trade-off to putting users first. Publishers have long been addicted to these ad formats because, well, they bring in revenue when all but a few publishers have managed to collect directly from readers.
Læs mere hos Digiday, der blandt andet forklarer, at skiftet kan lade sig gøre.
? Facebook vil bruge op til 1 milliard dollars på Watch
Facebook could spend as much as $1 billion to fund original content initiatives for its new Watch video platform, according to a new report from the Wall Street Journal. The amount might seem familiar – it’s the same investment Apple is said to have earmarked for original shows and movies through 2018.
? Scribd i samarbejde med The New York Times
Scribd, the San Francisco-based startup that wants to be the Netflix for text, has a new plan to lure more subscribers: Give them The New York Times.
This morning, Scribd announced a new two-for-one deal for students. Those with valid .edu addresses can pay $1.87 per week and get access to Scribd’s library of written content and a digital subscription to The New York Times.
? ProPublica bruger chatbots til at crowdsource
Det lyder som en god idé. Medietrends.dk skriver:
ProPublicas nye chatbot opfordrer brugerne til at fortælle om, hvordan de har været i kontakt med hate speech på Facebook. Det kan være, at de har oplevet grænseoverskridende opslag, at de har anmeldt hate speech eller at de måske selv er blevet blokeret af Facebook.
? De vigtigste udviklinger indenfor podcasts i 2017
Hvis du er interesseret i at lave podcasts (eller blot er nysgerrig) bør du læse denne Nieman Lab-artikel, der gør grundig status.
?♂️ The Economist henter følgere (og trafik) fra Line
Kender du Line? Jeg gjorde ikke, inden jeg læste denne artikel [Digiday], men det lyder interessant – også for medier, der vil have følgere og/eller trafik til hjemmesiden:
Push notifications direct users to a small card linked to the story. The cards are created from a template and can feature news photos, charts and illustrations, but the graphics require more design effort than posting links to the publisher’s Line homepage. But the effort pays off, according to Huang, who wrote in a Medium post that these push notifications drive up to 10 times the referral traffic to its site than the homepage links. This works out to roughly the same amount of referral traffic as Facebook and Twitter, but Huang declined to share specific numbers.
? The Atlantic lancerer medlemsprogram
Herhjemme kender vi ‘medlems’-modellen fra Zetland, og nu går amerikanske The Atlantic i den samme retning. Digiday skriver:
Benefits include a digital subscription to the magazine (which is now being advertised for $24.50 a year); a daily newsletter with exclusive content; extended reporting around the monthly cover story; access to a members-only Facebook group; weekly conference calls with Atlantic editorial staffers like editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg and journalists David Frum and Julia Ioffe; and discounted tickets to Atlantic events. (For its Washington Ideas event later this month, for example, it’ll give away 100 complimentary tickets to members, then offer the rest at half-off.)
(Nieman Lab har også en artikel om det)
✅ Det sorte marked for Instagram-verifikationer
Det her lyder helt skørt, men selvfølgelig findes det jo:
[…] the black market for Instagram verification, where anyone from a seasoned publicist to a 22-year-old digital marketer will offer to verify an account—for a price. The fee is anywhere from a bottle of wine to $15,000, according to a dozen sources who have sold verification, bought verification for someone else, or directly know someone who has done one or the other.
? Inside the black market where people pay thousands of dollars for Instagram verification [Mashable]
? Medier er lunkne overfor ads.txt
Udviklere og hjemmesideejere kender ‘robots.txt’; en simpel tekstfil der giver søgemaskinerobotter instrukser om, hvilke dele af en hjemmeside de må og ikke må indeksere.
Interactive Advertising Bureau Tech Lab lancerede i maj det såkaldte ‘ads.txt’, der fungerer på lidt samme måde. Du kan læse om det hos Digiday – og at det ikke går så godt med udbredelsen.
“[A] tool that can help ad buyers avoid illegitimate sellers that arbitrage inventory and spoof domains. The way it works is that publishers drop a text file on their web servers that lists all the companies authorized to sell their inventory, which allows buyers to check the validity of the inventory they purchase […]
Although dropping a text file on a web server doesn’t take much effort, many publisher web developers already get assigned more work than they can handle, so ads.txt isn’t an immediate priority for them, said Business Insider CRO Pete Spande, who has advocated for more publishers to adopt the tool. Another issue is that the benefits of ads.txt — it helps buyers avoid spoofed domains, which helps publishers protect their reputations — get lost in bureaucracy.
? Teknologi
? Venture-penge til dansk virtuelt laboratorium
Mads Tvillinggaard Bonde og Michael Bodekær Jensen har udviklet et virtuelt laboratorium, der bruges på universiteter over hele verden. Nu har de fået en kapitaltilførelse på 10 millioner dollar fra et stort internationalt ventureselskab.
? Europa er teknologisk splittet
Til trods for EUs indsats for at holde Europa samlet og på så ensartet et niveau som muligt, er der stadig store forskelle, skriver Politico:
In Finland, Sweden and other Scandinavian countries (where widespread high-speed broadband and mobile connectivity first took root in the EU), locals enjoy some of the best digital services anywhere in the world. […]
Contrast that to some of the EU’s most recent — and poorest — members like Bulgaria and Romania, where barely half of the population surfs the web each week. Even the young don’t approach Northern Europe’s levels of internet use, according to Eurostat, the European Commission’s statistics agency.
❓ Hvad er nyt i den kommende Windows 10-opdatering?
Den største nyhed er dog integrationen af mixed reality til folket. Microsofts nye platform, der afvikles som et Windows-program, vil være at finde i den kommende opdatering.
? Facebook vil tjene penge på WhatsApp
…ifølge The Wall Street Journal ved blandt andet at give virksomheder adgang til nogle værktøjer.
? Et bud på fremtiden for chatbots
Hence there is a new trend to evolve from NLP to NLU Natural Language Understanding. Many tech companies are throwing lots of money and resources to develop hard techs like reinforcement learning, AI negotiations capabilities to allow machines have a better understanding of user intent.
– Læs mere hos Chatbots Magazine
? Grundig anmeldelse af Android 8.0 ‘Oreo’
Hvis du er mere end bare almindeligt interesseret i mobile operativsystemer, så er denne lange artikel [Ars Technica] lige noget for dig.
? Hvad er en ‘Initial Coin Offering’?
Et af de begreber, man hører rigtig meget om, men ikke rigtig forstår. MITs Technology Review kommer os til undsætning:
A token sale is like a crowdfunding campaign, except it uses the technology behind Bitcoin to verify transactions. Oh, and tokens aren’t just stand-ins for stock—they can be set up so that instead of a share of a company, holders get services, like cloud storage space, for example. Below, we run down the increasingly popular practice of launching an ICO and its potential to upset business as we know it.
Læs: What the Hell Is an Initial Coin Offering?
? Her er nyhederne fra IFA-messen
Europas største forbrugerelektronikmesse er gået på hæld efter en spændende uge i teknologiens tegn. Se nogle af nyhederne fra elektronikmessen IFA.
Se galleriet hos Computerworld
?️ IBMs supercomputer kæmper med kampen mod kræften
But three years after IBM began selling Watson to recommend the best cancer treatments to doctors around the world, a STAT investigation has found that the supercomputer isn’t living up to the lofty expectations IBM created for it. It is still struggling with the basic step of learning about different forms of cancer. Only a few dozen hospitals have adopted the system, which is a long way from IBM’s goal of establishing dominance in a multibillion-dollar market. And at foreign hospitals, physicians complained its advice is biased toward American patients and methods of care.
? Mennesker
? Ny ledelsesform? Mød ‘adhocracy’
Adhocracy is an idea that has been around for decades, in the general sense that it is the opposite of bureaucracy. But it comes into sharper relief, says Birkinshaw, when viewed through the lens of the new emphasis on strategy-as-action: ‘We want to redefine adhocracy to make it useful’. Realistically, few large firms will be able to reshape themselves as agile organisations able to turn on a sixpence in the blink of an eye – or even ever. While an internet start-up would aim to avoid bureaucracy and the endless pursuit of perfection, established companies face research, regulatory and reporting needs which make elements of bureaucratic and meritocratic organisation unavoidable. They face the difficult task of cultivating islands or cells of adhocracy within the larger structure.
Læs hele artiklen hos London Business School
⚠️ Din chef må ikke læse din mail uden at give dig besked først
En ny dom fra Den Europæiske Menneskerettigheds-domstol slår dog fast, at en virksomhed ikke uden videre kan overvåge medarbejderens email-konto.
?? Sådan sammensætter du et design-team
Wake (der står bag et værktøj til samarbejde om design) har skrevet en firedelt introduktion og hjælp til, hvordan du sammensætter et design-team:
Design teams today are multi-functional, made up of not only different technical backgrounds, but also a variety of personal experiences and communication styles. It’s not enough anymore to simply build a team based on things you find in a portfolio. If you want a successful, scalable design team, you have to look beyond what’s obvious.
? Problemet med designtænkning
I den forrige opsamling kunne du læse en artikel af en, der er glad for designtænkning. Her kan du så se en præsentation af en, der er… knapt så begejstret.
If Google Image search is your sole barometer, “design thinking uses just one tool: 3M Post-Its,” says Pentagram partner Natasha Jen. “Why did we end up with a single medium? Charles and Ray Eames worked in a complete lack of Post-It stickies. They learned by doing.” In her provocative 99U talk, Jen lobbies for the “Crit” over the “Post-It” when it comes to moving design forward.
? Design Thinking Is Bullshit [99u]
⏰ 48-timers reglen for UX-arbejde i store organisationer
This tactic is simple, and means exactly what it says. If you’re familiar with design sprints, then you understand the value of validating a prototype as quickly as possible.