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? Generelt / tendenser
⚡ BT eksperimenterer med Instant Articles
Indtil videre er der blot tale om en test af formatet. Formålet er undersøge, om Instant Articles kan øge mængden af BT-læsere ved at ramme flere danskere, fortæller digital chef på BT Kevin Walsh.
”Vi vil gerne have fat i rigtig mange danskere og være dér, hvor de er. Det er nu en gang på Facebook, så vi synes, at det er oplagt at prøve Instant Articles af for at se, hvad det kan gøre for vores strategi, at vi kommer bredere ud med vores indhold,” siger Kevin Walsh.
? Læs mere [MediaWatch]
Flere hurtige artikler:
- UK publishers are mixed on performance of Facebook Instant Articles [Digiday]
- Washington Post Unveils ‘Lightning-Fast’ Mobile Website [The Wall Street Journal]
⛩ AdBlock Plus åbner ‘acceptable ads’ i beta
AdBlock Plus er nu ikke længere kun en ‘adblocker’. Trofaste følgere af denne blog kender til jeres ‘acceptable ads’-program, hvor annoncer, der ikke totalt ødelægger brugeroplevelsen. Nu er det klart i en beta, skriver LifeHacker. Du kan også læse blogindlægget fra Adblock Plus’ Ben Williams (han er ‘operations and communications director’).
Og du kan læse mere om platformen på acceptableads.com.
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Hvis du nu sidder og tænker “hey, jeg vil da være med til at bestemme, hvad der er acceptable annoncer!”, så kan du kigge her.
Læs mere:
- Adblock Plus is Launching an Ad Exchange [The Wall Street Journal]
- Adblock Plus now sells ads [The Verge]
- Adblock Plus launches its very own ad network [Engadget]
- Adblock Plus Is Going To Start Brokering Online Ad Sales [Fast Company]
- Adblock Plus Now Sells “Acceptable” Ads [Slate / Future Tense]
? Gentænker Vox deres ‘card stacks’?
Jeg er ret begejstret for Vox.com’s brug af ‘card stacks’ som en måde, man som læser kan sætte sig ind i et emne – jeg har tidligere skrevet om formatet. Det lader til, at folkene bag havde større forventninger til faktakortene, end de rent faktisk kan levere, skriver Digiday:
Now, he acknowledges their limitations. The card stacks were the cornerstone of Vox.com’s product theory, that a single product could solve the problems of the online news system. “It was an idea of, we could create one big innovation, and that would change the way the whole thing worked,” Klein said on the podcast, where he was joined by Melissa Bell, one of the founders of Vox.com and driver of the card stacks. “I’m still proud of them and we still use them, but they’re not going to change the whole game. I think that’s clear.”
Der er flere gode pointer i artiklen, blandt andet denne:
It’s the problem, fundamentally, of the broken trust audiences have in the amorphous, unidentified ‘media’ in Pew surveys. That problem can’t be solved with a single product innovation. We have to stop trying to find a single problem. It needs to be solved in a million different ways, every single day.”
? Schibsted slår udviklingsafdelingerne sammen
Schibsted is combining the tech and product teams of all of its titles into a single company-wide tech-and-product group, which will help build and scale news products for all the publishing titles, from Aftonbladet to Aftenposten to its mobile-focused news service Omni. There will no longer be a separate Aftonbladet tech team, or an Aftenposten tech team; the teams will officially be considered a part of Schibsted’s global tech and product organization.
? Læs mere [Nieman Lab]
? Digital chef: Personalisering bliver stort
Først og fremmest vil branchen teste personaliserede push-beskeder. Ny er teknologien ikke, men den er blevet langt lettere at gå til. Det vil kræve disciplin at holde sig relevant med alle de fantastiske muligheder, som teknologisk og forretningsmæssigt set allerede er operationelle.
For det andet kommer vi til at arbejde rigtig meget med at genkende brugere og identificere potentielle abonnenter på tværs af platforme, sites og markedsføringskanaler.
? Læs mere [MediaWatch]
? Facebook kæmper mod selve *årsagen* til adblocking
Facebook is signaling to the broader advertising and publishing world that the future lies in fewer ads, more respect for consumer privacy and more deference to a user’s preferences.
? Læs mere [TechCrunch]
? Hvornår er det bedste tidspunkt for Facebook-indlæg?
Denne artikel [TechCrunch] er interessant for dig, hvis du arbejder med Facebook-sider eller (som jeg) synes, at det efterhånden er blevet en videnskab (uden at det nødvendigvis er noget godt) at passe en Facebook-side.
[M]any of the strategies used by publishers for optimizing engagement and boosting referral traffic from social are flawed. Using data from leading publishers, we will dispel the myths and demonstrate that there are no universal “best times” to share content on Facebook.
? Kunstig intelligens kan afsløre slørede billeder
Et udbredt greb i journalistikken er at sløre/pixelere et billede, hvis en del af det (for eksempel ansigtet på en person) ikke må ses. Men den teknik bliver nu udfordret af kunstig intelligens, skriver Wired.
“The techniques we’re using in this paper are very standard in image recognition, which is a disturbing thought,” says Vitaly Shmatikov, one of the authors from Cornell Tech. Since the machine learning methods employed in the research are widely known—to the point that there are tutorials and training manuals online—Shmatikov says it would be possible for a bad actor with a baseline of technical knowledge to carry out these types of attacks.
? Politik og sociale medier i en verden uden sandhed
“Politicians have always lied. Does it matter if they leave the truth behind entirely?” spørger The Economist i en lederartikel i den udgave af tidsskriftet, der udkom i denne uge.
Der er også en længere artikel om politikere og sociale medier i vores ‘post-truth world’:
But if old media will be hard put to get a new grip on the gates, the new ones that have emerged so far do not inspire much confidence as an alternative. Facebook (which now has more than 1.7 billion monthly users worldwide) and other social networks do not see themselves as media companies, which implies a degree of journalistic responsibility, but as tech firms powered by algorithms. And putting artificial intelligence in charge may be a recipe for disaster: when Facebook recently moved to automate its “trending” news section, it promoted a fake news story which claimed that Fox News had fired an anchor, Megyn Kelly, for being a “traitor”.
? AOL kommer til Danmark med mobil annonceplatform
Den amerikanske mediekæmpe AOL, som bl.a ejer bl.a. Huffington Post og Techcrunch, går ind på det danske og nordiske mediemarked med en mobil annonceplatform. Det oplyser AOL i en pressemeddelelse.
? Læs mere [MediaWatch]
? Hvordan ser kunstig intelligens ud i 2030?
“Artificial Intelligence and Life in 2030” is the first product of the One Hundred Year Study on Artificial Intelligence (AI100), an ongoing project hosted by Stanford University to inform debate and provide guidance on the ethical development of smart software, sensors, and machines. Every five years for the next 100 years, the AI100 project will release a report that evaluates the status of AI technologies and their potential impact on the world.
? Læs mere [Harvard Gazette]
? Sådan holder Google øje med interessante startups
Prasad started the project in his Google “20 Percent Time,” but it has since grown into something much bigger. He’s now director of startups and VC partnerships, and at any given time, Project Sand Hill now serves a good 100 US startups, plus about 30 abroad, including places like Israel, India, and China.
? Læs mere [Wired]
? Organisation / Management
? Sådan kan du redde din virksomhed ud af et frit fald
Artikler som denne [Harvard Business Review] kan hurtigt nok blive pligtlæsning i mediebranchen. Artiklen fokuserer (på det generelle plan) på ændringer, der er vigtige at foretage – med blandt andet Lego som eksempel.
? 7 tips til den første måned i det nye job
Vi har alle enten prøvet det – eller kommer til at prøve det: Den første måned på det nye job. Computerworld kommer med syv gode råd til den første periode.
Anbefalingerne kommer fra en amerikansk HR-mand, og det kan godt læses. For eksempel er jeg ikke sikker på, at du efter nogle uger skal bede om “et kort møde med chefen med henblik på at få en afklaring af, om du lever op til forventningerne – både jobmæssigt og kulturmæssigt”.
? Derfor er Facebook blå
Why is Facebook blue? According to The New Yorker, the reason is simple. It’s because Mark Zuckerberg is red-green colorblind.
? Læs mere [Buffer / Stories]
✏ Design / UX
? Sådan fungerer design hos Spotify
Last month, Matt and I had the opportunity to spend an afternoon with members from a variety of product design teams in the New York office to learn more about the role of design at Spotify and how it contributes to their overall mission. We were given a glimpse into how the role of design varies across different teams, and how they maintain a cohesive user experience across the product. We also talked about how the design team finds a balance between maintaining Spotify’s iterative, experimental culture while at the same time proactively developing broader strategic goals.
? Læs mere [Ways We Work]
? Sådan kan designere arbejder med web performance
Performance is one of the biggest issues we face on The Web today. As the weight of the average page continues to rise, discussion around performance on most web teams quickly descends into the realm of development optimization. The reality is that performant web experiences begin with treating performance as an essential design feature. In this article, we’ll be looking specifically at ways that designers can help to champion and prioritize performance.
? Læs mere [Jon Yablonski]
⚡ Design-snak = Performance-snak
And the way I’ve started to think about it is like this: every conversation about design is also a conversation about web performance. I try to remind myself that the two are inseparable from the other and so as a web designer I ought to be considerate of these problems from the very beginning of a project, not just at the end.
? Læs mere [CSS-Tricks]
? Teknik
↔️ 10 jQuery-plugins til panorama-fotos
Facebook har for alvor gjort panorama-fotografier sjove at se på ved at gøre det muligt at kigge rundt i det ekstra brede billede ved at bevæge telefonen.
Noget lignende (dog uden at kunne navigere ved at bevæge telefonen) kan du få hjælp til af disse 10 jQuery-plugins [SitePoint].
? Sådan kan Service Workers give bedre performance
Service workers and the cache storage sub-API allow us to render our website immediately—as a native app—and also let us cache dynamic content with our own rules. In terms of challenges, debugging and understanding all the options available for caching is what is worth mentioning.
? Læs mere [O’Reilly]
? 5 værktøjer til optimering af apps
I hope you’ll agree when I say that a mediocre mobile app should be an urgent problem to solve. If you are looking for tools that can help you optimize your mobile apps, you will be happy to know that the choice is large and broad. In today’s post, I’ll introduce 5 great services and tools that if used in combination, can maximize your results.
? Læs mere [SitePoint]
Mere om apps:
- The future of web apps [Creative Bloq]
? http/2: Den gode, den onde og den grusomme
HTTP2 is not perfect and probably is not supported as it should be but, definitely, could improve (drastically in certain cases) your web project performance. A lot of “big players” are already using HTTP2 protocols in production (Instagram, Twitter or Facebook for instance) and the results are remarkable.
Læs mere [Luca Mezzalira]
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