Digital Ugerevy: Uge 42, 2018

Mit navn er Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder som leder af produktudvikling hos Infomedia.

Hver uge deler jeg en opsamling på noget af det mest interessante, jeg er faldet over indenfor digital udvikling og forretning i og omkring mediebranchen.

Det betyder, at du sparer tid: Du behøver ikke læse en masse artikler og nyhedsbreve for at holde dig opdateret.

Tak fordi, du læser med.


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Du får kun én mail om ugen – det lover jeg.




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Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.


?️ Tjek, om din Facebook-konto blev hacket


Dette er et af de links, jeg har set mest i ugens løb på de sociale medier. Men det er også et vigtigt et.

How to Check If Your Facebook Account Got Hacked—and How Badly [Wired]


? Skjulte Facebook sin videomålefejl?


Det her ser slet, slet ikke godt ud for Facebook:


Facebook acknowledged in 2016 that it had been overstating to advertisers the average time users spent watching videos on the platform. But when exactly Facebook found out about that error—and how long the company kept it under wraps—is now the subject of a federal district court lawsuit in California. The suit, filed earlier this week, was brought by Facebook advertisers who allege that Facebook knew about the measurement error for more than a year before it was first reported publicly in The Wall Street Journal.

Wired →

Læs også:


? Facebook-trafik til medier er helt i bund


Facebook traffic to publishers is down so much (nearly 40%) that according to Chartbeat, “a user is now more likely to find your content through your mobile website or app than from Facebook.”

Axios →

? Facebook har ansat Nick Clegg


Facebook has hired Nick Clegg, the former UK deputy prime minister, to head its global affairs and communications team as it faces escalating problems over data protection and the threat of greater government regulation.

Financial Times →




? Kopi-sites får lavere rank på Facebook


Facebook  is demoting trashy news publishers and other websites that illicitly scrape and republish content from other sources with little or no modification. Today it exclusively told TechCrunch that it will show links less prominently in the News Feed if they have a combination of this new signal about content authenticity along with either clickbait headlines or landing pages overflowing with low-quality ads.



? Facebook vil straffe sensations-annoncer


The company says any ads containing engagement bait, sensationalized language or headlines that withhold information will be penalized.

Marketing Land


? Facebook kan bruge Portal-data til at målrette annoncer


Facebook announced Portal last week, its take on the in-home, voice-activated speaker to rival competitors from Amazon, Google and Apple.

The biggest question surrounding the device: Why should anyone trust Facebook enough to put Facebook-powered microphones and video cameras in their living room or kitchen?

Recode →


? 7 tips til dig, der sender live på Facebook, Instagram og Twitter


Broadcasting live can be a little intimidating, but in this post, I’ll go over the top seven tips that have helped me go live, in order to make it a little easier for you to start sharing your own live posts (number five helped the most). And with live video content generating the most engagement – and thus, reach – on Facebook, it’s definitely worth considering.

Social Media Today →


? Svært at spore politiske annoncepenge på de store platforme


This year, Facebook, Google, and Twitter have all created archives of political ad spending on their platforms, making publicly available for the first time information about how much are spending, and how effective it is. However, the three companies have different standards when it comes to what constitutes a political ad and what information they’re making available.

VentureBeat →


? Instagram har et chikaneproblem


The platform has cast itself as the internet’s kindest place. But users argue harassment is rampant, and employees say efforts to stem it aren’t funded well or prioritized.

The Atlantic →


? Instagram tester erstatning for scroll


Jeg har tidligere blæst til kamp mod scrolling [Medieblogger], og nu tester Instagram noget lignende. Det er inspireret af det, man kender fra ‘Stories’, hvor man kommer til næste ved blot at trykke [TechCrunch].

Det er dog ikke noget, Instagram pønser på at implementere lige nu og her.


⚙️ LinkedIn opdaterer algoritmen


Ændringen skal især tilgodese dem, der har knapt så mange følgere.

This new term quantifies the value that the creator will receive from the viewer providing feedback on the post, accounting for the fact that the first few pieces of feedback are the most important, and each new response beyond the first few provides diminishing returns. Now, the feed “knows” how much a given creator will appreciate getting feedback from a given viewer, and it uses this information when ranking the posts

LinkedIn Engineering →


? Twitter offentliggør misinformation


Det sociale medie Twitter har onsdag lagt et overblik frem over alle de konti og opslag, som siden 2016 er blevet fjernet, fordi det har forsøgt at sprede misinformation.

MediaWatch →

Det var i øvrigt nogenlunde det samme, Facebook var igennem for cirka et år siden, hvor amerikanske politikere offentliggjorde de annoncer, som russere angiveligt havde købt for at påvirke amerikanerne op til valget:

These Are the Ads Russia Bought on Facebook in 2016 [The New York Times]


? Ups – har Twitter brudt GDPR?


Irish privacy authorities are looking into whether Twitter was in breach of the European law when it refused to comply with a user’s request to see his data.

Marketing Land →



Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang eller ny teknologi, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.


? 4 medier på dansk Google Assistant


Hvis man siger “lyt til nyheder” begynder assistenten automatisk at afspille den seneste radioavis fra DR. Derefter fortsætter den med Radio24Syv, Radio Information og endelig Altingets podcast Parlamentet.

Medietrends →

? DR med Danmarks længste artikel?




?? Nyt Politico Europe-produkt skal give øget EU-indsigt


New monitoring technology by POLITICO Europe will offer a ‘deeper insight’ into EU legislation, stakeholders and policy developments that can become a great ressource for reporters. […]

Johannes Boege, chief product officer, POLITICO Europe said the subscription model uses the recently acquired monitoring technology of Statehill Inc. to facilitate journalists, amongst other professions, to make quick, informed decisions from one location, rather than trawling through the data sets themselves. →



? The Economist deler data på Github


While we take care to identify our sources, we have not often published the data behind them. Sometimes, this is for good reason: some data are proprietary or otherwise not ours to publish. Often, we have simply not made the time to do it. This is a shame: releasing data can give our readers extra confidence in our work, and allows researchers and other journalists to check — and to build upon — our work. So we’re looking to change this, and publish more of our data on GitHub.

Medium / The Economist →


? Stanford vil hjælpe journalister med at spare penge


A team of Stanford University scholars are launching a data-driven initiative to help journalists find stories at a lower cost, to support local newsrooms explore public interest issues and fight against misinformation.

Stanford News →




Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.


? Allers erfaringer med personlig paywall i Norge


The tests resulted in a significant increase in getting readers to subscribe, especially to one-month and three-month subscriptions (the publisher also offers weeklong and annual subscriptions), Schmitz said.

Digiday →


? Læserbidrag udgør nu 12% af The Guardians indtjening


The Guardian now gets more revenue from consumers than from advertising. More than 900,000 people pay it through a combination of membership, recurring contributions and one-off contributions, accounting for 12 percent of the publisher’s total revenue. (Other reader revenue comes from print and digital subscriptions and newsstand sales.)

Digiday →


?️ Financial Times lader abonnenter måle deres egen læsning


The publisher has today launched Knowledge Builder, a new tool to help readers take control of the amount of information they read about a topic.


? The New York Times i abonnementstilbud med Scribd


On Oct. 17, The New York Times and Scribd launched a dual subscription that gives customers unlimited access to both their products for $12.99 per month, compared to $24 if people subscribed separately to a basic Times digital sub ($15 a month) and Scribd ($9 a month).

Digiday →


?? Danske Adform går ind i Kina


It- og adtech-selskabet Adform udbygger forankringen på det internationale marked for programmatisk annoncering og åbner tre nye kontorer, bl.a. i Kina og Australien.

MediaWatch →

Læs også: ‘Too many players, not enough choice’: What’s driving ad tech consolidation [Digiday]



Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.


? Sådan arbejder BuzzFeed med automatisering


How are AI and automation used at BuzzFeed to inform publishing decisions across their many, many pages? At a meeting with the GEN Study Tour group in New York City, Gilad Lotan, VP head of data science at BuzzFeed, let us take a peek at some of their internal dashboards, learn about their AB testing process, and find out how to stop a chili dog recipe from getting automatically posted on BuzzFeed Animals.

Medium / Global Editors Network →


? Adobes AR-værktøj går i beta


Adobe today announced the private beta of Project Aero, an augmented reality authoring tool and content delivery platform for smartphones. Project Aero will allow creatives to make augmented reality artifacts without the need to learn how to use things like the Unity game engine.

VentureBeat →


?️ Sådan nåede Netflix ud til 190 lande på 7 år


In the second quarter of 2018, its international streaming revenues exceeded domestic streaming revenues for the first time. This is a remarkable achievement for a company that was only in the U.S. before 2010, and in only 50 countries by 2015.

Harvard Business Review →

Læs også: Netflix Stock Soars as Roaring Subscriber Growth Restores Faith [Bloomberg]


? Ny Kindle er vandtæt


Today, Amazon is updating the Paperwhite again, adding new features that were introduced with the second-generation Oasis, including waterproofing and support for Audible audiobooks in a lighter and thinner package.

The Verge


⛓️ Dårlig start for blockchain-medie


Startup is falling short of its funding goal, as major news organizations pass on partnerships and one of its co-founders criticizes company

The Wall Street Journal →

 The original plan was that any money invested would be returned to those who bought tokens, but there is a possibility those who have invested could be offered the option of keeping their tokens and continue with the project if they wish. Even if that does happen, however, it could mean less funding for the newsrooms that have already set up shop on Civil, including the Colorado Sun, Block Club Chicago, and Popula.

Columbia Journalism Review →

Og det gik ikke godt:

Civil’s token sale has failed. Now what? Refunds, for one thing — and then another sale [Nieman Lab]



Foto: / Pexels

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