Medier og teknologi i uge 39, 2016

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Hver uge udgiver jeg en opsamling med noget af det bedste indhold, jeg er faldet over i ugens løb indenfor medier, teknologi og det, der ligner.

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? Generelt / tendenser

? Tips til personaliserede interaktive fortællinger

Alle vil gerne bygge interaktive ting, og det bliver endnu smartere, når man kan personalisere det, for eksempel ved at brugeren indtaster simple data om sig selv, sin profession eller noget tredje.

I denne artikel [] kan du læse om, hvordan du kan gøre.

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? 50% smutter, hvis mobilsiden er mere end 3 sek. om at loade

It’s always an exciting day when Google releases new web performance research. A new report — The need for mobile speed — from DoubleClick (the Google subsidiary that develops and provides online ad serving services) offers a handy refresh for some key stats around mobile performance — most interestingly, stats around user/business metrics like bounce rate, session length, ad viewability, and revenue.

? Læs mere [SOASTA]

Bemærk, at det naturligvis ikke er det samme, som at alle dine sider skal kunne loade på 3 sekunder. Men på de 3 sekunder, skal brugeren have noget at kigge på og arbejde med.

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? Bedre performance: The Washington Post & Progressive Web Apps

“In our public-facing beta of the PWA web app, we’ve seen about 5x engagement – page views per visit, number of stories read,” Washington Post’s head of product tells Beet.TV in this video interview. “That’s pretty good.”

? Læs mere [Huffington Post]

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▶️ Autoplay på video i Chrome og Safari

Hvad kan man gøre, hvis man ikke synes, der er nok video-visninger på nettet? Man sætter det da bare til at spille automatisk [The Wall Street Journal] (dog uden lyd).

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? Snapchat klar med brille

What initially appears to be a normal pair of sunglasses turns out to be Spectacles, the first hardware product from Snap Inc., as the firm has been newly christened (Spiegel is refreshing the company name because its offerings now go beyond the Snapchat app). When you slip Spectacles on and tap a button near the hinge, it records up to 10 seconds of video from your first-person vantage. Each new tap records another clip.

Se mere [The Wall Street Journal]

Mere om brillen:

(Fra Snapchats egen video)
(Fra Snapchats egen video)

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? Er dette Googles nye Pixel-telefon?

According to Android Police, one will be a 5-inch smartphone called the Pixel, to replace last year’s LG-made Nexus 5X (seemingly pictured above), while a 5.5-inch model called the Pixel XL — which is pictured below — will supplant the Huawei-produced Nexus 6P. Both phones are said to represent a new philosophy at Google’s phone division, which is aiming to be more “opinionated” about the software and hardware of its handsets in the words of CEO Sundar Pichai. The smaller of the two devices may start at $649, Android Police says.

? Læs mere [The Verge]

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? Startup hjælper medier med personaliserede nyhedsbreve

With its algorithm, Ownpage shows readers stories based on their reading habits and what other similar users are reading.

? Læs mere [Nieman Lab]

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▶️ YouTube på vej med player til udgivere

As part of its charm offensive on media owners, Google has unveiled YouTube Player for Publishers, a new video offering specifically tailored to the needs of the news industry.

The new tool gives audiences better viewing experiences, while offering publishers more options when it comes to monetising their content.

? Læs mere [The Drum]

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? Sådan fik Instagram sit vigtigste feature – nærmest ved held

David Greene talks to Guy Raz — host of the new NPR podcast “How I Built This” — about how the founders of the photo-sharing app Instagram got their business off the ground.

Hør mere [NPR]

Du kan høre hele interviewet (og andre i rækken) hos NPR.

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? ‘Relateret indhold’-widgets er problematiske

Du kender dem sikkert godt. Elementer på hjemmesider, der vil lokke dig til at klikke på et udvalg af måske 4-5 artikler fra andre hjemmesider. Der kan være penge i det for dem, der har hjemmesiden, du er på, men det er en dårlig forretning i det lange løb, advarer Nieman Lab.

Her er en af pointerne:

Only half of the 312 links in recommended content widgets actually went to what it considered legit advertisers. In contrast, a quarter of the remaining links went to clickbait sites, and 15 percent linked to real content from other legitimate sites. Four percent of links went to fake news.

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? Organisation / Management

? Sådan kan store organisationer arbejde (næsten) som startups

Conventional wisdom says that you need to run a big company differently than a startup and there’s a lot of truth to that. But for large enterprises seeking to grow by exploring new lines of business, thinking more like a startup makes a lot of sense.

Læs mere [Harvard Business Review]

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✌️ Hvordan arbejder en ‘Director of Culture’?

I work with the leadership team across the company to figure out where we need to be as a team and the mentality we need to have. I also spend a lot of time with my team of culture specialists, mobility specialists, designers, and internal communications to help execute ideas from the leadership. In essence, the culture team helps bridge the gap between the executive team and the rest of the company, making sure everyone is aligned.

? Læs mere [Ways We Work]

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✏ Design / UX

? Google vil understøtte responsivt design i e-mails

Rigtig mange e-mails ligner noget, der er løgn. Og det er der en grund til: Microsoft Outlook (der er en af de mest populære e-mailklienter) bruger nemlig tudsegammel teknologi til at rendere e-mails.

Nu er Google parat til at tage e-mailformatet et skridt ind i dette årtusinde, og har nu annonceret “a major update that will finally enable responsive email design. The update affects several distinct email clients, all powered by Gmail, covering the web, desktop, Android, and iOS”.

? Læs mere hos WebDesigner Depot

Mere om det:

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? Fora til designere

Noget af det bedste ved internettet er, at det er nemt at komme i kontakt med andre, der enten arbejder med eller interesserer sig for det samme som en selv. Her er de gode gamle internetfora altså ikke uden muligheder.

Hongkiat har samlet en række fora, du som designer kan engagere dig i.

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↔️ En design-proces er ikke en fast størrelse

Don’t get me wrong, a lot of the discussions I see are great. There’s plenty of detailed commentaries that include great insight into notable design teams and their day to day. But the majority of responses always fail to address the problem at hand. A design process is not constant, it is variable.

? Læs mere [Medium / Lee Nelson]

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? Teknik

? Angular 2 er her

What does “final” mean? Stability that’s been validated across a wide range of use cases, and a framework that’s been optimized for developer productivity, small payload size, and performance. With ahead-of-time compilation and built-in lazy-loading, we’ve made sure that you can deploy the fastest, smallest applications across the browser, desktop, and mobile environments. This release also represents huge improvements to developer productivity with the Angular CLI and styleguide.

? Læs mere [Blogspot / Angular JS]

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