Overblik: Digital Ugerevy for uge 37, 2018

Mit navn er Lars, og jeg arbejder som leder af produktudvikling hos Infomedia.

Hver uge deler jeg en opsamling på noget af det mest interessante, jeg er faldet over indenfor digital udvikling og forretning i og omkring mediebranchen.

Det betyder, at du sparer tid: Du behøver ikke læse en masse artikler og nyhedsbreve for at holde dig opdateret.

Tak fordi, du læser med.



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Du får kun én mail om ugen – det lover jeg.






Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.


? Facebook på vej med annoncer i Stories


Ads in Facebook Stories, posts that are displayed at the top of the app and disappear after 24 hours, are still in beta but should be rolled out globally by the end of the year, the company said in an email sent to Facebook Marketing Partners on Sept. 6. The email, which was posted on Twitter by digital media consultant Matt Navarra, also invited more advertisers into the beta with a sales pitch.



Læs også: Facebook’s Story Problem — and Opportunity [Stratechery]


? BBC skal udgive på Facebook Watch


After launchingits news section in June, Facebook Watch has its first non-US show. BBC News’ has unveiled a weekly news show for the fledgling video channel called Cut Through the Noise, Varietyreports. The show, specifically aimed at mobile users with the use of vertical video, will run weekly and report on various issues from Washington, DC and elsewhere.



↔️ Facebook udvider faktatjek til billeder og video

Similar to our work for articles, we have built a machine learning model that uses various engagement signals, including feedback from people on Facebook, to identify potentially false content. We then send those photos and videos to fact-checkers for their review, or fact-checkers can surface content on their own.

Facebook Newsroom


?️ CrowdTangle tester indberetning af falske nyheder


CrowdTangle announced in a blog post that it’s testing a feature that allows users to report potentially false news stories within the platform’s Facebook dashboards. That test builds upon the company’s existing mechanism for reporting potential misinformation at the post-level as a regular user.



Læs også: Facebook punishes liberal news site after fact check by right-wing site [Ars Technica]


? US: Folk forventer at få nyheder fra sociale medier, men ikke nøjagtighed


Around two-thirds of U.S. adults say they get news from social media. (That figure is just about flat compared with 2017.) But 57 percent say they expect the news on social media to be “largely inaccurate.” (Pew interviewed 4,581 U.S. adults.)

Nieman Lab


? Derfor skifter folk fra Facebook til andre Facebook-ejede tjenester


It’s not that people are using their devices less; rather, they’re increasingly getting news from messaging apps, as reiterated in a report released Tuesdayby the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism.

Nieman Lab


? LinkedIn relancerer grupper

Gruppe-delen af LinkedIn har længe været… lad os sige mindre god end gruppefunktionaliteterne på andre sociale medier. Det bliver der nu gjort noget ved:

The new Groups experience helps you take advantage of all these conversations tools with a seamless, faster experience so you can easily participate in your groups alongside all of the things you already love to do on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Official Blog


? Carlsberg Byen tester, om influencers kan sælge lejligheder


Lidt for mange lejligheder i Bohrs Tårn har stået tomme lidt for længe. For at ændre på det har Carlsberg Byen fået en blogger til at flytte ind i en luksuslejlighed til 16 mio. kr. Når en såkaldt influencer kan få salget af rød læbestift til at eksplodere, kan de vel også sælge lejligheder, lyder tesen. Rådgiver i sociale medier kalder ideen genial.



? YouTube-stjerner kæmper med stress og udmattelse


For years, YouTubers have believed that they are loved most by their audience when they project a chirpy, grateful image. But what happens when the mask slips? This year there has been a wave of videos by prominent YouTubers talking about their burnout, chronic fatigue and depression.

The Guardian


? Fb-annoncører får mere styr på, hvor deres annoncer optræder


Advertisers are getting a more complete view of where their ads may be placed before a campaign, as well as more thorough publisher delivery reports.

Marketing Land


? Hvornår er det bedste tidspunkt til at udgive på Instagram?


Instead, you are likely to find thatthe best times to post on Facebook are notthe same as the best times to post on Instagram.

There may be some overlap, but the two platforms are very different and should be approached accordingly.



?️ Instagram tester video-tagging


As reported by TechCrunch, Instagram is now testing profile tagging in video posts, providing another way to increase distribution, and spark engagement with your Instagram content.

Social Media Today


? 101 facts om Instagram

Hvis du er til infografikker og lige har lidt tid til overs, så er denne Social Media Today-artikel lige dig.


? Snapchat vil gøre livet lettere for medier


Medier som CNN, NBC News og New York Post kan fremover findes på det sociale medie Snapchat som en del af det nye program med navnet ‘Curated Our Stories’, skriver mediet Variety.com.



Læs også: A new Snapchat feature lets publishers create live stories out of users’ posts [Digiday]


? Nu kan du sende lyd via Twitters Periscope


Periscope engineer Richard Plom explained in a blog post that users had been requesting an option to broadcast without having to show their surroundings. The update also comes at a time when audio podcasts are becoming more popular as a medium for both broadcasters and marketers.

Marketing Land


? Pinterest: Vi har 250 millioner aktive månedlige brugere


More than half of Pinterest users are located outside of the United States, with 80 percent of new sign-ups also coming from outside of the country. The company also said it now has 175 billion pins, up 75 percent over last year.

Marketing Land



Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang eller ny teknologi, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.


? Kristeligt Dagblad klar med robot til Messenger


Den nye nyhedsrobot vil sende fem udvalgte artiklerne ud til brugerne én gang dagligt på et tidspunkt, som brugerne selv kan bestemme. Robotten kan desuden besvare simple spørgsmål og vil ifølge Kristeligt Dagblad være en ekstra indgang til mediets redaktion og kundeservice.



©️ Europa-Parlamentet godkender nye copyright-regler

…og det vækker glæde hos Danske Medier:

De private mediers organisation hæfter sig især ved, at techselskaber fremover vil skulle til lommerne for at videreformidle korte uddrag af indhold, hvis EU-Parlamentets forslag til nye copyright-regler bliver lov.



Digiday har skrevet, hvad du bør vide om de nye ændringer.


Læs også:

EU approves controversial Copyright Directive, including internet ‘link tax’ and ‘upload filter’

Those in favor say they’re fighting for content creators, but critics say the new laws will be ‘catastrophic’

The Verge


?? Danske Rasmus Kleis Nielsen i spidsen for Reuters Institute


Rasmus Kleis Nielsen er blevet udnævnt til direktør for Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism. Det skriver instituttet i en meddelelse.



? Flash! Sådan kan du skabe værdi med korte lydbidder

Social media and digital producer Peter Stewart explains what the short, on demand audio clips can offer you and your listeners […]

He tells us how Alexa flash briefings can offer journalists another space to connect with their audience on a regular basis with on demand audio clips, and how you join news organisations like CNN, BBC and Quartz to get started yourself.



? Britiske medier citerede russiske trolls i mere end 100 artikler


UK news organisations have cited tweets from Russian trolls more than 100 times, a Guardian investigation has found, in stories about topics including Donald Trump, Donald Glover and Lena Dunham.

The Guardian


? Sådan håndterer Flipboard Fake News, annoncer etc.


The Drum spoke to the company’s founder and chief executive, Mike McCue, about how the company looks to keep momentum on its side, its philosophy towards publishers and advertisers, and how it avoids allowing fake news to disrupt its platform.

The Drum


? Apple hyrer tidligere Condé Nast-chef til deres News-app


Apple continues to bolster the staff for its Apple News product, which has become a meaningful source of traffic for many news organizations.

The Information



❌ Nu er Infowars også smidt ud af Apples App Store

I opsamlingen fra sidste uge kunne du læse, at Twitter har blokeret for Infowars og manden bag, Alex Jones. Nu har Apple gjort det samme i App Store, skriver Buzz Feed.



Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.


? Apple taler abonnement med store aviser


Apple has been talking to some of the biggest newspapers in the U.S. about adding their stories to Texture, the magazine app Apple bought in March. Apple executives, led by content boss Eddy Cue, have reached out to the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post about joining the app, according to people familiar with the conversations, which began this summer.



? Branchen venter på ads.txt-understøttelse i mobil-apps


The anti-fraud measure ads.txt has gained widespread adoption, thanks in part to Google waving its big stick. The irony is that ads.txt is missing from mobile apps, where it hasn’t gotten the same support from Google’s and the other tech giants’ app stores.



? US-medier kigger på abonnementer kun med sport


With sports-news subscription sites like The Athletic blossoming across the U.S., some newspapers are carving out sports-only digital subs of their own.




Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.


?? Nu taler Googles assistent dansk


To år efter Google Assistant første gang blev præsenteret, kan den digitale assistent nu tale og forstå vores modersmål – ligesom Apples Siri.

DR Nyheder


Mobilsiden har lavet en sammenligning mellem Apples Siri og Googles Assistent.


Norske NRK og VG har meldt ud, at de vil eksperimentere med assistenten [MediaWatch].


? Wireds guide til Virtual Reality


Everything you ever wanted to know about headsets, Oculus, Magic Leap, and simulator sickness.



✏️ Hvad kan UX-designere lære af Chromes nye design?


But Google design team went further with the improvements: they put the search icon into tab bar on the bottom of the screen that accesses search bar without stretching fingers on top of the screen, and this is huge improvement on UX side because according to the reachability area on mobile phones search bars in browsers are out of Reach zone.

UX Collective


? Ny model gør AI bedre til tekstgenkendelse


The improvements can be dramatic. The most widely tested model, so far, is called Embeddings from Language Models, or ELMo. When it was released by the Allen Institute this spring, ELMo swiftly toppled previous bests on a variety of challenging tasks—like reading comprehension, where an AI answers SAT-style questions about a passage, and sentiment analysis. In a field where progress tends to be incremental, adding ELMo improved results by as much as 25 percent. In June, it was awarded best paper at a major conference.



? Er større iPhones fremtiden for Apple?


There are good reasons for Apple to go bigger. When Apple moved to a larger-sized iPhone with the 6 Plus in 2015, the company experienced a massive spike in demand. People typically use more apps—such as watching videos or playing games— with larger phones. Increased app usage will help drive more App Store and online services revenue for Apple.

The Information


Hvis du er nysgerrig på de nye iPhones, har The Verge skrevet om iPhone XS og XS Max – og en artikel om iPhone XR.


…ooog så har Wired skrevet om, hvad de glæder sig mest til i iOS12 (den kommende udgave af Apples mobile operativsystem).


? Twitters mobil-browser-udgave bruger nu Progressive Web Apps


Twitter is showing some users of its desktop website a new user interface that is designed to be faster and to feature support for the recently added bookmarks feature (supported in the iOS and Android clients but not, currently, the main website), a data-saver mode, and a night mode. These users have been selected at random and moved over to the new interface so they can test the interface and provide feedback.

Ars Technica


Foto: rawpixel.com / Pexels

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