Mit navn er Lars K Jensen, og hver uge deler jeg en opsamling på noget af det mest interessante, jeg er faldet over indenfor digital udvikling og forretning i og omkring mediebranchen.
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Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
⚠️ DR bør moderere mere ensartet på Facebook
Det var i tråd med DR’s retningslinjer, da man udelukkede en bruger fra DR Nyheders Facebookside, efter hun bl.a. havde kaldt konkrete personer for “rotteyngel”, vurderer lytter- og seerredaktør på stationen. Han fremhæver dog plads til forbedring i modereringen af debatten på Facebook.
? Facebook får kritik for sin rolle i Myanmar-uro og -vold
Facebook admits it screwed up on Myanmar — but it refuses to take all the blame
→ Facebook: We didn’t do enough to prevent Myanmar violence [CNN]
? Facebook i endnu et segment-kiks
But despite long-running international efforts to debunk the idea of a “white genocide,” Facebook was still selling advertisers the ability to market to those with an interest in that myth just days after the bloodshed.
? Hackere har muligvis stjålet beskeder fra 81000 Facebook-brugere
Russian hackers claim to have successfully stolen the profiles of up to 120 million Facebook users. The group have published the details of 257,000 of them in order to advertise the sale of the full database. According to a BBC reportthreat intelligence experts have confirmed that 81,000 of these samples included the private messages of Facebook users.
? Messenger får snart “unsend”-funktion
Facebook Messenger will soon allow you to delete sent messages up to 10 minutes after you’ve originally sent them. Twitter user @MattNavarra spotted that the feature is listed as “coming soon” in the release notes for version 191.0 of Messenger’s iOS client.
? Facebook på vej med mere Instagram-data
Facebook is introducing two new additions to its analytics suite. Instagram account analytics and advanced analytics for Facebook Pages, the company announced Thursday, will be rolling out over the next several months and available via the Facebook Analytics dashboard.
? Instagram kan ikke længere gemme sig for Facebook
Whether the public accepts it or not, Instagram is just as troubled as its parent company, and the cheerful gradient icon on your home screen is merely a disguise. The once innocent camera app is now trapped deep inside the big blue app — with no chance of escape.
(Den artikel har i øvrigt en udmærket gennemgang af historien om Facebooks køb af Instagram og kommercialisering af platformen.)
? Der er gode penge i at designe andres Instagram Stories
Unfold has evolved into one of the biggest players in Instagram Story design, with 11 million users, growing at a rate of 100,000 app downloads per day. The company’s 12-person team is on track to bring in $2.6 million in revenue for 2018, with no investment and no marketing dollars spent.
Og det ser også ud til, der er penge i at skrive “captions” til Instagram:
Caption Goals: How Instagram Spawned a Cottage Industry Around Words [The Ringer]
? Om YouTubes kamp mod dårligt indhold med godt
YouTube launched the experimental program in late 2016, just as the world was waking up to the idea that Silicon Valley’s most celebrated tech companies might be introducing more harm than good into the world.
? Twitter fjerner 10.000 falske konti
Twitter har slettet mere end 10.000 automatiserede konti, som det sociale medie siger var etableret med henblik på at afskrække amerikanske vælgere fra at stemme ved midtvejsvalget i næste uge.
?️ Snapchat åbner for 3. partsmålinger i Discover
On Monday, Snapchat announced its integration with comScore, adding measurement of U.S. traffic for the platform’s vertical video content. This deal marks the first time Snap has introduced third-party measurement for traffic on Snapchat Discover.
? Tinder har 4,1 mio. betalende brugere
Match’s total number of paid subscribers came in at 8.1 million, up from 7.7 million in Q2 and a 23 percent increase YoY. Much of that growth comes from Tinder Gold, Tinder’s premium subscription tier that lets users see who’s already liked them without doing any swiping. Overall, Tinder’s paying user base is up to 4.1 million from 3.8 million the previous quarter.
Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang eller ny teknologi, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
? DR skærer i Radioavisen og vil lave nyheds-podcast
Som et led i DR’s spare- og strategiplan dropper nyhedsafdelingen formateringen af Radioavisen og gør flere udgaver til én samlet. Samtidig barsler DR Nyheder med en nyhedspodcast, der skal supplere timenyhederne.
? …og vil nå de unge via Spotify
DR har taget den svenske musiktjeneste i brug som en kanal for podcasts ud til brugerne. Det er særligt de unge lyttere, som DR vil have fat i ad den vej.
MediaWatch: Nordisk undersøgelse: Flere streamer musik gratis →
? The Guardian opretter lyd-laboratorium
Guardian News & Media is pleased to announce the launch of Guardian Voice Lab – an in-house team dedicated to experimenting with storytelling and delivering journalism through smart speakers and interactive audio.
Læs mere hos Digiday:
Thanks to Google funding, The Guardian has a four-person team figuring out smart speakers
Hvad er interaktiv lyd? Ja, det er et godt spørgsmål – mit bud er, at det er tiltag som dette, Nieman Lab skrev om tilbage i februar måned:
The Guardian Mobile Innovation Lab’s podcast player for the mobile web lets you listen to a show without using a podcast app, and get phone notifications that point you to links and graphics at relevant points in the story as the audio plays.
⏪ Tilbageblik på Fagfestival
Hvert andet år afholder Dansk Journalistforbund to-dages-konferencen Fagfestival. Denne omgang foregik på Odeon i Odense i sidste weekend, og du kan læse mere i Journalistens opsamling.
Du kan også se programmet fra konferencen.
? To nye nichemedier fra Ingeniøren
Det samlede antal nichemedier er nu på seks.
Mediehuset Ingeniøren udvider i næste uge porteføljen af abonnementsfinansierede nichemedier, når Watertech og Digitech slår dørene op. Det oplyser medieselskabet i en pressemeddelelse
? Kommentarangreb på journalister rammer mediets troværdighed
When you let your readers attack your reporters in the comments — U R SO BIAS YOU STUPID LIBTARD #FAKENEWS — does it impact your journalists’ credibility in the eyes of other readers? How about your organization’s credibility?
Yep and yep.
? Udgivere i kamp mod cookie-kaos
For publishers, monitoring which cookies are dropped on their sites in the name of programmatic advertising takes effort. The General Data Protection Regulation has added another layer of pressure — making publishers liable for fines should any third parties that drop cookies then reuse that data for other purposes.
? Hvad gør nyhedsbrevsmedier ved tabte modtagere?
Combating this issue can be difficult in part because it can take a while to recognize it. Most publishers will wait several weeks, or even months, before concluding that a newsletter subscriber has lapsed, depending on how frequently that newsletter is published.
And because of the scale that successful newsletters operate at, the first line of defense is usually automated.
? og Recode går sammen
This is the founding pillar of the new Vox-Recode partnership that we are announcing today. Recode has its roots in business journalism but covers an ever-growing area that now undergirds stories of all types and topics. Vox — Vox Media’s general news network — is built to explain the news but cannot fulfill that mission if it can’t expertly report on the technologies driving the news.
By folding sites into, the company grows the audience of its flagship site. Vox’s verticals represent the high-quality, safe havens that would seem to appeal to advertisers at a time when brand safety is all the rage to talk about. But for all the talk of “well-lit environments,” ad buyers still crave scale.
? Hver tredje Wikipedia-uenighed bliver ikke lukket
Ideally, this should solve all issues. But a novel study by MIT researchers finds debilitating factors — such as excessive bickering and poorly worded arguments — have led to about one-third of RfCs going unresolved.
?️ The New York Times digitaliserer 5 mio. historiske fotografier
The New York Times is digitizing more than 5 million photos from its archives — some dating back to the 1800s — with help from a variety of Google technologies. The photos will be used in a series called Past Tense.
Læs mere hos CNET og hos Digiday.
? Amazon vil ikke længere maile WaPo-historier Inc. will stop emailing popular Washington Post stories to customers, the company said in an email, a possible attempt to separate the e-commerce giant from the newspaper’s hard-hitting coverage of President Donald Trump.
Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
? Læserne står for 40% af Schibsteds indtjening
Fifteen years since launching its first paywall, Nordic publishing giant Schibsted Media has over a million print and digital subscribers, with reader revenue accounting for 40 percent of revenue for its Media division, according to the company.
Artiklen indeholder også det kloge citat, “You don’t get money from conversion, it’s from retention”.
? The New York Times vil eksperimentere med dynamisk paywall
That pressure mainly came from steep discounting. The Times had a $1-a-week introductory offer in place for six weeks that yielded strong subscription growth but at the expense of revenue. The Times also lowered its meter to four articles a month from five that visitors can read before hitting the paywall.
? Danmark siger nej til tech-skat
En digital serviceskat mod store USA-virksomheder kan koste Danmark dyrt i sidste ende, frygter regeringen.
EU’s ministerråd vil nu undersøge muligheden for at indføre en digital skat på techvirksomheder, hvis det ikke lykkes OECD at blive enig om en global løsning. Det sker, efter Sverige, Danmark og Irland har blokeret for aktuelt forslag.
MediaWatch: Tyskland smider nyt forslag om digital skat på bordet →
Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
✋ Chrome vil blokere sider med voldsomme annoncer
With Chrome 71, Google is stepping up its fight against the internet’s abusive ads problem by blocking every ad on a site that persistently shows them. Abusive ads come in many forms, but broadly speaking cause your browser to misbehave by either generating fake system messages, automatically redirecting you, or attempt to steal personal information.
? Vi vægter privatliv højere end nemme løsninger
Forbrugerne er stadigt mere bekymrede for håndteringen af persondata i virksomhederne. Nu vægter vi privacy højere end nemme løsninger. Forbrugermistillid er så magtfuld, at det kan koste en virksomhed livet, påpeger Gartner.
? Apple formentlig først klar med 5G i 2020
On the heels of yesterday’s market-roiling announcement that Apple will stop disclosing iPhone unit sales, a new report from Fast Company suggests why: The company has apparently decided to sit out the first year of 5G smartphones, as its chip partner Intel won’t have a viable modem ready until at least 2020.
? Fox vil forudse films succes med Machine Learning
Data scientists at 20th Century Fox and Google Cloud have developed machine-learning software that can analyze movie trailers and predict how likely people are to see those movies in theaters.