Digital Ugerevy: Uge 46, 2018

Mit navn er Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder som leder af produktudvikling hos Infomedia.

Hver uge deler jeg en opsamling på noget af det mest interessante, jeg er faldet over indenfor digital udvikling og forretning i og omkring mediebranchen.

Det betyder, at du sparer tid: Du behøver ikke læse en masse artikler og nyhedsbreve for at holde dig opdateret.

Tak fordi, du læser med.


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Du får kun én mail om ugen – det lover jeg.





↓ Here we go ↓



Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.


? Facebook i agressiv kamp mod kritikere


Og det er ikke småting:

While Mr. Zuckerberg has conducted a public apology tour in the last year, Ms. Sandberg has overseen an aggressive lobbying campaign to combat Facebook’s critics, shift public anger toward rival companies and ward off damaging regulation. Facebook employed a Republican opposition-research firm to discredit activist protesters, in part by linking them to the liberal financier George Soros. It also tapped its business relationships, lobbying a Jewish civil rights group to cast some criticism of the company as anti-Semitic.

The New York Times →

Facebook har svaret igen på kritikken:

In the unsigned rebuttal, the company says: “There are a number of inaccuracies in the story.” Facebook also confirmed it has cut ties with Definers Public Affairs, a conservative group that the story claims was actively promoting negative stories about competitors to draw attention away from Facebook.

VentureBeat →

Mere at læse:

Washington pummels Facebook: ‘Big tech can no longer be trusted’
Recode →

Facebook skærer båndene til konsulentfirma bag smædekampagne
MediaWatch →

Facebook has other ties to Definers, the GOP-led opposition research group
TechCrunch →

Who does Facebook fire after a bombshell New York Times investigation?
Recode →

Facebook’s instinct to deny, then apologize is baked into its DNA
Columbia Journalism Review →

6 Questions From The New York Times’ Facebook Bombshell
Wired →


? Facebook fjernede 1,5 mia. falske konti


Facebook released its community standards report today, in which it detailed how it dealt with fake news, spam, hate speech, and terrorist propaganda on its platform. The company noted that, between April and September 2018, it removed a whopping 1.5 billion fake accounts.

The Next Web →


? Facebook søger patent på annoncer målrettet familiefotografier


Facebook has filed a patent that would make it easier to target whole families with ads by analyzing the photos they post. The application, filed on May 10th and published today, covers an algorithm that would identify elements of photographs — like faces or other details— and cross-reference them with other data to build a profile of an entire household.

The Verge →


? Sådan laver du et 3D-foto på Facebook


Jeg tager kun denne med, fordi jeg har set dem på Facebook og undret mig over, hvordan man gør.

At present, to create a Facebook 3D photo, you need to have an iPhone 7 Plus or newer – essentially any phone that allows for the Portrait Mode. That means – sorry Android users, but this function doesn’t apply to you (yet)!

Social Media Today →


?? Facebook vil lukke franskmænd ind i kampen mod “hate speech”


From January, Macron’s administration will send a small team of senior civil servants to the company for six months to verify Facebook’s goodwill and determine whether its checks on racist, sexist or hate-fuelled speech could be improved.

Reuters →


? Falske oplysninger på Facebook koster liv i Nigeria


I ugerevyen fra sidste uge kunne du læse, at Facebook får kritik for deres rolle i forbindelse med volden og uroen i Myanmar. Nu gælder det Nigeria, skriver BBC News:

Nigerian police say false information and incendiary images on Facebook have contributed to more than a dozen recent killings in Plateau State – an area already torn by ethnic violence.


? Facebook opgiver reklamer på smart-TV


“We worked with a small set of publishers to test monetizing their connected-TV apps with ads from Audience Network and ultimately decided not to move forward with the concept,” said the spokesperson in an emailed statement.

Digiday →


? Endnu en Facebook-sårbarhed


The security company Imperva has released new details on a Facebook vulnerability that could have exposed user data. The bug allowed websites to obtain private information about Facebook users and their friends through unauthorized access to a company API, playing off a specific behavior in the Chrome browser. The bug was disclosed to Facebook and resolved in May.

The Verge →


? Instagram Stories er gode til app-markedsføring


App installs for Hopper on Instagram Stories grew by 67 percent on versus those ads the travel advertiser bought in the Facebook news feed, said Lejeune. Conversions were also three times more likely on the app install ads bought in Stories versus those in the feed, said the marketer. The post-view conversions for Hopper’s ads in Stories are also “higher” than those gained from in-feed ads, which shows “that people remember the ads they see in Stories because they’re not flicking through them in a feed,” said Lejeune.

Digiday →


? 3 nye købsmuligheder i Instagram


Instagram launched three new shopping features on Thursday that will help retailers gain more exposure for the products they’re promoting on the platform.

Marketing Land →


? Nu kommer “nano-influencerne”


Hvis man køber ind på, at de influencere, virksomheder arbejder sammen med, skal segmenteres efter antal følgere, er det en naturlig konsekvens, at vi må have nano-influencere, hvis vi har mikro-influencere.

That is the term (“nanos” for short) used by companies to describe people who have as few as 1,000 followers and are willing to advertise products on social media.

Their lack of fame is one of the qualities that make them approachable. When they recommend a shampoo or a lotion or a furniture brand on Instagram, their word seems as genuine as advice from a friend.

The New York Times →

Flere influencers: As social media ‘influencers,’ patients are getting a voice. And pharma is ready to pay up [STAT]


? De mest succesfulde YouTube-videoer er 20 minutter er længere


These days smartphone users spend a whopping 54 percentof their video-viewing time on videos over 20 minutes long—that’s up from just 29 percent in the beginning of 2016.

Wired →


? YouTube: EU’s nye copyright-regler er finansielt umulige


There are more than 400 hours of video uploaded every minute to the platform, and putting the onus of responsibility on platforms like YouTube to catch every video isn’t fair, according to Wojcicki. She used “Despacito,” the most watched video on YouTube, as an example of how complicated the process can become

The Verge →


? Så kommer der annoncer i WhatsApp


 “With users spending more time on mobile, Facebook opening up WhatsApp to advertisers is really no surprise, especially if you look at the success the company has had with ads in Messenger,” said Ben-Itzhak. “As we have seen with other formats that have successfully driven organic engagement, it was clear that WhatsApp would eventually offer ads.”

Marketing Land →


?? Snapchat Shows indtager Norge


Snapchat is facing growth challenges in its home market, but it still has pockets of strong growth across the globe. Take Norway, where two-thirds of the population has a profile.Now, Snapchat is choosing the country of 5 million to roll out Snapchat Shows several weeks after the U.K.

Digiday →


? Snapchat mister manden bag Discover


Bell was responsible for all of Snap’s content and partnerships, which included deals for original video and stories that appear in Snapchat’s Discover section. Snap has a number of deals in place with high-profile publishers like ESPN, the Daily Mail, NBC and the NFL, and is also working on a slate of new original shows exclusive to Snapchat.

Recode →


? LinkedIn introducerer Pages


LinkedIn Blog →




Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang eller ny teknologi, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.


?️ Stemmestyring bliver stort


Hvis du arbejder med – eller interesser dig for – udviklingen indenfor lyd og stemmestyrede enheder, såsom smarte højttalere, skal du læse denne artikel fra Recode:

Voice tech like Alexa and Siri hasn’t found its true calling yet: Inside the voice assistant ‘revolution’


? …men hvad betyder det for nyhedsmedierne?


Det spørgsmål forsøger Reuters Institute og University of Oxford at besvare i rapporten The Future of Voice and the Implications for News. Du kan læse et uddrag eller hente selve rapporten [PDF, 48 sider].

Min kollega, Patrick, giver et hurtigt sammendrag på Twitter: har også skrevet om rapporten:

Difficulty to monetise content holds publishers back from innovating on voice platforms →

Det samme har Nieman Lab:

People are still much more likely to use smart speakers for music and weather than news. But that could change as news organizations design news briefings specifically for the speakers.

Nieman Lab →

Læs også:

Analyst: Amazon Echo owns 75 percent of global smart speaker market [Marketing Land]



⏭️ Pandora vil anbefale dig din næste podcast-udsendelse


Og nej, vi taler ikke om smykkefirmaet.

“The goal is to do something similar to what we’ve done for music over the years,” Chris Phillips, the company’s chief product officer, told me when we spoke last week. “To provide effortless discovery that’s also personalized.” Something similar, but not the same. Phillips tells me this isn’t a situation where existing technology is simply refashioned to fit a new context: “More like same concept, different tools.”

Nieman Lab →


?️ 5 erfaringer fra The Guardians medlemsstrategi


Speaking at newsrewired on 7 November, Amanda Michel, the Guardian’s global contributions director and project manager, gave her five lessons from what the team has learned over the past three years, constantly re-evaluating and talking to readers. →

‘It’s a relationship’: Why Quartz is leaning on community for its first membership product [Digiday]


?? Zetland-forbillede vil indtage USA


Today, the ambitious, contrarian founders of Dutch phenomenon De Correspondent launch a $2.5 million funding campaign to fund the launch of a sibling publication, The Correspondent, in the U.S. That initiative has been gestating for almost two years, ever since editor Rob Wijnberg and CEO Ernst-Jan Pfauth first set their sights on an American market 20 times the size of their native Netherlands.

Nieman Lab →


? “Cybernetic newsroom”: Reuters kombinerer mennesker og maskiner


Reg Chua, executive director at Reuters, explains how the news agency’s ‘cybernetic newsroom’ relies on the combined strenghts of machines and human journalists to create richer editorial for its audiences →


? YouSee og Fox sammen om streaming-kanal


Med tidligere kanalchef for bl.a. DR1 i spidsen går Yousee efter nytår i luften med en ny tv- og streamingkanal, Xee, i samarbejde med amerikanske Fox. Hun får desuden ny chefrolle i Fox’ nordiske forretningsgren.

MediaWatch →

Reklamer skal være med til at finansiere Yousees nye tv-kanal [MediaWatch]

Iagttager spår Yousees strategi ringe gennemslagskraft: “Det ser meget dristigt ud”. [MediaWatch]


? TV 2 retter fokus mod streaming


Ændringerne af TV 2’s sene nyhedsflade forkorter primetime op til de sene nyheder med en halv time. Det skal frigive midler til at gøre TV 2 mere konkurrencedygtig i en tid, hvor streaming-tv vokser, siger kanalchef, der også sætter ord på, hvad der skal være mindre af.

MediaWatch →


? Hearst og BBC fokuserer på engagement


Hearst nedsætter team:

Access to reader data has historically been limited to a few on the digital side of the company. So the company built a Slack tool called HANS (for “Hearst Analytics Slackbot”) that’s designed for anyone in the company to use to find out things like which stories people are spending the most time with, which topics are trending and which items in e-commerce posts are the top sellers. People can also find out the results of reader polls that Hearst puts at the bottom of a lot of its stories.

Digiday →


Sådan vil BBC gøre i 2019:

In an era where it can often feel like our profession is under siege, how can news organisations better engage with audiences, helping them to tackle the disinformation ecosystem while presenting them with the news they need to know and understand? →


? Netflix tester “mobile only”-abonnement i Asien


CEO Reed Hastings told Bloomberg last week that the company would test lower-priced packages and it hasn’t taken long for those experiments to come to light. The first reports are from Malaysia, where Netflix quietly rolled out a mobile-only tier priced at RM17, or around $4, each month. That’s half the price of the company’s next cheapest package — ‘Basic’ — which retails for RM33, or around $7.90, per month in Malaysia.

TechCrunch →


? The Economist: Less is more


Jan Birkemose har interviewet Tom Standage, der er deputy editor hos The Economist.

Når vi snakker med læserne, hører vi, at de sætter pris på, at de kan overskue The Economist og at de får dårlig samvittighed, hvis de ikke når at læse sig helt igennem magasinet. Den, der følelse af at færdiggøre noget og vide, at NU er du opdateret, den får du aldrig på internettet, for der er der altid lidt mere

Medietrends →




Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.


? I Norge er der flere penge i brugere end annoncører


Norske medievirksomheter hadde i 2017 for første gang større brukerinntekter enn annonseinntekter. Det viser Medietilsynets rapport om mediebransjens økonomiske utvikling det siste året.

Kampanje →


? Digitale annoncer kan overgå 100 mia. dollars for første gang


Overall, U.S. digital ad revenues grew by 23.1 percent to $49.5 billion in the first half of 2018, adding more than $9 billion compared to the first half of 2017. That put digital on track to exceed $100 billion in annual ad revenues for the first time, according to the Interactive Advertising Bureau’s (IAB) Internet Advertising Revenue report for the first half of 2018, released Tuesday.

Marketing Land →


⚡ Nu kan du få annoncer i dine Google AMP Stories


In July, Google announced a beta for publishers using Google Ad Manager (formerly DoubleClick For Publishers) to be serve ads in AMP stories. AMP Story Ads are now out of beta, Google announced Wednesday.

Marketing Land →


? UK-medier går sammen mod Facebook og Google


The alliance is going beyond running joint campaigns with the aspiration to build its own ad tech stack. Rather than choose a third-party supply-side platform — a well-trodden route for most alliances — the publishers have created their own server-side container, via prebid technology.

Digiday →


? New York Media sælger abonnement til alle udgivelser


At its start, the subscription will give members unlimited access to the content across all of New York Media’s sites, regardless of which site a reader converts on. Later versions of the product are expected to include perks, which might include anything from a private Slack channel to exclusive member events.

Digiday →

Jan Birkemose fra Medietrends har interviewet Ev Williams (medstifter af Twitter og siden Medium), der taler om blandt andet dette:

Twitters stifter til Medietrends: Brugerne vil have abonnementer med adgang til flere medier

Medietrends →


✅ Sådan gjorde The Washington Post sig klar til GDPR


Det gik hårdt ud over det programmatiske setup:

The Washington Post went hard to make sure that programmatic advertising didn’t compromise its ability to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation. For European site visitors, the newspaper publisher stopped selling personalized ads through Google’s ad exchange and, for ads that the Post sold directly, it stopped using a third-party ad server to serve those ads. It shut off its data management platform and disabled all header bidding.

Digiday →


? Hvor mange vil betale for indhold..?


But how many paywalls will people really pay to click past? It’s worked for The New York Times; it’s worked for The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal. But does it work for local newspapers? Metro dailies? Weekly or monthly magazines? Digital native sites?

The data thus far isn’t super encouraging, and that’s the world that New York magazine and Quartz walk into with their just-announced paywalls.

Nieman Lab →



Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.


? Google open sourcer AI til at adskille stemmer


Angiveligt er træfsikkerheden på 92%:

In a new paper (“Fully Supervised Speaker Diarization“) and accompanying blog post, researchers describe a new artificially intelligent (AI) system that “makes use of supervised speaker labels in a more effective manner.”

VentureBeat →


? The Wall Street Journal gør sig klar til “deepfakes”


Artificial intelligence is fueling the next phase of misinformation. The new type of synthetic media known as deepfakes poses major challenges for newsrooms when it comes to verification.

Nieman Lab →


? Kan AI besejre adblockerne?


Only a year-and-a-half after perceptual ad blockers were heralded as the end of the ad-blocker arms race, however, a team of researchers from Stanford and CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security have discovered a “panoply” of vulnerabilities in perceptual ad blockers that undermine their efficacy and expose users to new attack vectors.

Vice / Motherboard →


? Robot advarer Financial Times-redaktører, hvis de kun citerer mænd


The media organisation found that only 21% of people quoted in the FT were women, prompting the development of a bot that uses pronouns and analysis of first names to determine whether a source is male or a female. Section editors will then be alerted if they are not doing enough to feature women in their stories.

Nieman Lab →


? UX-guidelines for personaliseret relateret indhold


Det er rimelig common sense, men stadig værd at læse og huske:

Make personalized content discoverable by prioritizing it over generic content, such as site-wide promotions. If applicable, separate personalized recommendations into clear categories, and note the source of the data used to create the recommendations. Providing methods to interact with the suggested items empowers users to help hone future recommendations and can encourage increased engagement with the personalized content.

Nielsen Norman Group →


?️ Google søger VR-eyetracking-patent


Google may one day make our virtual avatars more expressive by tracking our eyes. This is according to a patent published last week in which the company details a system for “Classifying Facial Expressions Using Eye-Tracking Cameras.” According to the description, the method uses “one or more eye tracking sensors implemented into one or more head mounted devices.”

VentureBeat →

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