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Hver fredag laver jeg (Lars K Jensen fra Ekstra Bladets udviklingsafdeling) en opsamling indenfor medier, udvikling og teknologi. Her præsenterer jeg noget af det mest interessante, jeg er faldet over i ugens løb.
ℹ️ Lidt om denne uges opsamling
Mediernes Fat Cat Syndrome har kostet mange penge, vi har fået en ny regering og Google synes ikke godt om popups på mobile sites. Du kan også læse om, hvordan Financial Times måler ‘engagement’, og du kan blive klogere på Design Thinking, på dansk ‘designledelse’.
Og så kan du få HTTP/2 forklaret…med pizza.
Alt det og meget mere. Slå dig løs. God fornøjelse ?
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? Generelt / tendenser
· Medierne lider af ‘Fat Cat Syndrome’
Denne artikel er et must-read for alle, der arbejder i mediebranchen.
Professor John Ulhøi fra Institut for Virksomhedsledelse på Handelshøjskolen ved Aarhus Universitet uddyber, hvad Fat Cat Syndrome har betydet for aviserne.
»Risikoen ved at have for meget succes i lang tid er, at man ved, hvor maden bliver lagt ud, så går man ikke ud og opsøger nye jagtmarkeder,« siger John Ulhøj, der blandt andet har studeret avisbranchens forretningsmodeller.
[…] John Ulhøi peger på, at høj-innovative virksomheder bruger 15-20 procent af omsætningen på at udvikle forretningen. Han har ikke de aktuelle tal for avisbranchen.
»Men det må være lavt,« siger John Ulhøj.
× Læs artiklen × [Journalisten]
I den forbindelse er det værd at nævne, at to af de tiltag, der nævnes i artiklen (Jobzonen og Bilzonen), som medierne har startet i konkurrence med andre aktører (for blandt andet at forsvare printforretningen), indenfor de seneste dage er blevet lukket.
- JP/Politikens Hus lukker Jobzonen [MediaWatch]
- Mediehuse trækker stikker på Bilzonen [MediaWatch]
· Reuters vil forudsige breaking news med algoritme
The development of the tool, which Reuters is speaking about publicly today the first time, emerged out of “an existential question for the news agency,” said Reg Chua, Reuters’ executive editor of data and innovation. “A large part of our DNA is built on the notion of being first, so we wanted to figure out how to build systems that would give us an edge on tracking this stuff at speed and at scale. You can throw a million humans at this stuff, but it wouldn’t solve the problem,” he said.
× Læs artiklen [Nieman Lab]
· Amazon åbner op for Machine Learning
Amazon today announced the launch of its new Amazon AI platform at its re:Invent developer event in Las Vegas. This new service brings many of the machine learning smarts Amazon has developed in-house over the years to devs outside the company. For now, the service only makes three different tools available, but the plan is to add more over time.
× Læs mere [TechCrunch]
· BBC lancerer vertikal video
The BBC has launched a new vertical video experience in its award-winning and internationally renowned News app.
Det passer jo perfekt til min lodrette computerskærm [Medium / 23 minutes] 😉
· ‘Now’-opsamlingen viser, at kurateret indhold fungerer
Du kender garanteret opsamlings-CD’erne ‘Now’. Men hvad du måske ikke vidste, eller havde glemt, er, at den stadig udkommer. Og med fine salgstal endda. Hvordan kan det være?
What Now offers is simplicity – the known quantity. Those who want a permanent aural record of 2016 don’t need the endless choices offered by streaming services. This remix or that demo version are unnecessary, and when it comes to playlists, not everyone is cut out for scything their way through the streaming services’ undergrowth in search of something that suits. The fact that playlists have been “curated” by experts means only that the expert is imposing his or her taste. Sometimes life really is as simple as wanting to hear 45 original hit songs in a row (skipping Nevada, obviously).
× Læs artiklen [The Guardian]
Det er lidt den samme pointe (begrænset indhold), som jeg foreslog i mit essay ‘Afhængighed gennem begrænsning’ [Medieblogger]. Læs i den forbindelse også denne artikel [Medieblogger], der udsprang fra en kommentar til mit essay fra Computerworlds chefredaktør.
· Medieanalyse af det nye regeringsgrundlag
Regeringsgrundlaget formulerer en række konkrete målsætninger på medieområdet, der varsler flere ændringer i forhold til det regeringsgrundlag, V-regeringen lagde frem, da Lars Løkke Rasmussen overtog Statsministeriet i 2015.
× Læs mere [MediaWatch]
Mere om den nye regering:
Ny regering: Disruptionsråd, forslag til logning, styrket Datatilsyn og ny it-styringsstrategi [Version2]
Danmarks nye regering: It og den store digitale omstilling bliver et gennemgående tema i arbejdet – her er it-planerne [Computerworld]
“Ansvaret for Danmarks offentlige it-udvikling flytter fra finansministeren til den spritnye minister for offentlig innovation. Dermed bliver Venstres Sophie Løhde den mest magtfulde it-politiker i Danmark.” [Computerworld]
Åbent brev til it-minister Sophie Løhde: Indfør et dogme om it-projekter i småbidder [Version2]
· Google vil straffe mobilsites med popups
The punishment for annoying interstitials — those annoying ads and announcements that take over the whole page and have the smallest possible button for dismissing them, which inevitably leads you to accidentally clicking on the ad even though you really didn’t want to buy a new car — will likely be bemoaned by bad marketers, but for users, it can’t come too early.
× Læs mere [TechCrunch]
[Fundet af vores projektleder Morten Ildal]
· Sådan lavede The Guardian notifikationer under valget
November 8th was a big day. Big in a lot of ways we won’t get into here, but it was unquestionably consequential. For the Mobile Innovation Lab, election night was big in not-so-obvious ways: we, along with the Guardian’s US news desk and interactives team in New York, and the apps product and development teams based in London, broke new ground with news notifications by offering a live updating alert of election results as part of the Guardian’s election coverage.
× Læs artiklen [Medium / The Guardian Mobile Innovation Lab]
· Le Monde vil bekæmpe falske nyheder
The plan is to build a hoax-busting database, which incorporates information on which sites are fake and which are verified, trusted sources, and readers can access via Google and Firefox Chrome extensions. The idea is that once a user has downloaded the extension, when they come across articles online a red flag will appear if the site or news is deemed fake, yellow if the source is unreliable or green if it’s ok.
× Læs artiklen [Digiday]
? Forretning
· Sådan måler Financial Times ‘engagement’
News publishers around the world are working hard to improve the metrics they use to measure and understand their digital reach and performance. One of the most high-profile examples is the Financial Times, which developed in-house an engagement metric to measure its audience size and behaviour online.
× Læs artiklen [WAN-IFRA]
· CNN køber social medie-app
CNN announced on Monday that it had agreed to acquire the technology and talent behind Beme, the social media app built and started by Mr. Neistat and Matt Hackett, a former vice president of engineering at Tumblr. Beme’s 12 employees will join CNN as part of the deal, the terms of which were not publicly disclosed.
× Læs mere [The New York Times]
Læs også:
· Mediestøtte til ni projekter
De største medieprojekter målt på støttebeløb er udlandsmediet Korrespondenterne, der har fået 2,8 mio. kr., samt medieprojektet Koncentrat, der har fået godt 2,9 mio. kr. til opstart efter at have fået støtte til udvikling af projektet tidligere.
Også erhvervsmediet Inside Business, der gik i luften før sommer, har fået penge til at nå den rigtige flyvehøjde med 720.000 kr.
× Læs mere [MediaWatch]
· TV 2 åbner for flere reklamer på Play
Annoncørbetalt indhold og reklameblokke flytter ind på TV 2’s digitale platforme. TV 2 Play skal hvile på de samme to indtægtsstrømme som den traditionelle tv-forretning.
× Læs mere [MediaWatch]
? Organisation / Management
· Design Thinking bliver kæmpestort i 2017
Hvis du ikke allerede kender til Design Thinking eller designledelse, som det også kaldes (og det kan jeg sige, fordi jeg er i gang med en spændende bog om emnet), så skal du nok snart i gang.
Start med at læse ‘How Design Thinking Will Revolutionize Enterprises in 2017’ [Inkoniq]

Ooooooog du kan jo lige læse min anmeldelse [Goodreads] af en bog – på dansk! – om designledelse.
Er du nysgerrig: Jeg har samlet lidt læsestof om emnet [Medieblogger].
· Stress kræver mere end buzzwords
Ledelsesfilosofier om mental robusthed, paradoksledelse og samskabelse skyller ind over de danske arbejdspladser og tilbyder at sætte en stopper for stress. Men stressede medarbejdere har ikke brug for den slags påståede mirakelkure. De har brug for noget så simpelt som plads til at gøre deres arbejde ordentligt
× Læs mere [Information]
· Stop de slidte management-metaforer
Perhaps it’s the language we businesspeople use. Capture market share. Steal customers. Defend position. Rally the troops. Establish a beachhead. Counterattack. Alas, the war metaphor even invades the business war games I conduct in my practice. I tried calling them “strategy games” but people looked at me as though I were a draft dodger.
The war metaphor makes an implicit statement about the nature of competing businesses. They’re not merely other firms; they’re opponents in a zero-sum game. They’re enemies who see us as enemies.
× Læs artiklen [Harvard Business Review]
✏ UX / Design / Teknik
· Guide til test af mobile interfaces
Peter Drucker once said “Quality in a service or product is not what you put into it. It is what the client or customer gets out of it.” In the majority of cases, if users see that anything in the app is broken or it constantly takes large amount of time to load preventing them from quick accomplishment of the task at hand, the risk is really high that they will bounce it and never come back. That’s why testing phase is the hidden hero of mobile app development.
× Læs mere [Tubik Studio]
· HTTP/2 forklaret med pizza
Pizza som metafor er generelt overset:
Using the same metaphor, HTTP/2 allows for the pizza place to set the party to its own area in the restaurant, send out a waiter to take orders and bring everything out as it becomes ready. There’s no need to wait 30 minutes for your Sprite while everyone else’s pizzas cook, so that comes out as one of the first items. This method makes it much easier to manage lots of orders and prevents people from waiting too long to start getting their orders.
× Læs hele forklaringen [Viget]
· Håndbog til Sketch
Sketch er et populært program til prototyper, wireframes etc. Smashing Magazine har netop udgivet en håndbog til programmet.
· 5 ting jeg lærte som designer hos LEGO
Often as a designer or entrepreneur, the focus is on the product, testing learning and shipping — however, the product is merely one piece of the experience puzzle. Where are the users when they interact with it? What were they doing before? How did they discover it? What will they do after? These are all part of the broader product experience. Every product, whether it may seem like it or not, is a service of some kind, and needs to be considered holistically within the user’s journey.
× Læs artiklen [5 Things I Learned]
· 20 apps/services designeren skal kende
You can always improve your design with new top-notch applications that can help ease your workflow. They can be real time-savers, and most of them can be used on any device. This can help you stay connected with the design community through your mobile devices.
× Læs mere [Line25]
· Den kommende ‘revolution’ indenfor e-maildesign
Email, the web’s much maligned little cousin, is in the midst of a revolution—one that will change not only how designers and developers build HTML email campaigns, but also the way in which subscribers interact with those campaigns.
× Læs mere [A List Apart]
· ‘Atomic Design’-bogen er her
This project has been quite the journey. I’m incredibly happy with the way the book turned out, and if I had to do it again I’d do it exactly the same way. I took preorders of the ebook from Day 1 of the project, and those preorders financed the copy editing, print production, and ebook production. It was a bit like doing a Kickstarter without Kickstarter. It was a bit of a leap of faith, so I’m really pleased the process went as smoothly as they did.
× Læs mere [Brad Frost]