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? Generelt / tendenser
? Facebook – nu med reality-tv
Der har længe været snak om Facebooks kommende videosatsning, og nu har de åbnet for posen: Introducing Watch, a new platform for shows on Facebook [Facebook Newsroom]:
We’re introducing Watch, a new platform for shows on Facebook. Watch will be available on mobile, on desktop and laptop, and in our TV apps. Shows are made up of episodes — live or recorded — and follow a theme or storyline. To help you keep up with the shows you follow, Watch has a Watchlist so you never miss out on the latest episodes.
Der er rigtig meget reality-tv på programmet, og Quartz siger det ret direkte: Facebook is packing its first original video series lineup with annoying reality shows:
Facebook being Facebook, there will be a lot of personalization and data harvesting to draw eyeballs. The company will recommend shows based on what friends are watching, or what shows are generating a lot of “haha” emoji reactions. Users can also follow shows much like they follow Facebook pages to receive notifications when new episodes come out, and chat live with other viewers during a broadcast.
↓ Flere artikler om Facebooks video-lancering: ↓
- TechCrunch: Facebook launches Watch tab of original video shows
- Digiday: Facebook moves closer to YouTube and TV with new shows, Watch platform
- Wired: Facebook Muscles Into the Online Video Scene
- Nieman Lab: The Atlantic, Business Insider, Quartz, and Mashable are among early partners for Facebook’s Watch video platform
- CNET: These are the shows coming to Facebook Watch
- Slate: Facebook’s New TV Feature Isn’t a Threat to YouTube (Twitter derimod…)
For nogle uger siden var Facebooks (dengang endnu ikke lancerede) video-satsning et af samtaleemnerne i The Informations ugentlige podcast-udsendelse.
? Nyhedsbreve er populære blandt online-only medier
In terms of how digital-native news outlets get their information out, the newsletter wins. That’s according to a digital news fact sheet from Pew Research Center, released Monday. It looks at 36 news outlets that originated online and have at least 10 million unique visitors per month (list of outlets, from 247sports.com to Vox.com, here).
? Og #1 til musik-streaming i Norden er… YouTube
60 pct. af de nordiske medieforbrugere har inden for det seneste år brugt Youtube til at streame musik, heraf hovedparten, 71 pct., mindst på ugentligt basis. Næststørst blandt de gratis tilbud er svenske Spotify, som 50 pct. har tændt for – igen med høj frekvens. 77 pct. benyttede sig af tjenesten minimum en gang om ugen.
→ Læs hele historien hos MediaWatch
? Sådan laver du et viralt videohit
Video-opslag på Facebook har i 2016 og 2017 været en af mediernes mest effektive metoder til klik og interaktioner. Det skyldes dels Facebooks algoritme, som giver videoer bedre placeringer i brugernes nyhedsfeed, og dels at video-opslagenes automatiske start og visuelle udtryk skiller dem ud i forhold til de almindelige opslag.
→ Få Jan Birkemoses opskrift på Medietrends.dk
? God introduktion til Bitcoin
Jeg har aldrig rigtig helt forstået, hvad Bitcoin eller den bagvedliggende Blockchain går ud på, men denne artikel fra MIT Technology Review er en god hjælp – selvom den er fra 2011.
…ooooog her er seneste update fra Bitcoin-verden: Bitcoin Split Highlights Complexities of Cryptocurrency Market [The Information]
? Disney forlader Netflix
Så er der godt nyt til dig, der elsker at skulle abonnere på et hav af tjenester for at have adgang til forskelligt indhold.
Disney vil lave sin egen streaming-tjeneste, og derfor trækker de sig nu fra Netflix, skriver CNBC:
CEO Bob Iger told CNBC’s Julia Boorstin Disney had a “good relationship” with Netflix, but decided to exercise an option to move its content off the platform. Movies to be removed include Disney as well as Pixar’s titles, according to Iger. Netflix said Disney movies will be available through the end of 2018 on its platform. Marvel TV shows will remain.
Computerworld skriver dog i dagens morgen-briefing, at “Disney alene har opsagt leveringsaftalen med Netflix i USA, og at beslutningen derfor ikke kommer til at påvirke den danske udgave af Netflix”.
Til gengæld har Netflix hyret David Letterman [Politiken].
? WordPress.com vil understøtte plugins og temaer udefra
Det her er ret stort, hvis du har en hjemmeside, der kører WordPress, og du selv hoster den. For det gør du formentlig for at have mulighed for at installere plugins samt temaer, der ikke er en del af WordPress.com-“pakken”.
Well, det er ved at ændre sig, skriver Webdesigner depot:
So WordPress.com just got more flexible. I suspect this change will also result in increasing numbers of people paying for the commercial support options, such as the ones Business users get. After all, increased functionality means increased complexity. And yes, it seems that WordPress.com’s “Happiness Engineers” are going to be tasked with helping paying users to integrate new themes and plugins. That could be rough.
WordPress har også selv et blogindlæg om nyheden →
? Mobil
? Financial Times er tilbage i app store
I 2011 blev Financial Times noget nær bannerførere i kampen for alternativer til Apples altdominerede ‘App Store’ med deres web-app. Men nu er FT-app’en tilbage i Apples fold, men dog uden at Apple får deres faste 30% cut:
“We identified an iOS app as a key way to drive engagement,” Fallon [Financial Times’ product manager for apps] told me. “We saw that readers who used our existing apps were much more engaged than those who didn’t. We also saw that we had a much higher app adoption rate on Android, where we had a native app, than on iOS.” (Engagement became a bigger part of the discussion in 2015, when the FT created an audience engagement team.) He also mentioned other benefits of an iOS app over a web app: Improved offline reading, persistent login, easier sharing, and — ultimately — push notifications and automatic update downloads, things that readers have been asking for but that weren’t possible with the web app.
Jeg har samlet lidt op: Et søm i web-app-kisten: Financial Times er tilbage i App Store [Medieblogger]
? The New York Times giver den gas med push-notifikationer
In June, The New York Times dropped seven emojis — two taxis, two hot dogs, a pencil, a heart and the Statue of Liberty — in a mobile push notification to promote its magazine’s all-comics issue on city life. Eric Bishop, who oversees push at the Times, said he started out thinking three emojis would be good (and already more than the Times had ever put in a push), but Jake Silverstein, the magazine’s editor, argued for more, saying: “I think we can make this even more fun and delightful.”
? Forretning
? Google offentliggør liste over sites med dårlige annoncer
So far, Google has identified about 700 sites as warranting corrective action out of around 100,000 sites it’s reviewed so far. Half of the roughly 700 got a “failing” status and the other half a “warning.” Pop-ups were the most common problem Google found, accounting for 96 percent of violations on desktop and 54 percent on mobile.
? Fremtiden – og nutiden – er platforme
The “age of platforms” is now firmly established. As we described in our 2016 book, Platform Revolution, platforms are no longer restricted to retail or high-tech, but are visible across multiple industries — and the trend is accelerating.
[…] on average, companies that open their application program interface (API) see a 4% rise in market capitalization […]
The platform ecosystem of the future will look vastly different than today’s — and the effects will spread. For instance, artificial intelligence (AI) will become increasingly important, not just for major ecosystem owners like Amazon and Google, but also for those that operate within platforms like Microsoft Azure and IBM Watson.
→ Læs mere hos MIT Sloan Management Review
?️ Virtual Reality-annoncer er ikke lige om hjørnet
“A lot of it is just about how slow the consumer adoption rate is,” said Joe Croson, director of interactive production at BBDO, which last year debuted a traveling VR experience for AT&T and Toms that let people take a virtual shoe-giving trip to Colombia. Because so few people own headsets, he sees the most promise in brands have to put their ads in an installation where people can experience it.
Cost is another hurdle. While brands would love immersive, entertaining ad formats that people actually want to watch, VR ads can be pricey. Time and money is spent at just the concept stage, even before research and development and production costs come in.
→ Læs hele historien hos Digiday
? Er salgsincitamenter overflødige?
Det handler selvfølgelig om, at meget er anderledes nu, hvor kanalerne er digitale:
Today digital channels make buyers more informed, connected, and socially influenced. Buyers no longer view salespeople as their primary connection to companies they want to do business with. For simple product purchases such as office supplies, many buyers are self-sufficient. They get information online and purchase through websites supported by inside sales and service. Field salespeople no longer have impact on buying decisions. The first necessary condition is no longer true.
→ Læs mere hos Harvard Business Review
? Bøger
3️⃣ Anmeldelse af tre bøger om sociale medier og Silicon Valley
Denne meget lange anmeldelse fra London Review of Books er udprintet og lagt i tasken, klar til læsning i weekenden.
Det er en anmeldelse af:
- ‘The Attention Merchants: From the Daily Newspaper to Social Media, How Our Time and Attention Is Harvested and Sold’ af Tim Wu
- ‘Chaos Monkeys: Inside the Silicon Valley Money Machine’ af Antonio García Martínez
- ‘Move Fast and Break Things: How Facebook, Google and Amazon have Cornered Culture and What It Means for All of Us’ af Jonathan Taplin
? Organisation / Proces
? Sådan du designe dig til ro på det åbne kontor
Hvis du sidder i et åbent kontormiljø og har svært ved at koncentrere dig i larmen (artiklens forfatter kalder det “the open office symphony”), kan du sende denne artikel [Co.Design] til din chef:
While I’m sure most of your coworkers are respectful and only err in their ways momentarily (hey, I’m guilty of the aforementioned offenses myself), the din can make it difficult not just to focus, but also to hold meetings and collaborate. But the right design and problem-solving products can help. We spoke to four architects at firms that have designed offices for HBO, Uber, LinkedIn, and Nike about their tricks of the trade.
? Apple-ansatte utilfredse med åbne kontorer
Silicon Valley Business Journal skriver:
Some Apple employees reportedly hate the open office plan at the company’s brand new $5 billion headquarters.
Og selvfølgelig:
Apple has insisted in presentations to the city of Cupertino that the open floor plan designs are conducive to collaboration between teams, per Bloomberg. But the high-level executives, including Apple CEO Tim Cook, are exempt from this collaborative environment and have offices on the fourth floor of the new building.
Hvis du er interesseret i (eller træt af) åbne kontormiljøer, kan du læse en artikel, jeg har skrevet, ‘Åbne kontormiljøer kan ikke stå alene’. Der citerer jeg en Harvard Business Review-artikel, der taler om de tre tilstande, vi er i, når vi arbejder – og som indretningen bør understøtte.
✏ UX / Design / Teknik
? Personaer vs. Jobs To Be Done
De to tilgange har det tilfælles, at det handler om at få brugeren ind i udviklingsarbejdet. Nielsen Norman Group har skrevet en artikel om de to og skriver blandt andet:
With the popularity of the JTBD paradigm, there are calls in some corners to abandon personas, suggesting that JTBD has emerged as a more useful technique. This point of view is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the purpose of personas as primarily demographic representations of users, missing the key behavioral considerations that are essential to good personas and that provide much needed guidance for interaction design and product strategy.
→ Læs mere hos Nielsen Norman Group
? JavaScript-Machine Learning, direkte i browseren
Det her lyder interessant:
A new JavaScript library runs Google’s TensorFlow right in the browser with GPU acceleration—a novel way to bring machine learning to the masses
✊ Ny Firefox skal vinde brugere fra især Chrome
Jeg er trofast Firefox-bruger, så selvom jeg ikke skal vindes over, glæder jeg mig selvfølgelig alligevel til at få speed på min browser-oplevelse til november.
Efter flere år på hælene satser Mozilla med ny stil og splinternyt produkt på en gang for alle at komme på omgangshøjde med Google Chrome. Gør dig klar til Firefox 57.
? Hvad er på vej i Chrome?
Hvis du er Chrome-bruger eller bare gerne vil vide, hvilke features, der er på vej i Googles browser, så er Chrome Platform Status stedet for dig.
? Guide til at finde den rigtige skrifttype
For the reasons above (and because the overwhelming majority of people in the mailinglist asked me to), I’ve decided to put up this little guide on how to find the typeface your looking for. Alright, let’s get this going.
? Design handler om sammenhæng ikke sammenlignelighed
God pointe:
Coherence means making sure every part of your product feels like it belongs there, instead of trying to make them exactly the same.
→ Læs: Coherent, Not Consistent [uxdesign.cc]
Baggrundsbillede: Tookapic / Pexels
Bemærk: Denne opsamling blev oprindeligt udgivet på ebudvikling.dk