Velkommen. I denne uge kan du bl.a. læse om udfordringer med influencers, nye Facebook-gruppeværktøjer, farvel til klikmåling, EUs copyright-lov, svenske medierobotter, podcasting-penge, Augmented Reality og meget meget.

Digital Ugerevy er en opsamling indenfor tendenser, digital udvikling og forretning i og omkring mediebranchen i ugens løb.
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Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
? Ung mikroinfluent blev aldrig spurgt om forældresamtykke
Annoncører skal indhente samtykke, hvis de hyrer influenter under 18 år. Den 17-årige mikroinfluent Sophie Achner Brøsch er dog aldrig blevet bedt om forældresamtykke, men det er en klar fejl, lyder det fra selskabet, som hun får opgaver gennem.
Bureauer: Influencer marketing er “det vilde vesten”
? Facebook, Facebook, Facebook
? Forandler med FTC om kæmpebøde
The Federal Trade Commission and Facebook are negotiating over a multi-billion dollar fine that would settle the agency’s investigation into the social media giant’s privacy practices, according to two people familiar with the probe.
? Nye gruppeværktøjer fra Facebook
Facebook har netop præsenteret en række nye features i deres grupper. Eksempelvis får administratorer mulighed for at formattere indhold og kommunikere med et medlem, der overtræder en regel. “We’re also launching a pilot program that lets groups and brands collaborate, expanding subscription groupsto more partners, and allowing relevant Pages to join their communities.”
? Facebook får kritik ifm. kontroversielle grupper
Facebook is under pressure to stem the rise of anti-vaccination groups spreading false information about the dangers of life-saving vaccines while peddling unfounded alternative treatments such as high doses of vitamin C.
? Selvom Facebook kom sent på mobil, er det deres fremtid
Facebook was frequently called out on its lagging mobile strategy, and its move away from HTML5 that year, along with its $1 billion buy of that nifty photo-sharing app Instagram, was seen as part of an attempt to change that.
Now, 15 years after Facebook first launched, mobile apps might just be the most important elements of the social network’s future.
? Facebooks kamp mod Fake News viser tegn på bedring
“It’s a constructively critical relationship,” said Phil Chetwynd, global editor-in-chief at international news agency Agence France-Presse, which partners with Facebook fact-checking in 17 countries. “Do we want more? Yes. Do we see overall a constructive positive evolution? Broadly yes.”
? Facebook vil genåbne politiske annoncer for trejdepart
Efter Facebook i januar blokerede for tredjeparters mulighed for at monitorere politisk annoncering, har en række aktører råbt vagt i gevær.
? Facebook klar med penge til Watch-producere
Over the past few months, Facebook has been meeting with publishers and studio production partners in an effort to solicit pitches for shows that would be funded by Facebook, produced by the production partner and starring influencers with a huge number of followers on Facebook, Instagram and other social platforms, according to sources familiar with the matter.
? Britisk regering foreslår let regulering af Facebook og Google
Cairncross didn’t land too far away from where these commissions usually do: a mix of tax incentives for media companies or their customers, some form of direct government funding for either innovation or targeted media sectors, and a lot of fist-shaking in the general direction of Facebook and Google.
✋ 5 Instagram-tips fra Bloomberg
While it may not immediately stand out as a top candidate for Instagram, Bloomberg has actually grown its Insta following by some 391% over the past year.
How have they done it?
? Instagram tester private beskeder på desktop
Amid discussion of Facebook’s planned messaging merger, Instagram is now testing the capabilityfor users to access their direct messages from the web version of its app.
? Instagram-bug ændrer på antal følgere
Instagram confirmed today that an issue has been causing some accounts’ follower numbers to change. Users began noticing the bug about 10 hours ago and the drastic drop in followers caused some to wonder if Instagram was culling inactive and fake accounts, as part of its fight against spam.
# De andre
? YouTubes copyright-system bruges til afpresning
Last week, both creators shared stories of how their channels were being threatened with a third copyright strike — and the possible termination of their channels — from an anonymous extortionist. The scammer offered to reverse the strikes in return for payment to a bitcoin wallet (which, as of this writing, remains empty) or to an adjoining Paypal account (that has since been deleted).
In EU copyright battle, Google challenges the will of regulators
? Studie: Det vrimler stadig med bots og trolls på Twitter
Since the world learned of state-sponsored campaigns to spread disinformationon social media and sway the 2016 election, Twitter has scrambled to rein in the bots and trolls polluting its platform. But when it comes to the larger problem of automated accounts on Twitter designed to spread spam and scams, inflate follower counts, and game trending topics, a new study finds that the company still isn’t keeping up with the deluge of garbage and abuse.
? Twitter-CEO interviewet via Twitter
Kara Swisher’s live-tweeted interview with Jack Dorsey highlighted some of Twitter’s product issues.
Se interviewet (CJR / Galley)
Jack Dorsey’s ‘chaotic’ interview proves Twitter will never be the place for deep conversations
? LinkedIn lancerer live-video
Launching in beta first in the U.S., LinkedIn Live (as the product is called) will be invite-only. In coming weeks, LinkedIn will also post a contact form for others who want to get in on the action. It’s not clear when and if LinkedIn will make it possible for everyone to create LinkedIn Live videos, but if you consider how it developed its publishing features for written work, that will come later, too.
? …og nye gruppe-features
First off, LinkedIn’s rolling out notifications for new groups posts, in order to keep members up to date with what’s happening.
⏸️ The New York Times sætter Snapchat på pause
A Snap spokesperson said the company is having ongoing “creative conversations” with the Times about launching something new on Snapchat. This effort could be a different version of the traditional publisher story or a Snapchat video show, the spokesperson said.
? Snap vil betale gode penge for originale shows
Snap is offering to pay companies $40,000 to $50,000 per episode for original series to premiere on Snapchat, according to four entertainment execs with knowledge of the matter. The company is looking for Snap Originals that would air for 10 to 12 episodes, with each episode running between five and seven minutes, the execs said.
? Tips til din digitale markedsføring
New Report Looks at the Latest Trends in Facebook Page Engagement
Social Media Today
10 Need to Know Facebook Marketing Stats for 2019
Social Media Today
The Best Ways to Use Instagram’s Video Options in Your Marketing Efforts
Social Media Today
10 Steps to Creating a Landing Page That Converts
21 Instagram Facts That All eCommerce Businesses Should Know
Social Media Today

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
? Drop klik og ‘Mest læste’-lister
“People frequently click on stories that are amusing, trivial, or weird, with no obvious civic focus. But they maintain a clear sense of what is trivial and what matters. On the whole people want to stay informed about what goes on around them, at the local, national, and international levels,” wrote Kim Christian Schrøder, a professor from Denmark who spent half of 2018 at Reuters. “To the extent that journalists prioritize news stories with civic value, they should trust their instincts rather than relying on the unreliable seismograph offered by ‘Most Read’ lists.”
?? Ny EU-copyright-lov på plads
En aftaletekst om nyt EU-direktiv om ophavsret faldt i går på plads efter lange forhandlinger. Særligt to punkter i direktivet har været genstand for debat.
Journalistforbundet er glade, små netmedier skuffede
Du kan læse mere hos DR:
I dag er det i princippet brugerne, der har ansvaret, når de eksempelvis deler en sang eller film. Og platformene skal kun fjerne materiale, der strider med ophavsretten, hvis producenten beder om det.
Men nu bliver det fremover op til platforme, der har mere end fem millioner brugere om måneden at sikre, at der ikke ligger materiale på deres sider, som krænker ophavsretten. Fra EU’s side håber man, at de nye regler vil få flere internetvirksomheder til at indgå licens-aftaler med eksempelvis musikere, medier og andre indholdsproducenter.
Og hvis du har fulgt debatten om brug af “snippets” fra mediernes indhold på for eksempel Google, vil dette nok interessere dig:
De nye regler vil dog ikke gælde meget korte tekstbidder som dem, Google News linker til nu. Og det kommer heller ikke til at ramme almindelige brugere, der deler artikler på nettet.
Fra “positivt” til “virkelig bekymret”: Her er reaktionerne på ny copyright-lov
EU’s copyright-direktiv går ind i næste fase: »Endnu værre end det oprindelige forslag«
? Sådan bruger BBC R til datajournalistik
Over the past year, data journalists on the BBC Visual and Data Journalism team have fundamentally changed how they produce graphics for publication on the BBC News website. In this post, we explain how and why we have used R’s ggplot2 package to create production-ready charts, document our process and code and share what we learned along the way.
BBC Visual and Data Journalism
Læs mere om R på
? Journalistikken er ikke ved at dø – den vender tilbage til rødderne
After all, if the most savvy and avant-garde of the new digital journalists can’t make a living, what hope is there for old-school newspapers? To many, the health of our democracy is inextricably tied to the health of our journalism: If the latter begins to die, the former must immediately follow.
? Nyt US-initiativ skal skabe samarbejde mellem mediefolk
The new PLAC Fund is an initiative to facilitate and accelerate peer learning, relationship building and collaboration among journalists, media makers and communicators in the United States. The Center for Cooperative Media is facilitating the Fund, which is generously supported by Democracy Fund.
? Captain Marvel-website tager os tilbage til 90erne
Denne hjemmeside er én lang memory lane, for os, der kan huske, hvordan internettet så ud i store dele af 1990erne. Ord, man ellers havde glemt, popper op i ens hukommelse, såsom Geocities og gæstebog.
Du kan læse mere om hjemmesiden hos blandt andet Wired.

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
? Medier giver Apples abonnement hård modtagelse
Apple Inc.’s plan to create a subscription service for news is running into resistance from major publishers over the tech giant’s proposed financial terms, according to people familiar with the situation, complicating an initiative that is part of the company’s efforts to offset slowing iPhone sales.
The logic behind Apple’s give-us-half-your-revenue pitch to news publishers
Apple goes for the jugular with subscription revenue deal
Columbia Journalism Review
Denne artikel opsummerer problemstillingen godt:
Apple Could Save Online Journalism—or Strangle It
(Artiklen er i øvrigt skrevet af Will Oremus, der altid er værd at læse, hvis du interesser dig for medier og teknologi.)
? Bonnier forlader nordisk Business Insider
Efter lanceringen i 2016 har Bonnier ikke kunnet opbygge en forretning på en nordisk udgave af Business Insider, og Bonnier har derfor droppet samarbejdet.
I Digital Ugerevy fra uge 6 kunne du læse, at ejerne af Business Insider har haft et rekordregnskab.
? Robotter skaffede 1.000 abonnenter til svensk medie
Robot journalism has typically been touted as a tool to save time in busy newsrooms, but MittMedia has gained 1,000 digital subscribers across 20 of its local news sites using automated content, over the last year.
? Vil podcasting opleve “pivot to paid” i 2019?
In the space of one week, two separate companies have unveiled tools designed to help podcast publishers and creators turn their listeners into paying customers. On Thursday, Feb. 7, Substack, a newsletter subscription platform used by writers including Bill Bishop and Matt Taibbi, announced Substack Audio, which emails private podcasts to subscribers. This past Tuesday, Slate unveiled a product called Supporting Cast, which allows users to pay and subscribe to a private podcast feed with just a handful of clicks.
?️ Slate vil hjælpe podcastere med at tjene penge
As the Swedish dust from last week’s Spotify acquisition-paloozasettles, there’s little time to wait. Slate, the veteran digital media company and purveyor of fine podcasts, announced this morningthat it’s rolling out something called Supporting Cast, a new technology service meant to help podcast publishers set up paid subscription layers or membership programs.
Faste læsere af Digital Ugerevy kan måske huske fra sidste uges opsamling, at nyhedsbrevsleverandøren Substack er på vej med noget lignende.
? Læserindtjening kræver nye strukturer
Ad revenue is not coming back to journalism, at least not any time soon. If publishers want to maintain a business, they’re going to have to make up some part of the shortfall from readers. But bringing in reader revenue requires new organizational structures that allow product teams and newsrooms to cooperate. Inside consolidated media businesses, those structures and workflows are difficult to create.
? TechCrunch lancerer nyt abonnementsprodukt
On Tuesday, Feb. 12, the Verizon Media Group-owned publisher will launch Extra Crunch, a subscription product that costs $15 per month. Subscribers will get exclusive content, as well as a pair of exclusive site features such as Rapid Read mode, which allows users to digest more of TechCrunch’s report in a quicker fashion.
? Medium køber magasin til paywall’en
Medium is seeking to juice up its premium subscription content in its home market with the acquisition of The Bold Italic. The 10-year-old online culture magazine will go behind the $5 per month Medium membership paywall.
? Ads.txt løser ikke problemerne
Ads.txt was a tool launched with much fanfare in 2017 to help combat a persistent form of ad fraud: the unauthorized selling of publisher ad inventory and domain spoofing. But last week, a major flaw was highlighted as ads.txt was revealed by DoubleVerify to be the latest target of fraudsters.
Anti-fraud tool Ads.txt looks vulnerable in botnet scam revelation
Marketing Land
? Reddit bygger værktøjer til annoncører
After releasing cost-per-click buying last month, Reddit has launched app install as a campaign objective for CPC buying and an improved conversion pixel. Reddit’s pixel can track eight conversion events, breaks out view-through and click-through conversations and allows for attribution windows of 1, 7 or 28 days. Prior, it only tracked one event and didn’t allow much else.
? Sydafrikansk alternativ til paywalls
South Africa-based news site Daily Maverick has grown its new membership model by offering readers a pay-as-you-go ad-free alternative to paywalls
? WaPo: Annonce-transparent løses ikke ved mere teknologi
Adam Zucker-Scharff, director of ad tech at the Washington Post, says it’s more complicated than simply fixing the plumbing: Advertisers are going to have to work at making ad tech transparent.

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
⚔️ Derfor slås tech-firmaer med algoritmebias
Warnings that AI and machine learning systems are being trained using “bad data” abound. The oft-touted solution is to ensure that humans train the systems with unbiased data, meaning that humans need to avoid bias themselves. But that would mean tech companies are training their engineers and data scientists on understanding cognitive bias, as well as how to “combat” it. Has anyone stopped to ask whether the humans that feed the machines really understand what bias means?
Acing the algorithmic beat, journalism’s next frontier
Nieman Lab
? AR vil skabe ny platform: “Mirrorworld”
The mirrorworld doesn’t yet fully exist, but it is coming. Someday soon, every place and thing in the real world—every street, lamppost, building, and room—will have its full-size digital twin in the mirrorworld. For now, only tiny patches of the mirrorworld are visible through AR headsets.
Brands are testing augmented reality’s influence on e-commerce
Why did Apple wait 20 months after ARKit shipped to name a lead AR marketer?
Venture Beat
✔️ IAB på vej opdateret consent-framework
The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) Europe is incorporating feedback from publishers, including Google, as it preps the latest version its Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) later this year. Google, which has continued to postpone its official alignment with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) consent tool, said it will officially integrate the framework as a recognized TCF vendor after the release.
?? Hvad sker der, hvis Rusland forlader internettet?
Now Russia, too, wants to test whether it can disconnect itself from the rest of the world, local mediareported last week. But Russia is much larger than the DRC, and it has significantly more sophisticated infrastructure. Cutting itself off would be an onerous task that could have myriad unintended consequences. If anything, the whole project illustrates just how entangled—and strong—the global internet has become.
? Masser af statistik om internettet
We Are Socialand Hootsuite’s latest collection of Global Digital reports reveals that internet users are growing by an average of more than one million new users every day, with all of the original ‘Next Billion Users’ now online.
?️ Google ruller tolkefunktion ud
Languages displayed side-by-side.Users of Google-powered smart displays or smart speakers can invoke interpreter mode at home by saying “Ok Google be my interpreter” or “Ok Google help me speak [language].” It works in 26 languages. The Google Home Hub smart display also features a side-by-side readout of the phrase and translation.
? …og tester annoncer i Assistent
Google appears to be testing the delivery of ads in Google Assistant results. The screen below, from Gennaro Cuofano, who performed a search on an Android phone, shows an ad for an Executive MBA program in Italy. He added, on Twitter, that organic results were below the fold and, “The answer on the voice assistant pretty much mirrored the search result page on that one.”