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? Generelt / tendenser
└ Nye medier udgiver færre artikler
Der er en tendens i gang, som jeg tidligere har behandlet i et essay med titlen ‘Afhængighed gennem begrænsning’ [Medieblogger]. En række nystartede medier eksperimenterer med at udgive færre artikler, og nogle af de ‘tunge drenge’ er ved at opdage, at det er værd at kigge på.
Hvis du synes, det lyder interessant, bør du læser Digiday-artiklen ‘Scaled back: Why publishers are rethinking their pursuit of huge numbers’:
A few may even be looking to shrink the overall number of stories they publish. In its recently released internal report, The New York Times concluded that “too many” of the hundreds of stories it published on a daily basis “lack significant impact or audience” and that they failed in the most basic function that Times’ content ought to serve: to make it a “valuable destination.”
└ The Washington Post lancerer globalt nyhedsbrev
Delivered to coincide with the start of a European business day, the newsletter will highlight the day’s essential reads, selected for global readers. It will feature reporting by The Post’s U.S. and foreign correspondents, commentary from The Post’s Global Opinions team and curated reads from other international publications. It will also include rich video and photo that capture big stories from around the world.
Læs mere → [The Washington Post]
└ The Guardian lukker sit medie- og teknologi-netværk
The Guardian Media and Tech Network launched on 15 February 2012, with the aim of creating a community of professionals and “connecting the dots in global media and technology”. […]
But all good things must come to an end. As we’re sure many of you are aware, times are tough in the advertising market which the Guardian depends on to fund much of its journalism.
└ Fake News: Facebook opdaterer ‘Trending’
Facebook is updating its “trending” feature that highlights hot topics on its social networking site, part of its effort to root out the kind of “fake news” stories that critics contend helped Donald Trump become president.
Læs artiklen → [The Telegraph]
└ ‘Blockchain’ kan revolutionere den digitale økonomi
Magtforholdene i den digitale økonomi vil i de kommende år blive vendt op og ned af blockchain-teknologi. Går det, som flere eksperter spår, betyder det en generobring af vores personlige rettigheder. Selv vor tids deleøkonomier som Airbnb og Uber vil blive k
Læs mere → [Mandag Morgen]
└ Skrappere datakrav i 2018
I maj 2018 ændrer reglerne for håndtering og opbevaring af persondata sig markant, når EU’s persondataforordning to år efter vedtagelsen i 2016 rulles ud på dansk lov.
Med de nye regler står virksomheder og myndigheder over for skærpede krav til dokumentation og håndtering af data.
Læs artiklen → [MediaWatch]
└ EU-cookie-ændring kan give flere advarsler
Det er særdeles usikkert om EU-Kommissions bud på opdatering af cookie-reglerne reelt leder til færre cookie-bokse. Ingen løsning, siger Danske Medier.
Læs mere → [Version2]
? Forretning
└ 600 mio pund spildt på annoncer
Looking at 2016 as a whole, over half of banner adverts failed to meet the IAB and Media Ratings Council’s recommendation that 50% of an ad was in view for at least 1 second. Despite a promising start in the first quarter (where 54% of ads served met the requirements) the remaining three quarters fell below the mark.
In total £606m was lost from advertisers’ pockets to non-viewable adverts.
Læs mere → [The Drum]
[Delt af vores projektleder, Morten Ildal]
└ Kan Trump (indirekte) redde medierne?
Readers have finally understood that their payments for the news will actually make a difference in what they and their community know. That model needs to be extended down to states and cities.
Læs mere → [Nieman Lab]

└ Nyt medie: Axios
I forrige uge gik et nye medie i luften, og de lagde ud med en Trump-artikel:
Jim VandeHei’s Axios officially launched Wednesday (with a team of 47 and another 16 open positions listed) and its first feature is a splashy one: An interview with President-elect Donald Trump.
But the interview isn’t presented as an hour-long video, or a 3,000-word transcript. Instead, there are multiple posts about it, the longest of which is 643 words.
Læs mere → [Nieman Lab]
Læs mere om Axios hos Axios selv.
[Delt af Kasper Nielsen fra vores forretningsudviklingsenhed]
└ Webinar: Data-drevet Product Management
What’s the common denominator across all successful product teams? The answer is a combination of access to critical data and a process that is steeped in data-informed decision making. High growth products deliver incredible customer value and are continually improved with both quantitative behavioral and qualitative customer data.
Webinaret afholdes den 31. januar.
Læs mere og tilmeld dig → [zoom.us]
? Organisation / Management
└ Fire agile myter, du skal undgå
- Agile is something that you “do.”
- Scrum = Agile.
- Product Owner is a “part-time” role.
- Your tech can lag behind your agility.
Læs mere → [Washington Technology]
└ Undgå ‘Generosity Burnout’
Selflessness at work leads to exhaustion — and often hurts the very people you want to help. Here’s how to share your time and expertise more effectively.
Læs artiklen → [Harvard Business Review]
…artiklen indeholder også en interessant pointe om, hvordan gavmilde mennesker kan planlægge deres hjælp til andre:
That doesn’t necessarily mean spending less time helping; it can be more about pacing yourself and allocating your time wisely. In one of our favorite experiments, psychologists asked people to perform five random acts of kindness every week for six weeks. Participants were randomly assigned to either “sprinkling” or “chunking” their acts of kindness. Sprinkling meant spreading them out by doing one a day. Chunking meant picking one day — let’s say Thursday — for all five helpful acts.
Half the participants experienced a boost in happiness and energy that lasted for the entire study. For the other half, the giving did nothing whatsoever to improve their moods. When we ask executives to guess which group got the energy spike, more than 80% vote for sprinkling. They assume that a little giving every day is a reliable way to lift your spirits. But they’re wrong. Only the chunking group got happier.
✏ UX / Design / Teknik
└ Snapchat redesigner
‘Send og smid væk’-app’en Spotify har fået et nyt look, og du kan læse lidt mere om det hos MacStories. TechCrunch har skrevet lidt mere brugervenligt om det.
└ UX: Prøv skitsetesten
The Sketch Test: Test your infographics, reports, and UX deliverables with representative colleagues to refine them and prevent potential stakeholder misunderstandings.
Læs mere om øvelsen → [Nielsen Norman Group]
└ Samling af WordPress…ting
Hvis du bruger WordPress til din hjemmeside, bør du kaste et blik på WordPress Stash.
Denne opsamling blev oprindeligt udgivet på ebudvikling.dk