2 ting har fyldt en del i ugen, der er gået: Mark Zuckerbergs privacy-manifest og debatten om nye citatregler i de danske medier. Få de historier og mange flere i denne uges opsamling.

Digital Ugerevy er en opsamling indenfor tendenser, digital udvikling og forretning i og omkring mediebranchen i ugens løb.
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Har du brug for at sparre med en, der har arbejdet med digital udvikling i mediebranchen i mere end 10 år? Eller har I brug for en digital udviklingspartner til et projekt eller omstilling?

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Facebook, Facebook, Facebook
Zuckerberg ser fremtid i privacy
Facebooks grundlægger og CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, har skrevet en længere sag med titlen ‘A Privacy-Focused Vision for Social Networking’.
Du kan læse mere hos blandt andet Recode, hvor de fremhæver, at Zuckerberg ser “instant messaging” (altså når vi skriver privat sammen via eksempelvis Facebooks Messenger eller WhatsApp) snart bliver den mest populære måde at intagere med hinanden på via Facebooks produkter:
“As I think about the future of the internet, I believe a privacy-focused communications platform will become even more important than today’s open platforms,” Zuckerberg wrote. “I expect future versions of Messenger and WhatsApp to become the main ways people communicate on the Facebook network.”
Her bekræfter Zuckerberg egentlig bare en tendens, der har været undervejs i noget tid. Måske har du læst Mark Schaefers ‘Are you ready for the mega-shift from social media to private media?’ fra maj 2016, der handler om netop det.
Han nævner også, at han mener, kryptering er fremtiden for vores private snakke – hvilket kan forklare, hvorfor han gerne vil kombinere Facebooks forskellige messaging-tjenester. WhatsApp har allerede såkaldt ‘end-to-end’-kryptering mellem dem, der snakker sammen.
Wired har talt med Zuckerberg, hvor han får lov at uddybe lidt:
The thinking is that there needs to be two types of platforms in the world: one is a more public platform, like the digital equivalent of a town square where you interact with lots of people at once. That’s largely what Facebook and Instagram are. And the other platform is the private space, the digital equivalent to the living room. And the foundation that we have for WhatsApp and Messenger is going to be the starting point for developing those platforms.
Hvor skal pengene komme fra?
Hos MIT Technology Review ser de Zuckerbergs syn på privacy som et klart tegn på, at det er på tide at bryde Facebook op. De undrer sig også over, hvordan Facebook vil blive ved med at tjene penge, hvis den mest populære interaktion er beskyttet af kryptering, der betyder, at annoncører vil kunne målrette i meget mindre grad.
Facebook has minted money because it has figured out how to commoditize privacyon a scale never before seen. A diminishment of privacy is its core product. Zuckerberg has made his money by performing a sort of arbitrage between how much privacy Facebook’s 2 billion users think they are giving up and how much he has been able to sell to advertisers. He says nothing of substance in his long essay about how he intends to keep his firm profitable in this supposed new era. That’s one reason to treat his Damascene moment with healthy skepticism.
Den undren deler de hos Wired:
Zuckerberg listed six privacy principles, but there was one glaring omission: He said nothing about how Facebook plans to approach data sharing and ad targeting in this privacy-focused future. The free flow of data between Facebook and third-party developers is, after all, the issue that caused the jaws of the national media to snap onto the company’s leg.
Hvorfor mere privatliv?
Hos Columbia Journalism Review spørger Mathew Ingram ind til Facebooks bevæggrunde bag skiftet til større privacy:
Is Facebook making changes because they are better for users, or because they make life easier for Facebook? If hateful or violent content will soon appear in private rather than public messages, does that mean the company is no longer liable for the spread of that content?
TechCrunch er noget mere… direkte i deres ordvalg:
But can Facebook reform its 15-year legacy as devourer of all things private with a single sweeping, underedited screed from its copycat visionary and dark-pattern technocrat?
Fuck no, of course it can’t.
Læs mere
Casey Newton fra The Verge har også gennemgået Zuckerbergs privacy-artikel og nogle af redaktionerne på den i sit nyhedsbrev, ‘The Interface’.
The Information har også en gennemgang af Zuckerbergs indlæg, ‘Reading Between the Lines of Zuckerberg’s Facebook Privacy Manifesto’.
‘This could be the beginning of the end for Facebook’s social network’, skriver Kurt Wagner hos Recode.
Facebook går til kamp mod anti-vaccination
Andre sociale platforme har taget kampen op med dem, der forsøger at overbevise andre om, at vacciner er farlige. Nu melder Facebook sig i koret med denne udmelding.
Læs mere:
- Facebook Vows To Quash Anti-Vaccine Misinformation | NPR
- Facebook vil udrydde løgne om vaccinationer | TV 2
Brugen af Facebook falder fortsat i USA
eMarketer estimates that Facebook lost around 2.1 million users under the age of 25in 2018, after losing some 2.8 million in the same category in 2017
Messenger får “dark mode”
Facebook has been overhauling its Messenger app recently, slimming it down to focus more on chat, and promised that it would eventually roll out a dark mode for users. That mode is now rolling out, but there’s a tongue-in-cheek trick you need to do in order to activate it: you have to moon someone.
Facebook til angreb mod sælgere af falske følgere og Likes
Facebook has announced that it’s taking legal action against several providers which it’s found to be dealing in fake social media engagement.
Og de andre…
Længere videoer giver Bloomberg vækst på Instagram
“We developed an Instagram template for these clips — to ensure that they were uniform in style and appearance — and were careful to cherry-pick the topics that we thought would resonate most with our audience,” said Bloomberg senior social editor Kevin Young.
Twitter arbejder på ‘skjul tweet’-funktion
Like it sounds, “Hide Tweet” functions as an alternative to muting or blocking a user, while still offering some control over a conversation.
…og lancerer statistik-tool til video-uploadere
The “Everything is Timing” tool gives an aggregate view of when people on Twitter are watching video.
Introduktion til TikTok
Denne røg direkte i mine bookmarks 🙂
A Beginner’s Guide to TikTok
Pinterest gør det lettere at dele og promovere produkter
Ahead of a potential IPOlater in the year, Pinterest is ramping up its eCommerce tools, this time through the additionof new product catalogs and personalized shopping recommendations, in order to maximize business potential.
? Tips til din digitale markedsføring
11 Facebook Ad Mistakes You’re Probably Making (& How to Avoid Them)
3 Ways to Grow Your Social Media Agency in a Crowded Market
Social Media Today
Instagram has a new ad format for branded content
51 Tips for Effective and Free Content Promotion
Social Media Today

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Skal citatreglerne opdateres?
Der er brug for nye citateregler, hvis det skal give mening at lave tidskrævende journalistik og kræve betaling for det. Det mener graverjournalist Caspar Birk fra Nordjyske, der af læser blev beskyldt for at snyde og bedrage, fordi en artikel krævede abonnement. “I dag er der absolut intet fint ved at få sin historie citeret,” siger han
Det bliver dog nok lettere sagt end gjort:
Ekspert: Strammere citatregler kræver ny lov – som udfordrer ytringsfriheden
JP/Politikens Hus’ administrerende direktør, Stig Ørskov (der er tidligere formand for Danske Medier og nu sidder i bestyrelsen) melder på Twitter, at Danske Medier vil kigge på “en modernisering af de vejledende regler for god citatskik”:
Citatreglerne blev strammet i februar 2014 [Journalisten].
Ny SDU-fellow skal undersøge robotjournalistik
Tager robotterne vores arbejde? Er robotjournalistik en gave til journalistikken? Det skal Andreas Marckmann Andreassen, digital redaktør på Journalisten, undersøge som modtager af SDU’s journalistiske fellowship.
“Kommentarmoderator er det vigtigste job lige nu”
Community moderators, content moderators, audience development editors — they’re all shades of the same extremely important role that has existed since the birth of the internet. It’s the person looking at what’s being posted to a website and decides if a piece of content or a user should stay there or be taken down. It’s like combining a sheriff and a librarian.
Udgivere skal tage ‘Stories’-formatet seriøst
“Stories” are already seen daily by hundreds of millions people (current estimates are 150 million on Facebook, 190 million on Snapchat, and 300 million on Instagram), research from Buffer shows incredible growthin the past year. Reuters predicts that this year Stories will surpass feedsas the main way people share news with friends, a sentiment shared by Facebook Chief Product Officer, Chris Cox.
ProPublica bygger værktøjer til kollaborativ journalistik
Newsrooms, long known for being cutthroat competitors, have been increasingly open to the idea of working with one another, especially on complex investigative stories. But even as interest in collaboration grows, many journalists don’t know where to begin or how to run a sane, productive partnership. And there aren’t many good tools available to help them work together. That’s where our project comes in.
Luminary vil være Netflix for podcasting
The offerings come from a podcast start-up called Luminary that has emerged from stealth mode to unveil nearly $100 million in funding and a subscription-based business model that it hopes will push the medium into a new phase of growth.
Luminary has $100 million, some top talent, and a mission to make you pay for podcasts. Can it pull it off?
Apple fumler med podcast-formuleringer
Over det seneste stykke har Apple sendt mails til alle, der udgiver podcast på deres platform, og det har ført til forvirring. Blandt andet fik Apple formuleret sig således, at man kunne risikere at få sit podcast fjernet, hvis man nummererede sine episoder. Sådan forholder det sig ikke, og det måtte Apple efterfølgende opklare i yderlige kommunikation.

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Svensk medie har gavn af robotter
Svenske MittMedia har sat fuld damp på algoritmer og robotter og det får abonnenterne til at læse mere og holde fast i abonnementet
Anbefalinger i engagement til europæiske udgivere
The Engaged Journalism Accelerator, boosting a dozen European media organizations’ engagement strategies, is working to change that continent’s reporting culture and compiled some recommendations for (and solid examples of) news outlets putting engagement at their core.
Schweitzisk medie har succes med dynamisk paywall
A dynamic ‘paygate’ is an artificial intelligence-driven system to predict how likely a reader is to become a paying subscriber. Roughly speaking, it means that the number of articles you can access for free varies on the basis of the user’s behaviour on the website.
Spotifys store podcast-plan tager form
Spotify has been successful in this realm when it comes to music, with playlists like Discover Weekly, and it intends to create the same kind of feature for podcasts. “The music that we feed to you through our discovery engine through our machine learning is pretty darn good,” said Courtney Holt, Spotify’s head of studio and video, at the Hot Pod Summit at On Air Fest in Brooklyn, New York. “Well, guess what? That team is now working on podcasts.”
Lovforslag om digital nulmoms
Digitale nyhedsmedier momsfritages, men pålægges til gengæld samme lønsumsafgift som trykte medier. Det fremgår af regeringens lovforslag om digital nulmoms, der nu sendes i høring og skal træde i kraft 1. juli.
Mere fra MediaWatch:
- Berlingske vil sænke digital abonnementspris oven på nulmoms
- Magasinhuse kritiserer udspil om digital nulmoms for hastværk
Financial Times køber The Next Web
TNW was founded in 2006, and has become a source of predominately Europe-centric tech news. It’s also expanded its offerings over the years with event forays and a market intelligence platform.
The Financial Times buys The Next Web to beef up live events business
The Atlantics skift mod betaling er forsinket
More than a year later, that paywall still hasn’t launched, and there is no firm timetable in place for when it might. And instead of worrying about price point or the height of the paywall, the legacy publisher has gone back to the drawing board.
? Nyt fra annoncemarkederne
Annoncemarkedet bør genstartes
“We’re at the end of a first wave where everything that could go wrong across the whole ad ecosystem, from measurement and fraud all the way through to the consumer, has,” said Gilbert.”We’re now at the start of a second cycle. It’s a chance for the industry to hit the reset button at a market level and make things work better, driving the things that are not only important to the agencies, for example, but also the customer.”
Google skifter til højeste bud i programmatic
In a first price auction, buyers pay the actual price they bid. Whereas in a second price auction, the winner pays the amount bid by the second place competitor. The second price auction format initially formed the foundation of programmatic ad buying, which was primarily a way for publishers to fulfill their remnant inventory.
Læs mere hos Digiday
Annoncetips til medier fra Google
After surveying nearly 66,000 web and mobile users, the Coalition identified four categories of desktop ads and eight types of mobile ads that fall below the threshold for acceptability.
Sådan vurderer mediekøbere mediers tal
“DAU, MAU is taken with a grain of salt. Platforms always tell you the best possible number from the best possible angle, like people who only show you pictures of themselves from their good side. Counting those people who only login once a month for two months isn’t being genuine about who we can reach”
Google forbyder politiske annoncer op til Canadisk valg
Google is banning political advertising on its platforms ahead of the Canadian federal election because of new ad transparency rules it says would be too challenging to comply with.

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Hvad går Apples seneste anti-tracking-opdatering ud på?
Måske har du set, at nogle mennesker har delt mere eller mindre paniske opdateringer om “ITP 2.1”. ITP står for “Intelligent Tracking Prevention”, og det er Apples måde at beskytte deres brugere mod sporing.
Pt. er det version 2.0 af ITP, der er implementeret, men 2.1 er på vej. Og hvor 2.0 handlede om tredjeparts-cookies, så handler 2.1 om førsteparts-cookies.
Hvorfor skal ITP så opdateres?
Blame ad tech vendors. When Apple announced the initial ITP it caused a wave of anxiety among ad tech vendors that rely on third-party cookie tracking and revenues were affected. But gradually companies adapted and a range of workarounds were created to help circumvent the issues. One such workaround was to store third-party cookies as first-party cookies. To close those loopholes, Apple has developed 2.1 to counter those workarounds.
Du kan også læse om nogle af de utilsigtede konsekvenser, det kan have for mediers statistik og unikke brugere.
Hvem er førende i Real Time Interaction Management?
Real-Time Interaction Management (RTIM) systems are designed to deliver users the best offer or next action, based on the current context and their particular needs.
In other words, RTIM solutions are meant to power the anticipated customer experiences that users increasingly expect.
5G og foldetelefoner – højdepunkter fra MWC 2019
Foldable displays, another long-promised smartphone tech, also had its moment in the sun. Several companies debuted foldables — some were actual handsets with actual price tags, while others fell firmly within the concept camp. And pretty much all of them were behind glass.
Henvisningsfoto: Alessio Jacona / Flickr Creative Commons