
Digital Ugerevy er en opsamling indenfor tendenser, digital udvikling og forretning i og omkring mediebranchen i ugens løb.
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Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
? Skal Instagram, WhatsApp og Messenger slås sammen?
The services will continue to operate as stand-alone apps, but their underlying technical infrastructure will be unified, said four people involved in the effort. That will bring together three of the world’s largest messaging networks, which between them have more than 2.6 billion users, allowing people to communicate across the platforms for the first time.
“We’re working on making more of our messaging products end-to-end encrypted and considering ways to make it easier to reach friends and family across networks. As you would expect, there is a lot of discussion and debate as we begin the long process of figuring out all the details of how this will work.”
From a marketers viewpoint, integrating the three separate apps, even if only on the most basic level, could significantly benefit a brand’s Facebook ad strategy and budget.
? Zuckerberg forklarer Facebooks forretningsmodel i kronik
Kronikken, der blandt andet er blevet oversat til dansk og bragt hos Berlingske, er en tour de force for dem, der gerne vil vide de basale ting om digital annoncering:
Folk fortæller os hele tiden, at hvis de skal se annoncer, vil de gerne have, at de er relevante. Det betyder, at vi bliver nødt til at forstå, hvad de er interesserede i. Derfor opretter vi kategorier baseret på de sider, folk besøger, hvad de klikker på og så videre – for eksempel folk, der godt kan lide sider om havebrug, og som bor i Spanien. Og så tager vi betaling fra annoncører, som gerne vil vise annoncer til den kategori af mennesker. Selv om segmentering af annoncer til forskellige grupper eksisterede lang tid før internettet, giver online-annoncering mulighed for en langt mere præcis målretning og derfor mere relevante annoncer.
Men hvad mener folket?
About half of Facebook users say they are not comfortable when they see how the platform categorizes them, and 27% maintain the site’s classifications do not accurately represent them
What Does Facebook Know About You Really?
Social Media Today
? Facebook arbejder på kvalitetsværktøj til side-admins
Starting tomorrow, Page managers will see a new “Page Quality” tab, where they can see which content Facebook removed for violating its rules against “hate speech, graphic violence, harassment and bullying, violence, regulated goods, nudity or sexual activity, and support or praise of people and events that are not allowed to be on Facebook.” They will have the ability to appeal content take-down decisions for 30 days. For now, Page managers won’t be able to see spam, clickbait, or IP violations in the Quality tab — it’s unclear why, but Facebook says it’s working on it.
? Facebook vil muligvis fjerne sider proaktivt
In other words, if Facebook believes the other Pages and Groups will be used as the new home for the content found to be in violation, it will proactively remove them… before they actually do so. (That’s likely to cause some debate.)
? Facebook lancerer Community Actions
Community Actions could unite neighbors to request change from their local and national elected officials and government agencies. But it could also provide vocal interest groups a bully pulpit from which to pressure politicians and bureaucrats with their fringe agendas.
? Se grafen: NYTimes er blevet mere kritiske i deres Facebook-dækning
Sentiment in the Times’ coverage of Facebook has been, on average, almost exclusively negative since the 2016 elections, according to new data analyzed by researcher Joe Hovde, a full-time data analyst at a retail tech company.
? Farvel til Moments-app’en
Facebook Moments, the standalone mobile app designed to let users privately share photos and videos, is shutting down next month.
? Facebook blokerer 1.000.000 falske konti hver dag
Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg this weekend took another shot at convincing everyone the controversial social networking platform has finally learned its lesson and is determined to earn back the world’s trust.
? Sådan vil Facebook bekæmpe misinformation
Stung by criticism of its widely reported role as a platform capable of spreading disinformation and being used by state actors to skew democratic elections, Facebook’s COO Sheryl Sandberg unveiled five new ways the company would be addressing these issues
?? Rusland åbner sag mod Facebook og Twitter
Social-media giants’ servers for storing Russian’s personal data must be located in Russia, says watchdog
? “Brand safety”-kritik af Instagram
Annoncørindhold er i flere tilfælde blevet placeret ved Instagram-indhold, der har selvskade og selvmord som sit omdrejningspunkt.
Advertisers seek assurances from Instagram after brand safety issue, but won’t pull ads
?♂️ Instagram: Vi skjuler ikke posts
Instagram has now come forward to debunk the claim in a Twitter thread, commenting, “We’ve noticed an uptick in posts about Instagram limiting the reach of your photos to 7% of your followers, and would love to clear this up.”
?️ Netflix’ere på iOS kan nu dele direkte på Instagram
Netflix is tapping into Instagram Stories for some word-of-mouth promotion: The streaming video service rolled out a new Instagramintegration Tuesday that allows iOS users to share their favorite movies and TV shows via Stories.
? Twitter tester “Original Tweeter”
Twitter-tråde er en populær metode på Twitter, hvor man kommer ud over tegnbegrænsningen ved at sætte flere tweets sammen som svar til hinanden. Men efterhånden som flere kommer på, kan det være let at miste overblikket.
Twitter tester nu en funktionalitet, der fremhæver den person, der startede tråden. Det lyder som det, vi kender fra LinkedIn, hvor forfatteren til den opdatering, der bliver kommenteret på, også bliver fremhævet.
? …og er på vej med nyt web-design
Don’t be surprised if Twitter looks very different on the web in the near future. The social network has started rolling out a previously teased web redesign that, for starters, boasts a much simpler look — the three-column view is gone in favor of a simpler (not to mention more vivid) two-column layout. It’s thankfully about more than cosmetics, even if it doesn’t have everything users might like.
? Twitter udgiver kalender til hjælp med planlægningen
This will certainly help in your 2019 strategic planning – Twitter has this week released a new 2019 major events calendar, which highlights all the key dates of note, along with indicators of previous tweet volume related to each event.
# Andet
? Sådan gør du fans til superfans
Do you want to improve your fan engagement? Wondering how to turn fans into superfans?
In this article, you’ll discover how to encourage your fans to engage with your business in deeper, more meaningful ways.
? YouTube vil ændre algoritmerne væk fra konspirationsteorier
YouTube said Friday it is retooling its recommendation algorithm that suggests new videos to users in order to prevent promoting conspiracies and false information, reflecting a growing willingness to quell misinformation on the world’s largest video platform after several public missteps.
? Nyheder fra LinkedIn
A few months back, LinkedIn announced an overhaul of its company pages, which included improved management capacity via mobile device and new options to utilize a variety of file types within your business updates. Part of that change also saw LinkedIn upgrade its back-end systems which support company pages and groups. That means that, in future, the platform will be able roll out updates faster, and facilitate better integration between its various tools.
⚙️ Regler for automatisering på sociale medier
Hvis du bruger automatisering i forbindelse med din aktivitet på sociale medier, kan du tage et kig på Social Media Todays hurtige gennemgang af reglerne for automation på Twitter, Instagram, Facebook og LinkedIn.
? Intet bevis for at digitale “detoxes” virker
But frequent use of technology and social media isn’t a problem in itself. Despite reported claims, there’s currently little scientific evidence that digital detoxes have any benefits. In fact, giving up your devices completely could have its own unintended negative consequences.

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang eller ny teknologi, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
? Den årlige DR Medieforskning-rapport er her
Ingen slut-januar uden ‘Medieudviklingen’-rapporten fra DR Medieforskning. Du kan:
Selv om streaming af alt fra Netflix og Youtube til DR og Viaplay stiger, så udgør traditionelt tv stadig den største luns af danskernes daglige medieforbrug. Se de vigtigste pointer fra DR Medieforsknings nye rapport her
? Flere danskede streamede i 2018
Flere danskere streamede ugentligt i 2018, viser rapport fra Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen, der også peger på store forskelle i, hvor lang tid et besøg på de største streamingtjenester varer. Se tallene her.
Hent rapporten hos Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen.
☀️ denoffentlige.dk lever videre
I Ugerevyen fra uge 2 kunne du læse om denoffentlige.dk’s konkursbegæring. Konkursen ser dog ud til at være afværget:
Mediet, der blev begæret konkurs tidligere på måneden, har kurs mod en fortsat eksistens, efter aktiver i det konkursramte selskab er blevet købt af Media Group Denmark.
Ny ejer af politisk netmedie: Vi kan få en fin forretning ud af Denoffentlige.dk
?️ The Economist lancerer daglig podcast
Hvis ikke markedet for daglige nyheds- og orienterings-podcasts ikke allerede var mættet, så er det det nu.
The podcast will consist of three parts: an analysis of a prominent news story, a more in-depth feature and a lighter item to end. The show has been a year in the making and is hosted by Jason Palmer, co-editor of Economist Espresso, the publisher’s daily digest app, supported by a team of eight newly hired editors and producers.
? Kommentarer kan hurtigt ramme mediernes brands
Grandma adage aside, the comments matter, folks. Researchers at the Center for Media Engagement at the University of Texas foundthat uncivil comments on news stories can cloud a visitor’s perspective of a news site — even if more civil comments are presented first.
? Google får GDPR-bøde i Frankrig
Det svarer til mere end 370 millioner kroner.
French data protection authority CNIL has slapped a €50 million ($57 million) on Google for failing to meet requirements under the General Data Protection Regulation.
?? Kampen om EUs copyright-direktiv (og Google News)
Fronterne er ved at blive trukket op, med især Google, der i øjeblikket kører en kampagne, der skal vise, hvad det kommende EU-direktiv vil betyde for, hvordan medier og udgivere ser ud i Googles produkter.
Google fører skræmmekampagne, lyder det fra European Publisher’s Council, der forklarer, at udgivere stadig kan vælge at give Google tilladelse. Men undersøgelser viser, at det hurtigt kan blive en stor opgave, selv for verdens største søgemaskine:
A German study by copyright-collection group VG Media looked at who would benefit from updated copyright laws and found small publishers would receive less than 1 percent of the revenue generated while Axel Springer would receive 64 percent. While large publishing houses can use their size to leverage broad deals, making commercial agreements with the 80,000 news publishers around the world that can show up in Google Search and News would be a hard task for any company.
Is Google serious about pulling Google News out of Europe?
Columbia Journalism Review
Mere om copyright-direktivet:
Google Considering Pulling News Service From Europe
Google is threatening to kill Google News in Europe if the EU goes ahead with its “snippet tax”
Nieman Lab
Google News kan være fortid i EU med nye copyright-regler
? Google bruger millioner på Wikimedia
Google is pouring an additional $3.1 million into Wikipedia, bringing its total contribution to the free encyclopedia over the past decade to more than $7.5 million, the company announced at the World Economic Forum Tuesday. A little over a third of those funds will go toward sustaining current efforts at the Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit that runs Wikipedia, and the remaining $2 million will focus on long-term viability through the organization’s endowment.
? …og lobbyisme
Google led the pack, spending $21 million—up from $18 million in 2017. The company lobbied on a wide range of issues, including copyright and patent reform, privacy issues, cybersecurity, education, trade, health IT, immigration, workplace diversity, spectrum policy, network neutrality, autonomous vehicles, and tax reform.

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
? Koncentrat blandt 8 medier, der får støtte
How the Koncentrat team is using the Accelerator funds:Koncentrat aims to build a platform for enthusiastic and dedicated young people to use journalism as a motor for civic engagement and community change. It will create a core community of young solution-oriented correspondents that want to use journalism to identify possible solutions to pressing problems. Koncentrat will also organise an intensive one-day course in engaged journalism in their newsroom in Copenhagen for the groups of correspondents, and will host frequent editorial sessions with online participation.
Engaged Journalism Accelerator
Initiativet er støttet økonomisk af The News Integrity Initiative og Civil. Læs mere hos Nieman Lab.
? Hør om The Wall Street Journals abonnementsstrategi
For most publishers, the pivot to paid has meant a whole new way of working. But for the Wall Street Journal, who has had a paywall since 1997, it’s a muscle the publisher has developed and refined over years.
⌛ Investeringsarm bag Mic og Mashable lukker
Prior to becoming WarnerMedia, Time Warner was one of the most prominent investors in digital media and technology companies. But with a new corporate parent and a digital publishing industry that’s in the midst of dramatic turmoil, WarnerMedia is moving on from its investment arm, putting companies in the fund on uncertain footing.
? BuzzFeed fyrer 15%
BuzzFeed “basically hit” $300 million in revenue for 2018, the Journal reported, but Peretti told staff that “revenue growth by itself isn’t enough to be successful in the long run
BuzzFeed began laying off 15 percent of its staff — about 200 employees — on Friday. Its next move could be a merger with Group Nine, another big digital publisher.
? Sådan hjalp læserne med at redde The Guardian
From a regional print newspaper to a global multi-platform news organisation, the Guardian has undergone a significant transformation – mostly financed directly by its readers

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
? Vox køber The Coral Project
Der sker interessante ting på markedet for Content Management-systemer i mediebranchen. Blandt andet har The Washington Post deres Arc (som Journalisten overvejede), og Vox Media har Chorus. Begge er systemer, de selv har bygget, og som de sælger.
Nu skruer Vox op for indsatsen med at have CMS som et indtjeningsben og køber The Coral Project. Læs mere hos Axios.
The Coral Project er en open source-udgivelsesplatform, der blev startet af The New York Times, The Washington Post og Mozilla tilbage i september 2016. Det kan du læse mere om i Digital Ugerevy for uge 38, 2016.
✋ Chrome-ændringer kan ramme adblockere
[…] proposed changes to Google’s open source browser Chromium, on which Chrome is based, would break many existing ad blockers and other tools for blocking or changing online content. It will still be possible to block ads if the proposed changes are incorporated into Chrome, but developers would need to rewrite their Chrome extensions.
? Mediehuse har kig på Machine Learning
Kunstig intelligens er en del af dagsordenen i magasinhuse som Bonnier Publications, når det gælder investeringer i teknologi, der skal være med til at forme forretningen i fremtiden.
? Vores telefoner er på vej til at blive mærkelige
Smartphones, it seems, have gotten weird. And they’re only going to get weirder in 2019. Our glass slabs will be punctuated by pop-out cameras, foldable displays, hole-punched notches, and invisible fingerprint sensors. These features will be marketed as innovations. Some will be innovative. Some will just be weird, in the way that tech inevitably feels forced when design decisions are borne out of a need to make mature products appear exciting and new.
⚠️ Microsofts mobile browser får “Fake News”-advarsel
The NewsGuard tool was previously only available as a desktop plug-in.
? Microsofts mobil-OS lukker i december
Microsoft anbefaler kunder at flytte over til Android- eller iOS-enheder, hvor Microsofts mobil-apps i fremtiden bliver understøttet.