Digital Ugerevy er en opsamling indenfor tendenser, digital udvikling og forretning i og omkring mediebranchen i ugens løb.
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Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
? Facebook, Facebook, Facebook
?? Facebook gør i nælderne med Research-app
Det startede med denne TechCrunch-historie:
Facebook pays teens to install VPN that spies on them
Og så gik det ellers stærkt. Facebook meldte til TechCrunch, at de havde fjernet app’en igen, men inden de nåede så langt, havde Apple blokeret den.
Men ikke alene det, Apple har også blokeret for den adgang, der gjorde det muligt for Facebook at distribuere ‘Research’-app’en udenom App Store. Årsagen til det var, at den adgang kun er til intern test af apps – ikke ekstern brug, som Facebook havde brugt den til.
Dette får ikke betydning for Facebooks almindelige apps, men det kan have voldsomme konsekvenser for deres test- og udviklings-setup, indtil de får bragt det i orden igen.
Læs mere hos The Verge og hos Recode: Apple is punishing Facebook big-time for breaking its rules
By Defying Apple’s Rules, Facebook Shows It Never Learns
Why Facebook’s Banned ‘Research’ App Was So Invasive
Og Google retter helt selv ind, ser det ud til:
Google just disabled a private iOS app that monitored users’ iPhone usage, after it was revealed today that the app violated Apple’s distribution policies in the same way that Facebook’s usage-tracking Research app did.
Google har siden 2012 kørt en VPN-app med navnet ‘Screenwise Meter’ igennem Apple iOS. Brugere fra 18 år og op kunne downloade app’en via et såkaldt ‘Enterprise Certificate’. Med app’en kunne Google tracke brugernes trafik, mens brugerne som betaling kunne optjene gavekort.
Så let spiller Google dog ikke. Apple blocks Google from running its internal iOS apps, skriver The Verge.
Mere at læse:
Everything you need to know about Facebook, Google’s app scandal
We dismantle Facebook’s memo defending its ‘Research’
The odd reason Apple killed Facebook’s and Google’s usage research apps
Derfor bør du passe på med gratis VPN-apps
…oooog så skal vi nok heller ikke glemme, at det sikkert også var rart for Apple at tale om noget andet end deres kæmpe sikkerhedsbrist i FaceTime.
? Fremgang på brugere
Facebook-tallene går lidt i begge retninger i øjeblikket. I den årlige rapport fra DR Medieforskning er der et fald i brugen af Facebook, men i Facebooks egne tal for hele verden er historien en anden:
Despite what seems like a neverending barrage of privacy missteps at Facebook, users aren’t abandoning the social network. Instead, Facebook’s fourth quarter financial report show that it continues to grow, with the number of monthly active users jumping 9% to 2.23 billion during the quarter from the same period a year earlier.
Instagram og annoncer løfter Facebooks omsætning
?️ Flere får adgang til CrowdTangle-værktøj
Hidtil har kun journalister haft adgang. Nu bliver akademikere og forskere også lukket ind.
This is an interesting move – at a time where Facebook is under increasing pressure over how its data is being used, and misused, the platform has announced that its actually looking to further open up data accessto researchers and academics, by enabling them to apply to use its CrowdTangle platform trends tool.
? Kan et ekspertpanel holde Facebook i snor?
On Monday, Facebook released a draft charteranswering questions about how such an institution might function. Much of it is still undecided, but one thing is clear: To compare Facebook’s board to the Supreme Court is to minimize the sheer complexity of what Facebook is setting out to accomplish.
? Annonce-værktøj får blandet modtagelse
The tool brings marketers on the platform one step closer to capturing an overview of the full customer journey, from the first touch point to conversion. Powered by Facebook pixel, the tool gives advertisers access to reports that include cross-device conversion data, purchases resulting from paid, organic and direct sources, as well as conversion and visit metrics by source.
? Facebook blokerer værktøjer til annonce-transparens
A number of organizations, including ProPublica, have developed tools to let the public see exactly how Facebook users are being targeted by advertisers. […]
ProPublica, Mozilla and Who Targets Mehave all noticed their tools stopped working this month after Facebook inserted code in its website that blocks them.
Ifølge Facebook skyldes det, at værktøjerne er i strid med deres betingelser.
Facebook-stramning spænder ben for overvågning af politiske kampagner
? Facebook lokkede børn til at bruge penge på spil
Facebook encouraged game developers to let children spend money without their parents’ permission – something the social media giant called “friendly fraud” – in an effort to maximize revenues, according to a document detailing the company’s game strategy.
? Ny privatlivs- og data-hub
To mark Data Privacy Daythis week, Facebook has launched a new website which provides easy access to its data usage policies, and notes on how business users can protect, and respect, their audience’s information.
? Facebook vil spore politiske annoncer over hele verden
The site is rolling out versions of its political ad archiveto international markets ahead of elections this year in Europe, India, Ukraine, and Israel, the company announced Monday.
?️♂️ Facebook ansætter privacy-folk
Less than a week after reports that Facebook plans to more broadly roll out end-to-end encryption across its messaging features, a trio of privacy experts who have criticized the company’s handling of user data in the past announced that they are joining the company.
# De andre
? Instagram Stories rammer 500 mio. brugere – om dagen
Roughly half of Instagram’s 1 billion users now use Instagram Stories every day. That 500 million daily user count is up from 400 million in June 2018. 2 million advertisers are now buying Stories ads across Facebook’s properties.
? YouTube vil slå ned på “borderline”-vidoer
YouTube is trying to reduce the spread of toxic videos on the platform by limiting how often they appear in users’ recommendations. The company announced the shift in a blog post on Friday, writingthat it would begin cracking down on so-called “borderline content” that comes close to violating its community standardswithout quite crossing the line.
? Google-tekstannoncer kan også vises på YouTube
Det er bekvemt at have verdens to største søgemaskiner:
Google says early tests have shown similar performance results for text ads on YouTube and Google Search.
? Snapchat overvejer permanente Snaps
Den helt unikke ting ved Snapchat er, at det indhold, du deler, forsvinder igen af sig selv. Sådan bliver det muligvis ikke ved med at være.
Parent company Snap is looking at possible changes to Snapchat that would make public posts stay in the app longer or never disappear, undoing the key disappearing feature of the image-messaging app, unnamed sources told Reuters. Snapchat also is considering whether to reveal the identities of users who make those public posts.
? Twitter strammer API’et – og det rammer nogle tredjeparter
This week, Twitter has enforced tighter restrictions on its API use in order to limit the capacity of tools which allow “bulk and aggressive” following behavior, like following and unfollowing many accounts at once. Tools impacted include ManageFlitter, Statusbrew and Crowdfire.
? Er Twitter godt eller skidt for journalistikken?
I den seneste tid har der været en debat på – blandt andet – Twitter om, hvorvidt Twitter ødelægger journalistikken eller gavner den. Matthew Ingram har samlet op.
? Video vokser på LinkedIn, men pengene mangler
Ever since LinkedIn released video to all users in August 2017 — and then to all company pages in July 2018 — a variety of creators and publishers have slowly been investing more of their time on the platform. LinkedIn’s principal product manager on the video team, Peter Roybal, told Digiday “millions” of people, companies and publishers have created videos on LinkedIn and said it’s the “fastest growing type of content on the platform.”
? TikTok tester annoncer
Less than six months into its launch, TikTok has quietly introduced an ad unit. On Jan, 26, the short-form video app that combined with Musical.lylast August showed an app install ad from food delivery company GrubHub.
Pitch deck: How TikTok is selling ads in Europe
✝️ Lukningen af Google+ starter 2. april
Starting April 2, 2019, we will shut down your Google+ account and any pages you created, and we’ll begin deleting content from consumer Google+ accounts. Photos and videos from Google+ in your Album Archive and your Google+ pages will also be deleted. If you have Google+ content that you would like to save, you must do so before April 2nd.
? Tips til din digitale markedsføring
Social Media Today er gode til at skrive denne type historier – så her får du lige nogle af de mest interessante fra ugens løb 🙂
There are a heap of posts out there which outline tips on things you should start doing in order to maximize your social media marketing success, but in this piece, I want to look at some things that you should stop doing, immediately, to get your process on the right track.
7 Digital Marketing Trends That Will Rule 2019 [Infographic]
How to Integrate Your Digital Marketing and Social Media Plan for Online Success

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang eller ny teknologi, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
? Naja Nielsen skal være digital direktør hos BBC
Det er altså vildt. Godt gået!
Den tidligere nyhedschef fra DR, Naja Nielsen, skal fra april være digital direktør for BBC News. Hun forlader en stilling som chefredaktør for Orb Media i Washington DC.
Naja Nielsen “breakede” selv nyheden på Twitter:
? Ritzau vil forstå kunderne bedre
Ikke nok med, at de satser på robotjournalistik. Ritzau vil også blive bedre til at forstå deres kunder i mediebranchen, og det lyder til, de har fat i noget virkelig interessant:
“Det er et forsøg på at komme tættere på kunderne og forstå deres behov. Vi tror, at vi på den måde kan opdage nogle nye behov eller muligheder for forbedringer, som kunderne måske ikke selv ser eller har erkendt. Det er ikke nok at nøjes med at spørge kunderne,” siger Lars Vesterløkke.
Jeg er en af dem, der i mange år har opfordret de danske medier til at lære af arbejdet med den digitale udvikling – blandt andet ved at forstå brugerne bedre. Derfor er det fantastisk at se, hvad Ritzau er ved at sætte i gang. Godt gået!
? Få overblikket over dansk politisk journalistik
Hvilke politiske artikler får mest opmærksomhed? Hvilke partier og politikere er bedst til at sætte dagsorden og hvad er den allernyeste artikel om dansk politik?
Det vil det nye site DKPolitik.nu hjælpe med at skabe overblik over.
Bag projektet står en af mine tidligere kolleger, Søren Pedersen, som du måske kender på Twitter som @systemaddict.
? Sådan kan Apples News’ magasin-abonnementer komme til at se ud
Today, we’ve been able to activate the landing page for this new service on Apple News running on iOS 12.2. It looks like the subscription service will be called “Apple News Magazines” and it will be associated to the user’s iTunes Store account, just like Apple Music. There are many mentions of “bundle subscription” in this beta, which makes us believe this can be a part of Apple’s plan to release an all-in-one media subscription which will include Apple Music, TV shows and magazines.
Apple touts Services growth with 85M monthly active Apple News users, 50M paid Apple Music subscribers, 1.4 billion active devices, more
↪️ Endnu et ‘Facebook first’-medie ændrer kurs
Facebook feed casualties have piled up, from Little Things to Micto Cooking Panda. But for Attn, a 4-year-old social news publisher that once boasted a quarter billion video views a month on Facebook, the past year has been about adjusting on the fly and diversifying its business.
? Dansk “Spotify for nyheder” lukker ned
Ambitionerne var store, da iværksætterfirmaet Newsio i 2015 gik i luften med en platform, som skulle sortere og organisere nyheder fra nationale og internationale medier. […]
Meningen var at lave et slags Spotify for nyheder. Fremtrædende investorer så potentiale i ideen.
? BuzzFeeds æra for eksperimenter er slut
The vibe is funereal. The era of BuzzFeed as a freewheeling, experimental online playground has ended. Longtime veterans — who helped define the site’s ethos as it grew into a global force and who seemed immune to layoffs — have gotten the ax.
BuzzFeed cuts should mean the death of metric-obsessed media
?️ Nu kan du tale med The New York Times
Hosted by Michael Barbaro, the new Flash Briefing specifically designed for smart speakers is about three-minutes long and is updated every weekday.
For now, the show is only available in the US but is expected to arrive in the UK by the end of the month.

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
? Sådan øgede Kristeligt Dagblad digitalt engagement med 95%
The first question to ask when seeking to influence behavioural changes is: What makes people stick to their usual behaviour? In this case: What makes our readers stick to the printed newspaper? Is it lack of information about alternatives? Conservative beliefs that new equals bad? Or simply the fact that habits are not changed without a fight?
? JP/Pol voksede 30% på digitale abonnementer
Med hjælp fra en vækst på 30 pct. i det digitale abonnementssalg blev flere års nedgang i omsætningen vendt sidste år i JP/Politikens Hus – trods tab på ugeaviserne og en lussing fra finansmarkederne. Topchefen tror på, at stabiliseringen er mere end en engangsforestilling.
? Sådan vil BuzzFeed blive en sund forretning
I Ugerevyen fra uge 4 kunne du læse, at BuzzFeed fyrede 15% af medarbejdene. Hvad skal der så ske nu?
Many different teams, including BuzzFeed Originals (home to quizzes, and birthplace of video stars such as the Try Guys), BuzzFeed Media Brands (home of Tasty and Goodful), Market (home of its commerce content), Branded Production and Publishing are all being grouped into a consolidated Content group, designed to better capitalize on BuzzFeed’s distribution.
? Vice skal fyre “hundreder”
In an effort to reduce costs, Vice Media is restructuring its business that will focus on core brands and departments: long-form video production, news, digital media, TV and Virtue, according to a memo sent by Vice Media CEO Nancy Dubuc.
? GDPR-klage over Google og IABs annonce-kategorier
The real-time bidding (RTB) complaint, which was lodged last fall by Dr Johnny Ryan of private browser Brave; Jim Killock, director of the Open Rights Group; and Michael Veale, a data and policy researcher at University College London, alleges “wide-scale and systemic breaches of the data protection regime by Google and others” in the behavioral advertising industry.
?️ Udgivere kigger på indtægter fra podcast
Publishers are finding meaningful revenue from podcasts, a format that, in some cases, offers a more viable ad model than video.
Ifølge den seneste rapport fra DR Medieforskning er det 18 procent af den danske befolkning, der ugentligt lytter til podcasts. Læs mere hos DR.
Inside the Washington Post’s podcast strategy
? Facebook og Google får skylden for mediefyringer
The two companies take in the majority of internet advertising revenue in the U.S. and critics say that the current state of affairs leaves little for newspapers hurt after years of declining print revenue.
Future of digital journalism in question as BuzzFeed and HuffPost lay off 1,000
The Guardian
⏯️ Hulu vil vise banner-annoncer, når brugeren pauser
In the second quarter, Hulu will start placing static banner ads on a portion of the screen when people press pause while watching certain shows and videos on its ad-supported service. The ads will appear five seconds after a viewer pauses a video, in case a person paused simply to rewind or fast-forward.
? Guide til digitalt annonce-fup
Digital ad fraud is a volume game. There are two core types: fraudulent ad impressions on any device, and click fraud — aka CPM and CPC fraud. Each type relies on volume, and that’s why there are a whole bunch of techniques used to drive large volumes of fraudulent impressions and clicks. That’s where the long list of confusing terms comes in — anything from click installs to ad stacking, and ad injection.

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
?♂️ The New Yorker kæmper med at holde brugerne logget ind
Over the summer, The New Yorker told Slate its login issue was a bug that had been solved. But several months later, I was still seeing these tweets. So I decided to investigate further.
✋ Ny Firefox gør det lettere at blokere for tracking
Mozilla today launched Firefox 65 for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android. The release brings simplified Content Blocking controls for Enhanced Tracking Protection, WebP image support, AV1 support on Windows, and the usual bug fixes and improvements.
? OECD arbejder på tech-skat
Mens blandt andre den danske regering blokerer for en løsning på digital beskatning i EU-regi, arbejder OECD på at lave en beskatning på globalt plan, der netop skal ramme digitale kæmpevirksomheder som eksempelvis Google, Amazon og Facebook.
?? Tech-firmaer skal gøre mere mod misinformation
Facebook, Twitter og andre techvirksomheder er stadig ikke gode nok til at bekæmpe falske nyheder og misinformation, mener EU-Kommissionen, der opfordrer selskaberne til at intensivere deres indsats op til Europa-Parlamentsvalget.
Fight Harder Against Fake News, EU Tell Tech Giants
? Kunstig Intelligens anno 2019
This is what’s happening in artificial intelligence right now
⛓️ Hvorfor skal journalister gå op i blockchain?
But there is more to this technology than just Bitcoin, and an increasing number of startups use blockchain to address some of the biggest problems journalists face today, like misinformation or lack of trust in the media brands.
⚖️ Netneutralitet skal for retten i USA
Oral arguments will begin tomorrow for one of the most important cases in internet law history. The case will be heard in a Washington, DC courtroom, as a group of net neutrality defenders squares off with the Federal Communications Commission in a legal battle to decide the rules of the web.
? Nyt design til Gmail på mobile enheder
The company has teased the Gmail for mobile Material update previously, but it will now be rolling out to both its Android and iOS apps “in the coming weeks,” it said, covering phones and tablets.