Det var ugen, hvor Google blev idømt endnu en milliardbøde af EU – og gav 8 millioner kroner til fire projekter i den danske mediebranche i den seneste runde af Digital News Initiative. Det og meget mere venter dig lige herunder.

Digital Ugerevy er en opsamling indenfor tendenser, digital udvikling og forretning i og omkring mediebranchen i ugens løb.
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Har du brug for at sparre med en, der har arbejdet med digital udvikling i mediebranchen i mere end 10 år? Eller har I brug for en digital udviklingspartner til et projekt eller omstilling?

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Kampen mod massakrevideoen fra New Zealand
Mohan, YouTube’s chief product officer, had assembled his war room — a group of senior executives known internally as “incident commanders” who jump into crises, such as when footage of a suicide or shooting spreads online.
Facebook says it has removed 1.5 million copies of the New Zealand terror attack video
Facebook failed to block 20% of uploaded New Zealand shooter videos
Facebook: Video af moské-angreb blev set live af under 200
Men hvorfor er det så svært for tech-firmaerne at blokere en video som denne?
“They haven’t gotten to the point of having effective AI to suppress this kind of content on a proactive basis, even though it’s the most cash-rich […] industry in the world,” says Dipayan Ghosh, a fellow at Harvard’s Kennedy School and a former member of Facebook’s privacy and policy team. That’s one reason why Facebook as well as YouTube have teams of human moderators reviewing content around the world.
Facebook har da også erkendt, at kunstig intelligens ikke er nok til at standse voldelige live-streams:
“Many people have asked why artificial intelligence (AI) didn’t detect the video from last week’s attack automatically,” said Guy Rosen, Facebook VP of integrity, in a blog postpublished today. “AI has made massive progress over the years and in many areas, which has enabled us to proactively detect the vast majority of the content we remove. But it’s not perfect.”
Sidsteplads til Facebook i troværdighed
Danmarks Biblioteksforening har sammen med Megafon spurgt danskerne, hvor troværdig, de oplever forskellige medier i forbindelse med informationssøgning.
Facebook vil gøre udgivere mindre afhængige af… Facebook
After years of courting publishers to try new Facebook products and features, Facebook has begun telling publishers — with increasing directness — that they should not rely too much on its News Feed or other features for their businesses.
Facebook savner lokale nyheder
Det er lidt paradoksalt, da nogle nok vil mene, at Facebook har været med til at ødelægge mulighederne for medier…
“About one in three users in the U.S. live in places where we cannot find enough local news on Facebook to launch Today In,” Facebook wrote in a blog post Monday in which it’s promoting a new journalism initiative. Specifically, that means Facebook hasn’t been able to find “five or more recent news articles directly related to these towns” in any of the past 28 days. That qualifies those areas as a “news desert,” according to Facebook.
Fox er den store vinder efter Facebooks algoritmeændring
It’s been a little over a year since Facebook announced major algorithm changes that would decrease the amount of news in News Feed, instead prioritizing non-publisher content that spurs engagement and provokes comments. Fourteen or so months in, what does the news environment on Facebook look like? […] is far and away the top English-language publisher by engagement in 2019.
I sidste uges Ugerevy kunne du læse, at kendisjournalistik er den store taber efter algoritmeændringen.
Facebook gemte millioner af kodeord i klar tekst
Det ser ikke for godt ud..!
On Thursday, following a report by Krebs on Security, Facebook acknowledged a bug in its password management systems that caused hundreds of millions of user passwordsfor Facebook, Facebook Lite, and Instagram to be stored as plaintext in an internal platform.
Facebook introducerer citat-feature i Messenger
Facebook is updating Messenger today with a new feature: the ability to quote and reply to specific messages in a conversation, making it easier to keep track of things (especially in larger group chats), as reported by VentureBeat.
Kan fejlrettelser følge med i en verden med sociale medier?
The Star uses Facebook’s CrowdTanglesocial-media monitoring tool in several ways. One particularly useful Chrome browser plugin lets editors discover who’s sharing the Star’s stories on Facebook and Twitter.
Her er kvinden, der skal styre Facebooks app
Executives at major Facebook publishers praised Simo’s promotion, characterizing her as an attentive, understanding executive who brought media companies in early on Facebook’s plans for video.
Skønt Facebook er monopol er løsningen ikke at splitte det
Dina Srinivasan is an academic, who went from being an ad tech entrepreneur to writing about the anti-trust case against Facebook, most recently for the Berkeley Business Law Journal. She doesn’t think breaking up big tech is the answer. Instead, she advocates for the anti-trust approach.
Facebook planlægger flere faktatjek op til EP-valg
Facebook plans to ramp up efforts to fight misinformation ahead of the European Parliament election in May and will partner with German news agency DPA to boost its fact-checking, a senior executive said on Monday.
De andre
Instagram lancerer købs-feature
Instagram today (March 19) announced the closed beta rollout of Checkout on Instagram, a new feature that lets mobile users complete and track purchases without having to leave the app, according to news shared with Mobile Marketer.
Er Instagram det nye hjemsted for had?
As other social networks wage a very public war against misinformation, it’s thriving on Instagram.
Snapchat måske på vej med in app-spilplatform
s Snapchat looks to improve its business prospects in the face of slowing audience growth, one area that it’s keen to expand upon is gaming. Snapchat has been slowly adding in more interactive games and features – within the Lens carousel, there’s now a whole range of AR games, or ‘Snappables‘, which you can play by yourself or with friends.
TikTok charmerer videoskabere
TikTok, the short-form video app owned by Chinese tech company Bytedance, has been on a charm offensive to video creators, and it’s working. Several video creators, who have worked across other social apps, said TikTok’s team has been helpful and supportive since the app rebranded from to TikToklast August.
Nye annoncemuligheder hos LinkedIn
LinkedIn advertisers are getting three new updates: a lookalike audiences targeting feature, interest targeting that leverages Bing search data, and more than 20 B2B audience templates.
Tips til din digitale markedsføring
The Ultimate List of Email Marketing Stats for 2019
5 Best Practices for Facebook Ads – From Facebook
Social Media Today
Nike’s Secret to Success on Instagram: Building an Engaged Community

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Facebook og Google truer den demokratiske samtale
I stedet for at kritisere og detailstyre den danske mediebranche, burde politikerne snarere rette blikket mod den virkelige demokratiske trussel: techgiganterne, skriver Christina Blaagaard.
Et kig på danske chatbots
Kommunikationsforum har skrevet en artikel om chatbots (hvad de kan og ikke kan) og kigger i den forbindelse på et udvalg af danske bots.
Frame får unge til at engagere sig i nyhederne
“What we want to do is tell gripping human stories. Improbable tales, the best of literary non-fiction and narrative journalism. We think today too much of news is knee-jerk instead of informed reactions,” Moe explained.
Læs om podcastingens historie
How Podcasts Learned to Speak: The once useless-seeming medium that became essential.
Advertising Week Europe Briefing: Audio’s coming of age
Hør om The New York Times’ videostrategi
Overseeing much of this production is Nancy Gauss, executive director of video at The New York Times. I recently interviewed Gauss about her team’s approach to video creation and how it fits in with The Times’s larger goals in driving brand loyalty and paid subscriptions.
Bloggere i DJ står uden bestyrelse
For få meldte sig til arbejdet, da bloggergruppen i Journalistforbundet mandag forsøgte at vælge en ny bestyrelse, efter det i sidste uge kom frem, at ingen i de nuværende fem medlemmer genopstiller.
Apple støtter projekter for mediekundskab
Apple today announced a new initiative in support of leading nonprofit organizations in the US and Europe that offer nonpartisan, independent media literacy programs. The News Literacy Project (NLP) and Common Sense in the US and Osservatorio Permanente Giovani-Editori in Italy will each receive support from Apple to advance their efforts in empowering young people with the critical thinking skills necessary in today’s digital age.
Infowars er stadig tilgængelig, trods blokering
Tech platforms, in sequence, bannedInfowars and Alex Jones back in August 2018. First, there was Apple, then Spotify, then Facebook, then YouTube, then Pinterest, then LinkedIn, then MailChimp and finally Twitter. But Jones and his media network have still found some places where his content can live: Snapchat, Instagram, Google Play and still on Facebook and YouTube.

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Google giver millioner til fire danske projekter
IMS og Danwatch får 4,1 mio. til et internationalt samarbejde, og Jysk Fynske Medier får 2,3 mio. kr. til personaliserede lokalnyheder. I alt fire danske projekter deler millionerne, som netop er uddelt af Google-fond. Læs om projekterne her
…og lancerer ‘abonnements-laboratorium’
The GNI Subscriptions Lab is a six-month program developed in partnership with the Local Media Association and FTI Consulting. At launch, the program will include eight North American news publishers of different sizes, featuring both chain-owned and independent ownership models, and covering small communities and metropolitan areas. Google is still finalizing the eight participants, said a Google spokesperson.
Informations digitale abonnementer i fremgang
Fald i annonceomsætningen blev opvejet af stigende digitalt abonnementssalg og lavere omkostninger sidste år for dagbladet Information. Nyt digitalt abonnementsprodukt skal udbygge forretningen i år, siger direktør Stine Kendal.
Stigende abonnementssalg sender Information tilbage i plus
Indsigter fra skandinaviske medier
In a very open and honest way, newspapers publishers in Norway and Sweden have shared their experiences, successes, and failures in growing their digital subscription business during the Scandinavian Subscription Week. Together with 38 other participants, we participated to this 3-day study tour organised by INMA, and we are sharing some of the insights from this tour.
(Der er umiddelbart ingen danske medier i blandt)
Medier måler forkert ifm. notifikationer
Without an appropriate framework to measure long-term push notification strategies, publishers walk a tightrope between engaging their audience and spamming them. Although high amounts of click-throughs or “tap-throughs” may result in short-term spikes in traffic and ad revenue, they will eventually be detrimental to the overall value of a strategy.
Læs om Wireds paywall-strategi
For Wired’s editor-in-chief, Nick Thompson, the paywall wasn’t a new concept, even though it was one of the first three set up under Condé Nast’s roof. Previously the editor of the—before joining Wiredat the start of 2017—Thompson introduced its online paywall, which contributed to a 130-percent increase in annual subscriptions, and then rode that wave of success over to Wired, modeling its paywall off of TheNew Yorker’s.
The Wall Street Journal slutter sig til Apple News
The Wall Street Journal plans to join a new paid subscription news service run by Apple, according to two people familiar with the plans, as other publishers chafe at the terms that the Silicon Valley company is demanding of its partners.
The New York Times skærer ned på historier til Apple News
The New York Timeshas recently cut the number of stories it’s giving to Apple Inc.’s news app, the newspaper publisher’s chief executive officer said, as the iPhone maker prepares to unveil a subscription service for news outlets next week.
Forbyen vil ud i 10 nye byer
Det digitale annonce- og ugeaviskoncept Forbyen vil plante flag i yderligere 10 provinsbyer i foråret og er samtidig gået på jagt efter en investor og medejer.
Netflix vil ikke med i Apples videoplaner
Netflix CEO Reed Hastings confirmed Monday that the company won’t be selling subscriptions to its video service through a hub that Apple plans on launching, similar to one that Amazon already uses to sell video subscription services like HBO and Showtime. Facebook is working on a similar plan.
Apple May Offer Cut-Priced Bundles With Video Offering
The Information
A new frenemy: Apple is going Hollywood. But it’s been a bumpy ride.
Nyt fra annoncemarkederne
Endnu en kæmpebøde til Google
In a press conference this morning, EU antitrust commissioner Margrethe Vestager said that the tech giant had abused its dominant position by forcing customers of its AdSense business to sign contracts stating they would not accept advertising from rival search engines. Said Vestager: “The misconduct lasted over 10 years and denied other companies the possibility to compete on the merits and to innovate.”
Google vil lave browser-menukort på Android
Annoncører bruger milliarder på content marketing i Norge
Content marketing vinder frem i annoncørernes budgetter. I Norge bruger annoncørerne samlet set tre mia. kr. på annoncørbetalt indhold ifølge ny europæisk undersøgelse.
Pernod Ricard går uden om duopolet og til Reddit
(Annonceduopolet er Google og Facebook.)
Reddit’s push to build its fledgling ad business is starting to pique the interest of some advertisers. Eager for new alternatives to the duopoly, Pernod Ricard is buying ads on the high-trafficked site.
Hvad er app-ads.txt?
It’s the version of ads.txt for mobile in-app and OTT advertising. Mobile and OTT app publishers can list the ad tech vendors that are authorized to sell or resell their ad inventory, and programmatic ad buyers can check these lists to make sure that a company claiming to offer an app’s inventory is actually able to sell the app’s inventory.

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Netflix fortsætter med interaktive serier
Med den kommende tv-serie ’You vs. Wild’ fortsætter streamingtjenesten sin satsning på interaktive serier, der lader seeren kontrollere handlingen.
Google lancerer tjeneste til streaming af spil
Earlier this month, a patent surfacedthat revealed a possible design for a forthcoming Google game controller. Now that Google has officially unveiled its long-expected cloud gaming service, called Stadia, we can finally get a look at what the gamepad actually looks like and how it works.
Here is Google’s controller for its Stadia game-streaming service
The Verge
Stadia is about the future of YouTube, not gaming
The Verge
Ny Firefox blokerer automatisk afspilning
Firefox 66 introduces a Block Autoplay feature that stops audio and video from automatically playing when you reach a website. If you want to view the video, you’ll have to hit the play button.
Servermigrering slagter 12 års musik på MySpace
“As a result of a server migration project, any photos, videos, and audio files you uploaded more than three years ago may no longer be available on or from Myspace,” the company said in a statement. “We apologize for the inconvenience.”
Foto: PhotoMix Ltd. / Pexels